🏃‍♀️🏅👩‍🎓 Graduates’ Club….the Next Steps J... - Couch to 5K

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🏃‍♀️🏅👩‍🎓 Graduates’ Club….the Next Steps July week 3 👩‍🎓🏅🏃‍♀️

MissUnderstanding profile image

Welcome to this week’s Graduates’ Club chat thread, and an extra special welcome to this week’s new graduates   Naturesweapon   Karin_runs   ViWe   Runningphobe   CCFROMETOWN and   Leolol07 ! Massive congratulations to you all.

This is a place for anyone who has graduated to share how their runs are going and to get inspiration and encouragement from others. We’d love to hear how your runs are going, what you’ve got planned and maybe challenge you with a run that will take you out if your comfort zone…

⭐️First and foremost: How’s it going?⭐️

How has your running been this week? What sorts of runs have you been doing? Have you had any triumphs or challenges? What are your plans for next week?

I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been all up to so far and what sort of runs you have on the cards this week.

Last week’s challenge was to try a tech free run. The details are on last week’s thread linked at the bottom of this post. If you didn’t get chance to try running sans tech, it’s definitely worth having a go at some point-maybe even as part of your plans for this week? Some really lovely reports where people enjoyed listening to their own footfall and the birds singing…

⭐️ This week’s challenge: run as slowly and easily as you can!⭐️

Time to channel your inner snail! For one of your runs this week, why not try running and slowly and comfortably as you possibly can? There’s a real skill to this and it’s one I didn’t master for ages after graduation. Some tips…think about what sort of music/podcast will help you stay steady. Focus on feeling light and easy. Turn the pace off your watch display. Slow is an effort not a pace so this is the sort of run where you could leave all your tech at home. The most difficult but? Leave your ego at home!

I’ve chosen this challenge (inspired by   Oldfloss -our most passionate advocate for running at an easy pace and   CBDB who actually suggested this idea on another thread) because it’s such an important pace to have in your locker. Most of your runs will be run as a comfortable pace, even if you build to longer distances or decide to work on speed. Many people don’t quite nail it during couch to 5k. It’s really worth the effort early in your running journey to make sure you can find easy running when you need it.

So try a snail pace run of any length you fancy and let me know how it goes!

So have a fantastic week everyone! Come and say hi!

MissU and the Couch team xxx

Last week’s thread is here:



A bit about consolidation and running as a new Graduate…

As we’re getting started, I’ll post this again and at some point it’ll migrate into a pinned post and a summary! You’ll almost certainly have heard people talking about taking some time to “consolidate” after graduation. This isn’t compulsory but it’s a really good idea. When you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good to pause and consolidate for a short period, bedding in all that effort and getting ready for whatever comes next. That just means not continuing to build the distance or setting out to get faster for a little while.

It’s a brilliant time to just enjoy your running. Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off and have some fun! You can run somewhere beautiful and new. Forget about pace! Mix up your run times. Go up a hill! While you are consolidating you are also helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!

Running as a graduate will look different for everyone which is why we really hope people will share what they’ve been doing. We can pinch ideas and take inspiration from each other. The key thing is to keep it steady and remember you’ve got a whole lifetime of running ahead of you. Keeping to 30 minutes max as a rough rule of thumb is a generally good idea and we’d encourage you to be really sensible about running for longer. It’s widely recommended not to increase the length of any of your runs by more than 10% each week because of the risk of injury. Think about how Couch to 5k gradually builds up. The last thing anyone wants is to spend time on the injury couch just after finishing!

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MissUnderstanding profile image
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44 Replies
ToothPickJafah profile image

I’m waiting patiently for next week 🤗 being a rebel and posting here now 😝

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toToothPickJafah

😂😂😂 You are very welcome! In fact, you could even try out this week’s challenge of running as easily as you can during one (or all!) of your couch to 5k runs!

ToothPickJafah profile image
ToothPickJafahGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Alright, you’ve twisted my arm 😝 I will most certainly try it out! Thank you 💜🖤💜

ToothPickJafah profile image
ToothPickJafahGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

I did my slow 🐌 slow jogging for this mornings run and it was great! I’ve copied and pasted from my run report….

{[{[{Silly me decided to go a slightly different route and cut across the grassy field bit, thinking that because the grass is short it won’t be wet. Well, it was wet and my socks and trainers got wet too 🙈 but I didn’t care! Once upon a time I would have, but not today!

It was a lovely cool, early morning and the song birds were singing their hearts out, sounded so beautiful. I really do love these early, early walks before I get started 🤗

Kicking off the first of the 30 minute runs, I took it slow, real slow 🐌 and used the slow jogging technique which I’ve done since run 2 of week 1.

This was probably my most favourite and enjoyable run yet! I started off at a nice slow steady pace, found my rhythm and just kinda zoned out a bit relaxing into the run, listening to some classical music. I found my centre and my zen and I hardly broke a sweat! What a difference classical music makes to your pace.

I didn’t try to push for a little more speed towards the end so by the time the 30mins was up I felt like I could have gone on longer….one foot in front of the other, plodding along….plod, plod, plod. And just like that it was over!}]}]

I’m looking forward to consolidating when I’m graduated, will most likely do W9 runs for a while then think about trying something different…I’ve downloaded Zombies, Run! app and might try that out if I’m brave enough! 🙈🧟‍♀️😂

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toToothPickJafah

Wonderful run and a wonderful run report! ❤️❤️❤️

Sometimes it’s nice to let the legs go and speed up at the end and sometimes it just feels wonderful to gently plod along back into a walk as your run finishes. It’s great to have both of those options! That sort of mindful, zen run is just the best for putting a smile on your face. Enjoy the rest and enjoy the next one!

I haven’t done the zombies run myself but I’ve heard great things. Will be interesting to see what you make of it and if it works with your lovely, calm classical music!

ToothPickJafah profile image
ToothPickJafahGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thank you so much!! 🤗💜🥰

I’m undecided if I want to listen to music while doing the zombie run thing…might be a good idea to do so but I’m UnsureTed, at the moment 😂

Catalpa111 profile image

I’m post graduation by a few weeks now. Tried the slow run today, a different route out over open heath- a beautiful morning, sunshine and showers and a breeze to keep it cool…and finally, I completed a run which was genuinely enjoyable at the time, and I was still trotting along- just not pushing myself up speed up. I felt like I could keep going, so I did my longest run yet… 6.25 km…and prob could have carried on. This is what I wanted when I was a non-runner - to be able to cover some ground, to explore, just to be able to go further faster. I wanted the freedom of being able to run.

So keep going…it IS possible and I would not have believed it back at the beginning, watching the second hand slowly count down one minute!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toCatalpa111

This is such a brilliant post to read. Your description of what a slow paced run should feel like is absolutely spot on. You’ve nailed that today! It’s such a great feeling when that happens.

It sounds like you’re in a good place after couch to 5k. Have you fallen into a pattern of running, or are you enjoying taking things as they come at the moment? That 6.25km is a distance to be really proud of. Can’t wait to hear what comes next for you and where your runners’ legs will take you. Lots of adventures on the way I think!

Catalpa111 profile image

I’ve just kept going Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings. Once I hit the 5 km mark, I have stuck to that as a minimum. I was trying to get to 5km in 30 and haven’t done that yet… stuck at about 34 mins. I’m listening to the people saying just go slow and steady and the speed will come. I’m just so pleased to feel the improvement in my fitness- first it was the mental thing, and now it does feel like my body is stepping up too.

Future adventures- yes indeed. It feels like the first time you try an e-bike and realise you suddenly have a greater range. A pretty gutless e-bike so far, but still…! Just looking forward to exploring new places wherever I am.

I’m also got one eye on the winter. I am a life long skier but haven’t felt like I had the aerobic capacity to move away from the lift systems which I would love to do. I’m hoping this might help me finally commit to the uphill.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toCatalpa111

That sounds like a great routine. It’s wonderful when running just becomes part of your life. I don’t run on set days (apart from always on Friday mornings so I can take advantage of a flat airfield as a change from hills round here) but I get a bit itchy if I haven’t been out in a day or two! Finding something that means you’re consistently getting out for runs makes it so much easier to keep it up.

I love the e bike analogy. I had a goal to be able to run far enough along a local trail to make it worthwhile doing. Just adding a few minutes (slowly) over time really does add up and open up so many more places to explore. Keep us posted-it’ll be so interesting to see where you end up! I bet when you get to the ski slopes you’ll be so impressed with your new fitness. I’ve noticed it in zumba!! Running really does build your aerobic capacity, especially if you can build in some uphill stretches.

Have another wonderful week of running!

Frankenfoot23 profile image

I haven't run since last Wednesday and it feels like a lifetime!

I missed out on last weeks tech free run but will be hoping to do this slow run soon. Maybe a slow tech free run. My achilles heel was initially a very minor niggle for a while, barely noticeable while doing coach to 5k, but has just become worse and I should have listened to my body and eased off a bit. The build up to 5k does take a toll so it's a really great idea for people to consolidate, have a few easier runs, mix it up and enjoy it. Especially if you are starting to feel the wear and tear of running for 9 weeks when you haven't run before. There's lots of great advice on this site and it is there for a reason :)

I'm planning to ease back into running with a few easier runs and see how my ankle is, before I think about anything longer. Although I might take up canoeing with all this rain we've been having!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toFrankenfoot23

I know how frustrating being off the runs is, and and the only consolation is that you’re doing the right thing by not running in pain. You’ll be back and long term, you may well be a stronger and better runner for it.

Canoeing might actually be good cross training (basically anything that isn’t running!) to keep active with while you’re resting your Achilles!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a pain free return to running when you’re ready. ❤️

Frankenfoot23 profile image
Frankenfoot23Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thanks so much for the kind words :) I have only been running for just over three months so I hate to imagine how you were feeling when you had to have your break away from it. I'm glad you are back running again and hopefully I will be too in the next week or so :) 🤞

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toFrankenfoot23

Crossing fingers, toes and everything for you here! Loads of people have this sort of thing happen and get past it-either with a bit of input from physio/strength exercises or it just settles down. You’ll be back and stronger for it.

I’ve now got a stinky cold so it’s a few unplanned rest days. I’ll be trying to take my own advice to make sure I’m properly recovered before coming back to the runs! Ah well-it’ll pass. These things are sent to try us and they certainly do!

Frankenfoot23 profile image
Frankenfoot23Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thank you! :) The last time I ran feels so long ago, yet it is only a week. I'm so eager to get started again but I am also eager for it to heal properly and will wait as long as necessary. I should be stronger for this, I can really feel the benefit of some of the stretches I've been doing from the nhs flex and strength plan. I should have been doing all these alongside my couch to 5k like a lot of other runners do. Anyway, lesson learned :)

I'm so sorry you have a cold. I had to delay my week 8 for one but felt because I was fitter it didn't hang around as long, and the I found with the tail end of the cold I was able to run and it seemed to clear it up more quickly. I hope yours is just a quick one and you get your energy back soon. I guess these things are all part of the challenge :)

I remember you said you do body pump classes at the gym. Do you think they benefit your running? I was having a look online but they look incredibly hard. I guess like anything else, you have to build up to a certain level. Have you been doing that a long time?

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toFrankenfoot23

Thank you! I’m feeling much more human after a really lovely walk and a long bath. I realised my nose has cleared a lot when I could smell my nice lavender bath salts! I reckon I can do a chilled run tomorrow. Hooray!

Getting stronger in general has had a massive impact on my running because I wouldn’t have been able to carry on if I hadn’t started taking that more seriously! Im definitely faster too which is a nice bonus and going up hills feels a lot more comfortable.

I really like body pump because it incorporates quite a few of the moves my physio had me doing but with music and other people around me to keep me going! It’s a lot of fun. It can be tough but in most classes, there’s a real range of people using lots of different weights. I used to do it a long time ago and picked it up again in April because of needing to focus on strength post-injury. I’ve remembered how much I like it and it’s part of my weekly routine now. As you’re starting out, you keep everything light and get used to the moves which makes it pretty accessible for most. You can build up over time and it’s nice to see the progression. I also use the gym for much heavier weights but much lower repetitions. I had a programme from my physio for that and I used to have a personal trainer (years ago now!) so I know my form is good.

Pilates is really good for strength and flexibility too. My physio said Pilates is the best class runners can do! I also often do a kettlebells class. There’s no one way to go. Sometimes there are so many options, it’s a bit overwhelming and it’s good to just do something!

That NHS strength and flex plan is great and I’m sure you’ll start noticing the benefits from that soon. Go you! ❤️💪❤️💪❤️

Frankenfoot23 profile image
Frankenfoot23Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thanks for all the info, it does sound really good but maybe a bit in the future for me yet. I've done one of the NHS Pilates classes twice and it is very similar to the yoga I have been doing. I think I've just not pushed myself enough. It is all a bit overwhelming but I don't need to rush things even though I' m tempted to sign up for many of the classes offered at the gym :) Great to hear you are feeling a bit better, a hot soak does wonders. I really hope you get a run in tomorrow:)

It does sound like being unable to run through your injury and getting all the right help has really made you stronger and maybe even more focused too. I'm sure the rest has done you a lot of good as well, you sound really motivated and clear headed on how you want to train and progress. Keep it up and smash your goals :) Good luck with your next run :)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toFrankenfoot23

Absolutely-take it steady and let a routine evolve. Different things might work best at different times and you don’t need to figure it all out straight away. I think that’s the biggest thing I’ve realised with a bit of space from my graduation-there’s no rush!

I joined the local leisure centre gym and all the classes are included. It’s been fun trying them all out and figuring which are best and which are best avoided!

Frankenfoot23 profile image
Frankenfoot23Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Yes, there's so much to try out. I'm always scared of over-doing things as I want to do everything :) Although yes, there's definitely gym classes to avoid too! There's lots of classes at our local gym and they are all free to members as well. I think joining the gym would be good and pilates sounds like a good start so long as there's guys doing it too. I'd feel a bit daft if it was all ladies :)

My ankle feels a bit better but I started taking ibruprofen yesterday. I don't like to take it unless I have to but thought it might get the inflammation and swelling down - it seems to be working. I'm thinking Saturday or Monday for a run if I feel pain free without the meds.

I've been resting it apart from the flex and strength exercises. I've used ice and kept it elevated on an evening. I've also been wearing my trainers in the house with heel inserts in them so hopefully I'm doing everything right.

I have had a look online at local sports physios, there's a few around here. If it's not fully better towards the end of next week I'm going to make an appointment. I don't want to mess around for weeks and for it still not to get better, I enjoy running too much :)

All the best!

Have you had a run today?

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toFrankenfoot23

I’ve raved and raved about how good my physio was-if your ankle doesn’t settle or comes back, it could definitely be worth a visit.

I did run! It was nice to be out. My standard comeback run is fifteen minutes but today, at the end of that I felt absolutely fine. I actually ran normally on Monday and it’s only been a couple of days of cold, I kept going for a bit more. Super steady but reassuringly normal. Friday is normally a speedy day for me but tomorrow will most definitely be a rest or gentle swim.

Good luck with the ankle!

Frankenfoot23 profile image
Frankenfoot23Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

That's brilliant, I'm so glad you managed it fine :) Steady is great on a recovery run, just what you needed. Shaking off the cold so quickly too is wonderful. Hopefully now you will be back on track and out there enjoying it again. Good luck! :)

Running_at50 profile image

I graduated nearly a year ago and I have to say my progress has been very little. I still run twice a week, I do yoga and a strength class too. I have done a couple of park runs but I'm not able to do 5k without walking, even with my slow pace, although that has improved. I really want to get to 5k without walking, think I have a mental block about getting there and I'm afraid to push too far so I don't get injured. I really think I need to run somewhere different too as I'm probably getting bored.

Naturesweapon profile image
NaturesweaponGraduate in reply toRunning_at50

Hello Running_at50 I think the fact that you are still running twice weekly a year after graduating is really impressive! 🏅 Well done!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toRunning_at50

Running regularly while doing yoga and strength work is a real achievement! Lots of people drop off and you’ve kept it up. That’s such a great base to build from.

There’s a nice plan to gently build to 5k here-it follows the slow and sensible increase of no more that 10% a week and you’ll see it’s very like Couch to 5k.


Perhaps you might like to try it out? There’s nothing like setting a new longest run time to reinvigorate your mojo and feel like you’re making progress again. The strength and yoga work you’ve done and continue with will also help you stay off the injury couch.

The other thing that’s worth remembering is that run/walk is a totally valid way to run and many of us are actually faster doing it that way. It’s great to want to do that continuous 5k, but you’re still a real runner when you’re taking walking breaks too.

It sounds like you’re ready to challenge yourself to try something new. That’s an exciting place to be! We’re all ready to support and encourage you!

Running_at50 profile image
Running_at50Graduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thank you so much for your lovely words of encouragement. I think I'm still suffering from imposter syndrome 😂 I will certainly look at the plan to 5k, I really like to challenge myself and I'm pretty strong and have good stamina. Will keep you posted on how I go. X

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toRunning_at50

Fantastic!! I think you’re going to enjoy it! I find having a plan to follow really helps me stay motivated, especially when I can see I’m moving forwards with what I can do.

Imposter syndrome is an absolute pain. I’ve built up to half marathon distance and sometimes I still don’t feel like a “real runner” (whatever that is!) because I’m slower/can’t run as far as mg friend/don’t do enough weekly mileage/only run however many days instead of however many more days a week… It’s all nonsense but it can be hard to shake off.

The great thing about this community is there’s space to find our own way and our own definitions of what success looks like. You are a runner and you have been for a long time! We sometimes need our heads to catch up with our legs!!

CCFROMETOWN profile image

Congrats to all the graduates!

I’ve been focusing on consolidating. Have run W5R2, W9, and W6R3.

I will be traveling for a week for a “family trip” (as opposed to a vacation, that is 😜) , so we’ll see how trying to fit in the runs will work in that new context…

I definitely will try the snail run. I have moments of that ease when running, but it is not routine yet.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toCCFROMETOWN

Fantastic to see you here! Holiday (“family trip”-I totally understand the difference!!) runs are so much fun. It’s such a lovely way to explore a new area. It might be worth packing your run kit just in case!

You’ve picked a great way to consolidate by mixing things up. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the snail run. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Annieapple profile image

🍏🐌🤣This picture says it all and for me is the best and most fun challenge I have had in a while!! It’s such an awesome reminder to those of us who live permanently in snail world that it’s not only OK ✅ but a powerful weapon! How encouraging is that!! Thank you MissUnderstanding for all your effort and encouragement to new graduates & some potential new graduates having a sneak peek! Fab post!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toAnnieapple

Excellent!! It took me so long to nail the snail pace and when I found it, I loved it so much!!! It’s wonderful we’ve got so many advocates for the “I-can-run-forever pace” here. Don’t get me wrong, I love a speedy speed run but it’s a different kind of high. Being out on a calm, gentle run in the countryside is heaven!

I’ve picked up a stinking cold so my snail run will be postponed until normal sinus service has been resumed. It’s so nice to read about what other people have been up to, even if my main activity at the moment is walking across the living room to get another tissue! 😂

Annieapple profile image

🤣love that ! Sorry about the cold!!Do hope it’s not too long before your normal sinus service resumes!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toAnnieapple

Thank you! It’s doing the rounds that the moment. Not covid according to the test I did this morning but feeling a bit sorry for myself. I’m already feeling a little improved thanks to some caffeine and paracetamol!

Karin_runs profile image

No runs yet for me this week, sadly, as I've got a sore throat and cough. My throat started aching the day of my graduation run but I figured I could still go as my symptoms were all "above the neck". Since we are visiting my parents, the kids could stay with them and I could exceptionally run together with my husband! This would also mean I would run slower (he doesn't run regularly, I'm trying to convince him to do the C25K but have not been successful so far), which seemed like a good idea giving my "not perfect" state. The graduation run went so much better than expected. I loved every minute of it and surprised myself by my pace.

In the evening I read about consolidation and calculated my "slow run" pace. The day after I bought new shoes (I was still running on my old ones), downloaded the nrc app and can't wait to continue running but since my symptoms have gotten worse (due to my asthma I always get respiratory problems) I will have to wait until I feel better :(

I've never missed exercising as much as I do now! Having my runs on regular days (when I have a babysitter) has really helped making this a habit. So I just wanted to say a massive thanks to the C25k programme and this wonderful community! Really looking forward to my consolidation snail run and all my runs after that! :)

Karin_runs profile image
Karin_runsGraduate in reply toKarin_runs

Oh I almost forgot to mention my plan of adding strength and flexibility exercises! Love the useful links I've found on this forum!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toKarin_runs

Brilliant! I’m a total convert after getting injured and having to take it more seriously to keep doing the runs I wanted. Once you’ve got started and seeing the effects of it in your runs, you might well be converted too!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toKarin_runs

Sorry I missed this earlier! Sorry you’re under the weather too. There’s a lot of it around (currently surrounded by tissues and lemsip here too!). You’re absolutely doing the right thing by recovering first, frustrating as that might be. Really hope you’re feeling better soon. ❤️

That graduation run is one to keep in your mind-it sounds like you had a wonderful time. That feeling is just great! You’ll be back there soon-I usually do a shorter run (about 15 minutes) after a break, especially for illness so see how you feel.

So glad you’ve found us-it’s such a great community. I came when I was doing couch to 5k last year and just stayed! A very wise person Oldfloss always reminds us that the runs are patient and they wait for us. You’ve got lots of fun ahead of you when you’re ready!

Karin_runs profile image
Karin_runsGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Oh no, sorry to hear you are feeling poorly too! Wishing you a speedy recovery!Thanks for the tip on the short run to see how it feels. I will try it out - hopefully tomorrow but more likely the day after.

And I really love that: the runs are patient and waiting for us :) I will keep it in mind when I want to start too quickly.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toKarin_runs

Thanks! A lot of people round here have it and it seems to be miserable for a day or two then fine. 🤞🤞🤞

Good luck for your return!

Never-too-old-run profile image

Hi MissUnderstanding!

Just discovered the Bridge to 5k eight-week plan for increasing your run time to a maximum of 50 minutes. Just graduated for the 2nd time by the way after going to sleep for seven months after the first in September 2022!! 🙈 My question is: Does a podcast exist to guide you through these runs? I'm so used to Reece Parkinson now that I can't live without him 🤣 It would be great to be able to continue with a running buddy in my headphones

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toNever-too-old-run

Fantastic news-congratulations on graduating again. Hope there was some celebration? You deserve it!

I like the Nike Run Club app-there isn’t an official accompaniment but you could choose easy/recovery runs of the right length and use those? They’re a bit marmite (often a cheese fest!) but I really like them.

Never-too-old-run profile image
Never-too-old-runGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thanks! I'll check them out 👍 The celebration will be going to see the film "Oppenheimer" this afternoon! Not sure that's much of a prize but at least I'll be resting after my 30-minute run this morning! 😀

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstanding in reply toNever-too-old-run

Great plan! We’re going this week. Will be the first cinema trip in ages. Enjoy! You deserve a treat!

Jamesrunsforlife profile image

hi everyone just graduated today and I feel brilliant 🥰👌 please can I get my shiny new badge ? 😂

Wine profile image
Wine in reply toJamesrunsforlife


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