I am doing this for fitness and to hopefully l... - Couch to 5K
I am doing this for fitness and to hopefully lose weight. what calories are burnt from these runs each time? so i can add to fitness pal

You can download an app for your phone that will give approx calories burned. I use the android sports tracker app as it allows you to change the user settings to suit you and also change the sport type you are doing. Good luck!

Innkeeper tells me how many calories I am burning but I thinks wrong as I don't know what go set my activity at!! At the moment I've set it to walking as I am sound more walking than running atm....is this right???

I use Endomondo to track my runs which you can put your height and weight in,so this must give a more accurate calorie burn? It's been about 300 cals but last night was just over 400!

Any running app will give you an approx calorie burn, I use the Nike+ Running app.
A good approximation is 500cals per 5k of running ... and if you use runtastic you can automatically upload your sessions to myfitnesspal too

I think a lot depends on your size and how fast you are going, I don't burn anything near 500 calories in 5k (maybe I should go faster!). I use Runkeeper and it estimates how many calories I burn. It's maybe not as many as you'd think but you burn more calories just doing nothing if you have more muscle mass.
Don't get too hung up on weight loss either, I weigh the same as before I started but I have gone down a dress size.

I've been keeping stats for over a year. In the early days (i.e. until I started building up speed), I was burning about 350/360 on a 5K. Now that I'm at a decent pace (25 mins is decent for an older guy like me) it's about 450. I did a 14.5 k trail run on Sunday - 1010 cal, which is 70 per km or 111 per mile. That works out at 350 per 5k, so my pace must have been quite gentle.
I'd also say that it's worth testing your calorie count across at last two apps. I use Nike+ (the sensor method) and Endomondo. There can be quite big differences between the two, even if they record the same distance. Hence my recommendation to track your stats - over time you'll get to know a reasonably accurate number.
I'd use 120 cal per mile as a rough guide. Whether you're walking or doing gentle running, the stats work out around there.
Hope that helps.

The amount of calories you will burn running 5k or however far you run will depend on your sex, height, metabolism and most importantly your weight (a 16 stone man will burn significantly more than a 9 stone woman). All the apps and programmes will do is give you an indication. If you're using MyFitnessPal it already has your height and weight in it, so all you need to do is work out how far you ran so you can divide by the time to get speed. If you go into log an exercise on MFP, tell it approximately how fast you've run (you only get a limited number of speed options, pick the closest), then tell it how long you ran for and it will work out the approximate calorie burn for you.

Hi, How many calories you burn in your run depends on several factors as mentioned above. I invested in a HR Monitor (Polar FT40) and it turned out I was burning approx 400 calories/5km. After catching the running bug I had to invest in a Garmin to know how far I was running plus other details. Hubby was not impressed

I use the Strava app and the Audiofuel app. I've been using them together for a while now to compare and Strava always seems to give a higher figure for the calories burnt but I did have to input my height/weight etc which Audiofuel did not ask for so it should be more accurate...
Good luck!

I'd recommend just going with what MFP gives you when you enter the exercise - but only eat back 50-75% of calories, as it's known to be overly generous in its calorie burn estimates...
For a rough estimate, 100 calories per mile walked or run is a decent enough rule of thumb, but if you're wanting more accurate figures the best method is a bit of kit like a heart rate monitor, or FitBit, or somesuch.
I use a Nike+ Wristband and shoe chip. Gives me all the info I need to know and when I get home I plug it into my laptop and it plots my run I have just done. It keeps a record of all my runs and how far I run and total calories used and pace. This suits me as it keeps a good record and only cost £40 - it may be a little bit more expensive now tho'.
I wear it when I take the dog for a walk as well as she has a 4 mile walk most days and this adds to nikefuel+ an added challenge.