But doing too much too soon, not just running but any exercise, might: theguardian.com/lifeandstyl...
No, running doesn't wreck your knees - Couch to 5K
No, running doesn't wreck your knees

🍏 Really interesting article! Thank you! This really confirms that C25K slow & steady method of gradual increase works well in every respect for newbies and returners alike.

Interesting, thank you for posting the link. Makes sense……I like these two mottos for running and eating (😉) ‘slow and steady’ and ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’ 😄

I can certainly vouch for that Cmoi . A year or so before I started c25k I saw a specialist because I would have terrible knee pain when I went walking in the Lake District. Being in a desk bound job, I didn’t do much exercise in between the annual long treks up the fells. Diagnosis: beginnings of arthritis and a spur on cartilage. Baker’s cyst. Remedy: physiotherapy exercises.
Post c25k, gradual increase to 10k and regular running, I haven’t had any problems with my knees (apart from that caused by a ski accident). It would be interesting to see what a scan/x-ray would show now.

Thanks for sharing, Cmoi!!!

I read this article already. It’s very reassuring and encouraging.

Really interesting article. I thought this bit was key though, in relation to the pain a lot of us experience when we start running:"This pain is often caused by wonky running technique, wearing the wrong trainers or, most likely, increasing the volume or the intensity of running too fast."
So, the key is not to overdo it, to take shorter faster steps not huge strides, get well fitted running shoes and keep things slow and steady.
Since starting running my knee pain has all but gone (and my osteoporosis has improved). It really is the best thing you can do for yourself 😁
A really interesting article. I have reached week 9 today and I started the process on 27th August so I wholeheartedly agree that as you get older (62) going slowly is the key. My knees have become less painful as a result of coming back to running and Niko Niko pace has been the key for me. I’m very excited to be graduating at the end of this week and continuing to run post C25K.

Thankyou, very helpful