How far do you go in week 2?: - Couch to 5K
How far do you go in week 2?

It depends how fast you walk and jog! Very roughly, a brisk walk would be at a pace of 17 minutes per mile and a jog would be at a pace of 12 minutes per mile.
In week 2, 9 minutes of running (6 x 90 secs) would take you 0.75 miles. 21 minutes of walking, plus a bit as the podcast is slightly longer than 30 mins, would take you 1.25 miles. So a 2 mile route is about right.
By week 9, at those paces you would have 30 mins of running, distance 2.5 miles and 12 mins of walking, distance 0.7 miles, total 3.2 miles.
To run 5k (3.1 miles) in 30 mins you need a pace closer to 10 minutes per mile, including the 5 mins walking before and afterwards you would need a route of 3.7 miles. Probably ending at a pub
Hope this helps.
Thanks..... we did week 1 on a route of 2 miles, so will try this again for week 2.
I'm using runkeeper app on my iPhone which maps the route as you go so in the week we adjust by running (aka walking/slow jogging) around the little roads near our house. Wk2 r1 measured 2.3 miles so just need to vary it a little to increase the distance week by week. It also gives you your average speed which helps to see improvements. Well done
thanks bonzo

I was averaging about 2.5miles in week 2 including warm-up and warm-down.
But I did Week 3r1 on Monday and it was shorter, about 2 miles
All the best with your running!
thanks, now onto week 6 run3 and got up to 2.75 miles all in!

It's about finishing! Does it really matter how far you're going at this stage. The idea is get round, with Laura's help, and she will tell you all you need to know. Don't get hung up about distance and pace. It's only week 2
Stick with Laura and all will be well. Happy running

Totally agree with misswobble. I was far more concerned about getting through the running intervals without dying back in week 2. I didn't give a fig about pace.
I didn't start tracking myself at all til week 8 and I didnt consciously try to pick up pace until after graduation.
In the early weeks it's about your body adapting to running and gradually building up stamina.
Being interested in your pace and trying to better it is a good goal to reach but don't get too caught up in that yet. This 9 weeks are just the start. You have a whole lifetime of post graduation running after them.
For now, simply enjoy seeing your fitness, stamina, body and attitude change.
Good luck.

... and just seen this post is 2 years old so my comment has probably lost all relevance to the original poster. But if it helps anyone else out then what the hell, I'll leave it there anyway....

I now check how old the post is before replying. LOL
It's still relevant though Hezza