Have any of you lost any weight through doing ... - Couch to 5K
Have any of you lost any weight through doing these podcasts? I'm hoping to lose a few pounds!! :)

Unfortunately I haven't lost weight. I'm on week 5 at the moment but then again i haven't made any changes to my diet either. I have definitely seen noticeable improvements to my health though, and it generally makes me feel happier =D

none at all I am also on week five. I am on ww too so god knows what's going on in my body lol

I've lost about 8lbs in total (although may have put some on after being very bad at the weekend).. but not dieted properly just tried to start cutting out the rubbish....am successful at work but no so much at home during the weekends. Next goal is to focus on diet!
Have definatley changed shape more than when just diet alone!
I have lost just over a stone, but have made huge changes to my diet as well. I think the combination of both has been successful in losing weight, although now I am running longer, I am finding it alot harder to eat less.

I've not lost any weight, BUT weighed myself in Boots after 8 weeks on the programme (dont have scales at home) and my fat has gone down and BMI gone down from 25.5 to 24, wow, so maybe muscle is replacing fat..definitely still weigh the same but clothes feel looser..so maybe weight loss not the whole picture??

I started weightwatchers just after Christmas, around the same time as I started running. I've lost 17lb since then, so it's coming off slowly but surely. Some weeks when I've done more runs between weigh ins it seems to have an adverse effect on my weight - you definitely need to make sure you rehydrate to prevent fluid retention.
Three runs is about 1/2lb a week if you don't eat more. But you'll definitely tone up!
I'm in week 7 and have lost a few pounds the big thing for me is change of shape. To my horror my legs have got bigger at the top and I've noticed my trousers are tighter around the thigh area but on a brighter note my waist is reappearing and I've lost weight around my back. I'm an apple shape and find it hard to loose flab around the middle area so this is a good thing. Definatley more toned and more confident too
Thanks for all your answers guys. I am trying to eat more healthy and along with the running,im hoping that i can lose a few pounds..if not then at least i know i will be toning up.
Happy Running!

I've lost about 7lbs since I started and have just completed week 5, run 1. I started C25K with the intention of losing weight and excess flab so I've dieted too. I've been counting calories as I didn't want to spend time and money going to weight watchers. I just make sure I stay below 2000 per day. It's surprising how many calories you eat without realising it. I've now learned what meals contain what calories so sticking to it is fairly easy and some of my meals are quite big and filling. I've been able to have loads of treats with it as a result and if I'm going to eat something really naughty I stick in an extra run for the week I'm doing just to pay for it!
I think, if you're goal is to lose weight as well as tone up then you maybe need to diet too - at least until you lose the weight. After the weight is off you can eat more freely knowing you will most likely run it all off!
This is basically how online paid-for/free diet sites work out calorie and exercise targets They assume 1 lb of fat results from 3500 excess cals.
First they use a Basal Metabolic Rate calculator (try googling BMR calculator). If you input weight, height, gender and age into one of these you can get an estimate of your BMR. You can then multiply that by your usual activity level (for example someone who does a desk job and no exercise is usually told to multiply by 1.2). That's your 'couch calorie' level to stay the same weight.
Reducing from that calorie level by 500 cals a day results in roughly 1lb a week weight loss. If you exercise on top you can lose more - Wks 1-3 of C25k are roughly 1/4lb a week, Wks 8-9 are 1/2lb a week. Walking on rest days or tacking a bit of walking on to the end of runs can help to boost this in the early weeks.
If you're going to lose weight and exercise more at the same time you really do need a good nutritious diet, within your reduced calorie allowance - wholegrain carbs, lean protein, fruit and veg and watch the fats, although you do need some. It's not enough to just cut calories, you need protein to build new muscles and carbs for energy to run.

I have lost 13lbs since the start of February, but that is mainly due to watching my calories and increasing my overall activity levels, not just starting C25k. My wife started the new lifestyle a week before me and has lost 15lbs so far.
We are both total converts to using myfitnesspal.com on our smart phones as it is the easiest way we've ever found to track calories. It even has a built-in barcode reader. Also it lets you join up with friends so you can encourage each other.
One of the things you start to notice very quickly is how many calories you burn doing different exercises and this is where running is brilliant! I've just got to week4 run2 and it burnt 397 calories in 33 mins. For sake of comparison on the days in between running I use the Wii and 30 mins of the EA upper body exercise only burnt 117 calories, whilst 32 mins Wii Fit Advanced Step burnt 296 calories.
Good luck with your running and weight loss!
Yes, I have lost weight (I'm on wk4) but I view mine more as in 'lost inches' lol...

I have finished the podcasts and was really disheartened at only losing 4lb in the whole 9 weeks! BUT I am happier, healthier, have more energy and generally more confident. My clothes aren't looser which is a bummer but I think the more I push myself and up my pace the weight will eventually come off (bloody hope so)! Boobs are smaller Tummy same
Back slightly leaner
legs toned
!!!! Off to the gym tomorrow to try to get rid of those stubborn pounds

I lost 2 stone using a well known supermarket chain (beginning with T) online diet/healthly lifestyle progamme. I still have another 2 to lose, I got "stuck",last April- I was a "walker" and decided to take the plunge in Oct to get running. I have since then lost another half a stone, but the real difference is how my body shape has changed, I have legs which now look shapely and I feel more confident in skirts (I am a lady ) , my arms have toned up and my bat wings have reduced. I am proud to say,for the first time ever ( I kid you not) I bought a fitted dress for a posh do I was lucky to go too, and even though I do say so myself I scrubbed up mighty fine and received a few compliments!
Look at the whole picture, your health, your weight, the smile on your face, look at where you are, work out where you want to go, put the hours in and you will get there!

I've tried not to weigh myself too much but did this morning after 5 weeks not the plan. I completed week 5 run 2 yesterday and have also been following the absurdly simple (yet habit busting) Paul McKenna weight loss programme. I work as a private cook in a house so it's damn near impossible to do normal diets that exclude certain food groups. So this approach works well as I just eat when I'm quite hungry, stop when I'm satisfied and there are no restrictions at all as to what you eat, just eat what your body tells you.
I've lost 1/2 stone since starting but notice most in the fit of my clothes. Other people have noticed as well and have commented that I look more "svelte". The muffin top is whittling it's way down to being a fairy cake top
Now I'm starting to get further into the programme with longer runs and no stops, I'm hoping that the excess fat will continue to slowly dissipate. I'm aiming for another 20 or so pounds shifted before the big 10k race in July.
Great stuff! I love McKenna's system too - went on his seminar too which was amazing. You've reminded me to get back into it. The only reason I stopped was because I couldn't justify to myself the time spent listening to the CD - which is crazy when you think my running now takes up about twice that!! I shall enjoy it when I hear him say 'you'll be modivaded (sic) to take regular appropriate exercise....' cos I can now mentally respond 'I have, I have!!'
I don't listen to the cd every day but I mostly do it as an aid to get to sleep last thing. Even though he tells me to wake up after the podcast finishes, it's still really easy to get straight to sleep after.
Yup - my problem was that doing it straight after work, I did just that!!
You have inspired me to dust off my McKenna book now as well! I listened to it a couple of times but then it found it's way onto my bookshelf and hasn't really left it since hehe. I have heard some amazing things about it though and it would be really nice to shift the last few stubborn pounds!
Yes, I used Paul McKenna too last year and lost the 10lbs I needed to without any effort really, but it's only just in the last 8 weeks that I've actually been exercising as well thanks to C25K (W8R1 tomorrow night). This thread has reminded me to start playing his recordings again on my iPod - great to fall asleep to!

I am doing weight watchers as well so can't say how much is due to the running but i reckon at least 50%, i have now graduated, started both diet and C25K on 9th january this year and have so far lost 29 1/2 lbs plus 44cm from various bits, gone from a 20 to a 16!
I think the running definitely helps now that i am running about 10-12k a week, plus a cycle ride of about 10k.
ps i dont eat any of my activity points!

I haven't lost any weight but have noticed a difference in shape so muscle must be replacing fat - still a way to go thought so I must get motivated to cut out the rubbish!!
i spoke with a friend of mine about this a while back. she started running last year to lose weight and was quite disheartened when it didn't seem to happen much to begin with. then she told me that once she was running half an hour rather than 20 minutes stints it started to drop off. so i'm watching what i'm eating and hoping to lose weight, but i'm concentrating on this for fitness and figure than when i graduate and can run for half an hour, that's when i'll get the full benefits from it