What's the difference between jogging and running? I know, silly question...
Jog vs Run: What's the difference between... - Couch to 5K
Jog vs Run

Nothing, I think.

thought as much - they get interchanged quite alot, but I heard someone say that peeps get more injuries from jogging than from running....so go confused.

i don't think there is either

a jog is what we think we do and a run is what we think everyone else does!

Love this Greg!!

Haha Greg . So true, I'm still to embarrassed to call myself a runner.
Jogger it is until I can go faster than a brisk walking pace lol

Anything faster than your fastest walking pace is a run...no matter how slow.

I always assumed that running was faster i.e. sprint, relay runsetc while jogging was more of a relaxed - - - - jog!! That was until I tried it now I know that jogging takes as much effort as running but yet to try a sprint!! I will when hell freezes over perhaps.

the cut-off point always used to be in the timing- a runner was someone who could do a mile in 6 minutes or less. For me, if I'm not walking, I'm running!

I imagine there aren't as many marathon joggers as there are marathon runners!
I'm a runner, all be it in slow motion

Well done Greg thats great and so true.

Love it

I heard several answers: 9mph minimum to run, a different gait (regardless of speed) in running that has both feet off the ground at each step - similar to the difference between a horse's trot and canter, a state of mind or tendency to run in races and so on. Here is my very favorite quote I read somewhere:
"A jogger is domesticated. A runner is wild."

According to all of the above in Alaiyo`s post, I`m a jogger again then
My understanding is that when running there is a moment between steps where both feet are off the ground, whereas when jogging one foot is always in contact with the ground (so basically, jogging=slower).