Welcome to my first-ever blog post! Over the past 6 months, I lost 40 pounds with careful diet (super low sugar, and rather low carb) and exercise (strength training). For several weeks now, I hemmed and hawed about trying the Couch to 5K program, but am really afraid.
You see, I am not a runner. I mean *really* not a runner. I hated it as a kid during phys ed, and get asthma with exercise. And also, I am still quite overweight, and have serious knee and foot problems. About a year ago, I was walking with a cane due to the joint issues (in my early 30's). I got custom orthotics from my podiatrist, and did physiotherapy, and can now walk unassisted on flat ground. After losing the first 20-30 pounds (of the 40 have now lost), I discovered I can also walk on stairs without leaning heavily on the rail for support. I still have weak knees, but with my special insoles, I can walk pretty normally.
I decided that maybe, after losing a bunch of weight, and exercising several times a week for 6 months, I might just be able to start running.
I was terrified I would not even make it to "Couch". I actually did two practice "runs" around my living room for one minute each with lots of rest, just to be sure I could do even that. I was scared that I was in such bad shape that I would fail, and would know for certain I could never be healthy or able to do what everyone else can do.
My partner graciously agreed to train with me, even though we both know I will be the slow one. We went to a running store and got our gait analyzed and bought shoes. We picked up cheap MP3 players, synced our audio, and committed to doing the 9 week program, so that we can both run 5k.
In fact, I do not expect I will manage it in 9 weeks, although it will be great if I do. Instead, my goal is to run 3x/wk, using the pod-casts. If I am ready to progress, GREAT! But I may need to do some "weeks" for more than a week, so I hope to be up to "Week 9" within 12-15 weeks. Also, I am sure I will be super slow, so I don't expect to be up to 5k until even later - hopefully week 18. After 18 weeks, I will see if running is really my gig, but I am in it until I can do 5k.
This blog will chronicle my experience. Wish me luck!