CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 3...Take a seat and put... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 3...Take a seat and put up your feet... Come and join us, please...

Oldfloss profile image
90 Replies

"There is a voice that does not use words. Listen ". RUMI

Hello, my friends:) Here I am again... just when you thought I'd forgotten you all!

Here we are, also, well into November, and moving on apace towards Winter.

I am feeling so, so lucky, as I am back in Wales and am really hoping to get a run in, here, at the end of the week. The weather is set fair and unseasonably mild, but I have to say, I never mind what it does when I am here, it is just a very happy place for me to be.

Now... it was fine and dry this morning, and why, I hear you ask, did I not head out out? ramble this morning may give you the answer. Having read quite a few posts on this subject, this last week, I felt that I wanted to share some thoughts with you :)

( Floss Ramble warning :)

As runners, we, most of us anyway, almost as soon as we begin, here on C25K, very quickly get hooked.

That in itself is amazing. We start slowly, we hold back, trying not to spend too much cash on running gear, in case we don't enjoy it, and we take it steadily until, suddenly almost, without us realising it, running is a part of us.

We look forward to our runs, we look forward to each new week of the plan. We have successes and we have setbacks , we learn so much; about running, about ourselves and about all the forum friends here. We do, eventually reach our first goal when we graduate and then, many of us continue to run... planning,, plotting, buying more gear ( me anyway, ), finding new routes, joining Park Run and even beginning to enter races! Hooked, line and sinker!

But... ( as Rachel on Friends said, there's always, a 'but') ., sometimes we cannot run; Illness, injury, family responsibilities and life generally stops us in our tracks. Disaster!

Now, do we sit back, do we rest, do we recover?

Sometimes... but sometimes we don't and, the excuses are amazing! "We have just started on Couch to 5K, we are in the middle of 5K, the runs are becoming easier, longer, more fun, we are on the last week before Graduation ", the list goes on and on.

That is where problems may occur... and that point is where we have to stop, take stock, but most of all, we have to listen.

Listen to the advice from the experts, ( especially with medical issues), and the experienced, but most of all we have to listen to ourselves.

Listen to our body. It is our best advisor, and if we listen, we may not hear the advice we welcome, but it will be the advice we should follow. If it is telling you to ease back, to rest or recover, then please do listen. I have in the past as have a few of us, ignored that voice and I have regretted it.

Which is why I was sitting here, this morning, typing this instead of running by the sea. I have not run for over 12 days. I am really wanting to run, BUT ( there's the 'but)', three extra care days last week with a small whirlwind of a granddaughter, another care day on Monday, my Covid Booster jab, general lifting, sorting and gardening tasks, have taken their toll; my mind says, go, my body says no.

I know what to do. I have used the opening phrase of this post so, so often and it is as valid now as ever, maybe in these very odd times, even more so :)

The runs will wait for you...they always do :)

Ramble over folks.. you can wake up now:)

What you have all been doing over the last week is incredible... and one or two other folk have joined us since we opened up the Corner. Lots going on, with quite a few folk back into the workplace and family life taking up so much time too. The weather has hampered a few of us and for some of us, life is offering some real challenges. I am, as ever, in awe of all of you. You are truly amazing!

We need to support and help each other, so, let us share our thoughts and what we have been up to as well. It isn't too late to join us in the corner, and we are so glad to hear new ideas and to get some tips and advice too! We are welcoming too, quite a few C25K repeaters, who have passed this way before, but are finding the structured, steady approach of the programme just what they need right now. That tells us just how good C25K is.

So, please do post your replies and we'll see what has been happening:)

Oldfloss x


Links to two of a fair few, past posts where I have used the quotation above..

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Oldfloss profile image
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90 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Renidragas Instructor57 nowster quirkybee -David-G dijep Roxdog SueAppleRun Oldgirlruns Elfe5 skysue16 Lola-bear Marvincat @IBS44 doggytail Shandy1

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

3rd_time_lucky BS44 Katprid Jackapoodle Jell6 Mumpark LottieMW Ian5K Hidden Mum22boys Hidden Bluebirdrunner Greenthorn Week7 Mummycav

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Lablove Poppdog Mormor1 Frenc grumpyoldgirl slipstick LiisaM

nowster profile image

Love the "Little Miss" leggings. 😆

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Good aren't they :) x

Oldfloss profile image

This is from Mummycav ... I cut and pasted you from WEEK 2 :)


Hi Oldfloss …I’ve brought my comfy cushion to sit on quietly in the corner 😊 I missed last week, better late than never so they say! There’s always something soothing about your posts that always make me think about myself & how I forget about me…I compare myself to others all the time…especially with my running…I look at everyone’s stats and say ‘why can’t I do that?’ ‘It’s been over 4 years now so I should be running at least a half marathon by now’…you know, that kind of thing…but the truth is, I haven’t really got the time to dedicate to such distances!! So I just have to plod on doing my own thing…which now, as you know, is a C25k revisit….I’ve just got back from a very brisk & rainy W1R2 and am a happy bunny…I’ve been on my old territory where I completed the programme first time round, except I’m much fitter now..there’s just my head to sort as like you said, we are our worst judges…thank you for your lovely post, I’m happy to be here xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

🙄 Thankyou Oldfloss …I’ll get there…eventually!! 🤨

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

I absolutely know that you will and it is so good to have you here with us x

nowster profile image

It looks like your local parkrun in NW Wales (Hafan Pwllheli) has suffered a bit over the last 18 months. It now says "Establishing an Event Team" which sounds a bit concerning.

As to your subject of "There is a voice that does not use words. Listen." Wise words indeed.

When doing today's run I had a feeling that I was going far too fast. From experience whenever I've pushed hard to achieve a pace I've become injured. I wasn't pushing today, but rather my legs themselves wanted to do a faster run.

I stopped the run early. I wasn't out of puff. My HR wasn't high. I wasn't in any discomfort. I was just concerned that I'd pushed myself too hard. My hunch was proven right: a tiny niggle deep in the hamstring of the left leg told me I'd stopped in time.

I've been on the Injury Couch a few times in the past 18 months, and have no desire to go back there.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Thanks for is a hard lesson to learn sometimes, that pushing too hard, may result in something nasty. Park run here at Plas Heli , it is odd ...I emailed and asked what was the situation but they simply said Covid related!

So glad your run stopped in time!

sparky66 profile image

Ahhh oldfoss 🤗I've pulled up a chair, put my feet up to listen to your tale... One if very many I've read over the years 🤗

Always wise.. always here.. thank you 😊

Lovely to hear you are there in your happy place with your funky leggings and lovely rug 😍

Where does the time go...💭 But pass it does 🙂...

Your post has me reflecting as I have been today about my C25K journey ( my third one now) over six years.. I graduated twice and as you are saying..I didn't always listen to my body..ego always taking over, determined to reach my goals.. 🙄

I graduated first time and soon after had knee injuries due to pushing too far too soon.. it took me another year to try again.. again I graduated..again another injury...

And so I dabbled without making much progress..

Today four years to the day I rang that bell after completing grusome surgery,chemo and radiation therapy for oral cancer..

At the time it was awful..of course!

But I learned a lot from that time..I had to learn to eat again.. but now I was thinking..what am I putting in my body?

I changed my whole outlook on things.. I was determined to eat as well as I could..I gained strength..I excerised as gently and as often as I could, month by month became stronger... Took me a couple of years.. but I was back..

I had thoughts of returning to my beloved running. 🏃‍♀️.me time..😊

First I joined the gym..a few months before embarking..

I made a plan...

Yip you know.. Slow.. steady.. rest when I know I needed..

Strength training on non run days.. good nutrition.. looking after my mental health 🤗

It was just recently my first Runniversary.. and I couldn't be more amazed at my body's response this time around.. a whole year feeling strong.. yes if course life gets in the way sometimes.. or an off day.. I listen now..I enjoy the days I have to take away.. because that's life 🙏

The runs wait for you ..yes they do Oldfoss...🙏😊

Thank you for your cosy corner where the rambles of runner's are allowed and listened to 🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to sparky66

This is a wonderful post reply, and sharing it here with this community is so helpful.

You have had a journey , we would never want to make and yet, you made it with such strength and determination and here you are. Still standing and still exercising and still making plans for every bit of your life, including running!Also, stressing the importance of listening to your body and being unafraid to ease back, rest and do what we are able:)

Congratulations on your first Runniversary:) and, that four year bell-erversary!!! I am so proud to be here and to be privileged to share your story.

Well done, seems so underwhelming, to say in the light of such inspirational achievements, but I do say, truly Well Done!

Many, many more happy, healthy runs to you! xxx

sparky66 profile image
sparky66Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfoss 🤗 I do hope you get to fit that run in at the end of the week 🏃‍♀️👏❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to sparky66

Me too!

LiisaM profile image

DEAR OF! This is just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.... I have not run lately because my unvaccinated son is afraid to watch over his dad while I run and has sequestered himself in a remote room in our basement for a month. And why, you ask?... because his dad was in a medical facility, took his mask off three times, and put his finger in his nose and mouth. To be sure, even though I am not due my booster till next week, I have been nervous myself about getting COVID from my indiscriminate husband. So now I ask: when the 28 days are up, how do I proceed? I need advice! (Oh, BTW, eight days have passed.) I have worked up to 5k+ now twice and here I am not running yet again. And I wish I COULD run! Should I try Week 9 of C25k again? or drop back further? I am SO sorry I cannot run!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Oh goodness, my heart goes out to you. You and I have become friends, ( albeit at a great distance) because of this forum and I do know that your running has been such a part of your life. Giving you strength and providing an oasis of calm for you.This is such a tricky time for you and I do know the incredibly difficult issues you are having right now.

I will PM you with some ideas :)

Running wise. It is so hard. I do know that unless someone is with your husband it makes running impossible.

If you are able to get out, then I would simply run... as far and as slowly and steadily as you are able. Just run... the time for a particular run will come later.

Are you still managing some strength exercise ?x

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I should start up my weight exercises again, OF. Thank you so much for prodding me in that ever so gentle way you do! 😊😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

You are welcome. x

Roxdog profile image

Very wise words Oldfloss! Made me feel much better about not having run since Friday due to too many commitments and super dark mornings. The run will wait, not for too long though! Take care.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Roxdog

You too my friend... it is hard and I empathise...x

I'm in the category of being so new to running I don't want to spend money on kit, but im being so surprised by how much I've been enjoying running... Must by that running bug that's got me! Friends and relatives don't know what to think as running seems so not me.Thanks for the warning that it won't always be smooth, I've got stubborn tenancies so likely would furiously push on when I shouldn't, I'll try and remember to be listening!

Week 3 run 2 after I've dropped boys into school tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Huge well done to you, and yes, there are a lot of people who belong to the, Why on Earth are You Running, group.The simplest of running gear is fine... the running shoes, should be the best for you, ( loads of bargains out there). All my running shoes were bought in sales:)

Try to train those, push harder urges.. find a hill to run up, that will maybe slow you a little:)

Just take things slow and steady, enjoy the time you have to run, for the running yes, but also for the time it gives you... certainly with small ones.. ( or not so small) the time for you is important. I look forward to your post:)

I feel a whole lot better for having read your post Oldfloss. As a result, I have stopped listening to the voice that is grumbling away on my shoulder saying “You haven’t run since Saturday…”

…..and instead I am listening to the voice that is saying “Hey! You ran on Saturday! And you did a 5k PB! That’s fab!!” Considering it’s only my third 5k if the year I’m more than delighted 😃 !

This week has been so busy with work and family since returning from my weekend in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, that I don’t know where the past few days have gone. If I don’t slow down I’ll know it.

So thank you for the wise words in your post (and the photo of those amazing leggings 😃). The next run is waiting for me ☺️.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Phew, I got here just in time. I do wonder why, sometimes, it is so hard to be kind to ourselves. It took my therapist ( the one I had after my blip last October... ), saying to me, that it was time for me to take care of myself !

You are doing so well to listen to that voice and take notice; celebrating every success and accepting the days when other things take precedence , for their own value.

sparky66 on here has posted within the reply about accepting the days like this. "... yes if course life gets in the way sometimes.. or an off day.. I listen now...I enjoy the days I have to take away.. because that's life ".

I think that is advice everyone of us would benefit from. Enjoyment of each day.

Your PB at 5K brilliant... and your running goes from strength to strength. Thank you for this really helpful reply. xx

in reply to Oldfloss

Yes , I saw sparky66 ’s reply. I found it very moving. Posts like that one and yours do help us to stop and reflect a while. Today I’m off for a lovely long walk through the woods with the dog as I don’t have the energy to run today. I think the week has finally caught up with me, but the walk will do me good. Thank you 😊🤗

sparky66 profile image
sparky66Graduate in reply to

Enjoy your walk in the Woods that sounds lovely 🤗 be thankful you can..🙏

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Enjoy the walk, a beautiful time of the year to do it too... maybe a photograph :)

in reply to Oldfloss

My favourite view from the hill…..

View of the South Downs.
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Just beautiful...thank you!

in reply to Oldfloss

It is beautiful. My routes zig-zag up, down and around all over these heathland commons and through the woodlands, allowing lots of different lengths of runs. It’s perfect 😊. Definitely my happy place.

Mormor1 profile image

Such a good post oldfloss, important to remember that the runs will always be there, when a gremlin says..." yes, but you're not a spring chicken and time is running even if you are not"😕....I must work on that gremlin..

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mormor1

Whoaaa... you do need to lose that gremlin... they can be so sneaky!

The best way of curing them, is to simply lift up your running shoes... those little cowards run for cover then :)We did have, ages ago, a post about the 'gremlins folk have and their names! It was fun... I did a drawing of one that belonged to an awesome runner on here.. mfamilias Her gremlin was always trying to stop her in her tracks!

You are doing wonderfully :)


Gary lived in France!

Gremlin personified ! Meet Gary :)
Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to Oldfloss

Love that cartoon. Swatted the mean G this morning and did a good the whole Archers omnibus! And ended with 100 strokes in a cold north sea....effective cool down 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mormor1

Yeayayayyayayay ! I love swimming at this time of the year...the sea here in N Wales is always a tad warmer than summer :) Ambient temperatures and all that ! A great way to cool down indeed:)7 K.. gremlin swatted and a swim to boot... Perfect! Well done you!

Poppdog profile image

I love my running and I enjoy my rest days and my treat days. I run in the morning and in the week and weekends are for fun and family. It’s great reading individual’s stories and experiences so thanks everyone for sharing and posting. Love the leggings

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Poppdog

Huge well done to you...and I am liking the treat days too:) So useful to others coming here for the first time to know that there is a balance of running, and rest days, and both are enjoyable:) Yes...I do love my funky leggings and when I think I started this running, as an inconspicuous grey snail! I do have a lot ( mainly sale items) and I love the bright ones best!

My seaside leggings !
Frenc profile image

Oh how comfy you look with your feet up and your Little Miss leggings! May I join? I have 2 days off from work which is needed - after last Sunday’s HM, the doms have had me shuffling around like an old shuffly thing, and pretty cross as it’s been hard doing anything. So I’m having a 4 or 5 day break which is much needed, and dare I say it, it will hopefully make me fall back in love with running a bit, as I’ve been questioning the whole thing for the last couple of weeks, and feeling fairly low about it as well. Not even the thought of buying something running related piques my interest so I know it’s bad!

Hmmm I reckon a run might sort me out 😃.

All the best OF, I hope you’re having a lovely time in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

I have shoved up and made room for you :)

Huge well done you on that HM and oh dear, the doms can be a real pain !

Here is the hard part of running... taking time out and handling it, especially if it is impacting everything!

Taking a break can be really helpful, on so many levels and not just the physical rest and recovery level.

IannodaTruffe has posted a few times about the benefits if taking a break, ( unavoidable ones sometimes), and I do know personally that they do work.

Maybe thinking about new routes whilst you are on the rest days, or a new challenge?

It is interesting too, that we are seeing here, in the Corner, quite a few folk who are repeating C25K again. Life issues or injury, or just the need to ease back and take it gently has brought them here. After my blip in October last year... I did not run again until the week before Christmas when i started C25K again...I was afraid of running again... and it gave me, over the months to my Re Graduation time, to appreciate it again. No pressure, familiarity, taking time to write about my runs, take photographs, and know that I was going to succeed :)

It might be worth after you have rested... thinking about doing the same:)

When you take that run... think about it:)

I am enjoying Wales... the last few months have had their moments!!! I need the magic and the mystery and if my body says yes, a short jogette down to the sea could be in order:) x

Morning sky over the castle in Criccieth.
Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

What a lovely photo and thank you for taking the time to reply, you are so kind 😊. You are right, sometimes we need to take a step back to appreciate what we love! I will certainly do some thinking during my next run, because what you say about taking your time, taking photos, having time to write about them sounds pretty joyful to me, and one of the reasons we do it in the first place. Thank you again OF, your sofa’s very comfy 😊.

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

It looks like I'll be down the tip of Pen Llŷn this weekend. I'm most likely to be doing a 10km round the lanes, but I do have a HM route plotted just in case I feel frisky.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Great fun! I managed 3K this morning.. beautiful colours..! Enjoy xx

Autumn in Wales
IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Frenc

I only popped in here because Oldfloss mentioned me but I recognise your feelings of questioning why you run. I had a similar response when I followed a training plan working up to an HM, as all the fun and spontaneity disappeared from my running. My response was to drop it all and forget about aiming for those targets that require such training. As a consequence I have never run a half marathon, although I have done a couple of cross country runs of over 18k.I know people who have trained for and run a marathon and then just stopped completely. It seems to me that they have missed the point about less target oriented running for fun.

Training plans can be tyrannical.

Congratulations on your achievements. though.

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you so much, everyone is so kind 😊. You are right, it’s time to find a bit of spontaneity! Time to forget about targets for a bit and just enjoy it, stop and take some photos, and just smell the coffee. Tomorrow I’m going to plan nothing and just see where my hopefully less achey legs take me. Everything you say resonates so thank you for your wise words.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Frenc

This still stands out as one of my best runs ever No bling, no cheering crowds..........just feeling at one with the world.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Oh yes.. I remember that one!

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

What a brilliant read. Thank you. At one with yourself and nature what more could you ask for. I guess you could look at it as going natural rather than forced, we all need some of that.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

You are always welcome here x Thank you x

Jackapoodle profile image

Oh I can relate to this! My body's voice was screaming at me but my 'brain' was saying you've come so far, just get through these consolidation runs, get that 5K done, your dream of 10K will be in touching distance. I didn't listen to my body as I thought I knew better. And felt pretty stupid when, after a night of not sleeping with the pain in my legs, I found my legs wouldn't hold me up 🥺 I only share my embarrassing stupidity as I can't bear to think of others starting off on this journey, loving it, and ignoring signs to slow or rest a while, when as you say, the runs will always be there for you. And you will enjoy them all the more!!I love the leggings 😍 I am the dullest- legging wearer ever!! All my leggings are black. My husband said go mad, buy something jazzy, and I came back with navy 😳 🤣🤣🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

I can give you links to funky leggings anytime...and with Winterval coming up, maybe let your husband choose some for you as a gift!Yes, I empathise... we all think we know better; we are invincible... until... ! Oh dear, aching legs are not fun. Hope that they ease soon...there are some great ideas for legs on the S and F forum too:)

Thank you so much, for sharing your experiences we all need reminding now and then that we are human, we are doing this for enjoyment too:)

Jackapoodle profile image
JackapoodleGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Aw thank you. Luckily (if that's the right word?!) that was my experience last year and had 6+ months on the IC. Just off out for my W8 R3 joggle. My physio has been brilliant and so far, so good on the shins front. Daring to dream my re-graduation is in sight 🤞 perhaps I'll celebrate with funky leggings. Yaaay shopping 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

Celebrate indeed.... there is everything to be proud of here and as they say... If you have got it, flaunt it !

Lola-bear profile image

Hello oldfloss I’ve read many of your posts but this one is particularly inspiring you are so wise. I have only been running since March this year and love it but all my friends think I’ve lost the plot and none of my family run although I think they are quite amazed at my new found hobby.My Christmas wish list of full of running gear, the brighter the better.

I haven’t run for a whole week been ill with some winter bug- thankfully not covid and I feel such a compulsion to run but will listen to my body wait whilst my cough abates.

I think I get hung up on time and distance and need to let go a little more and just run- albeit a very slow run.

I am hoping to join a park run so that I can meet like minded people, just a question I always do a5 minute walk to warm up would I incorporate this into the run or do it before? See I am very hung up on detail 😂

Have a lovely day in glorious Wales 😊 x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Thank you, that is kind. Not wise really...just older and I probably am beginning to get to the stage my Nan used to call, her, experienced a lot, stage:)When family simply, don't get it, it can be hard, and we have had some new runners where the family have actively tried to discourage and been quite unsupportive! Each to his/her own, but respecting choices does come into it too:)

I am glad that you are taking it gently, there is nothing like a persistent cough to keep us on the couch and waiting until it is gone can take an age!

Just running is so good... but finding the strength to do that can ne so hard, and often it takes illness or injury to make us ease off, instead of building it into our runs. My runs are for me... and my heath and strength and to keep me as fit in mind and body as is possible:) But a massive part of the run is what I see and feel so that I can write about it when I get home.; I mean, how many folk stop running ( except on the post), on a HM to take photos and make notes ! It works for me though :)

Detail and planning has its place too though... and I planned my HM like that, doing my first ever Park run in preparation ( I am a lone runner and I do not do well on flat ground)!

I would try to do a stretch warm-up first to get everything going and then I started at the back of the pack and went really slowly and steadily as a warm up and saved enough for a little burst at the end. :)

A tad grey here today and the sea is a wonderful slate-blue. I am cycling later I think and maybe a jogette tomorrow :)

Have a good day and well done you!

Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and I love jogette I shall use that from here on in😊Good idea for park run I guess I’ma little nervous about it but won’t let the nerves get the better of me.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Jogette is,a lovely word coined by our own Royal runner... Irishprincess xx

Ian5K profile image
Ian5KGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Lola-bear, you’ll see a few runners jog up and down before the park run starts. I would warm up at this time too else when it starts you may feel a sense of being left behind. But don’t worry, people do walk part of the way.

They’ll be a couple of short talks immediately before the start. A lot of participants will gather around the speaker and listen, but it’s the only time you get to do any stretching, so we generally keep back, within earshot, and stretch while listening, making sure to applaud the “tourists”, the “milestoners” and, importantly, all the volunteers.


Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to Ian5K

Thank you that’s good to know and useful tips, I’m sure once I’ve done it it will be fine I’ma terrible over thinker, I’ve got to trust my fitness, I’ve run 5 k many times. I think I have imposter syndrome and because I get very little encouragement from my friends I’m with nervous about park run😂😂Thank you for replying to me I really appreciate it 😊

Ian5K profile image
Ian5KGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

It’s a nice atmosphere, I’ve found, friendly and supportive. Not at all intense, but the very first time I went, I promised myself not to expect a good run, just go to find out what it was all about. 🙂

Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to Ian5K

Thank you I think that’s what I’ll do too

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Don't be nervous; everyone is so friendly and supportive.. it is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is well worth having a go and you may find that it is exactly what you need for support:) Just enjoy :) Your run, your pace :)

Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I did think it will be a lot of like minded people and I believe they do coffee afterwards at my local run so someone to chat to about running 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Oh yes... I am, as I said a lone runner, but I have done quite a few park runs here and there and been lucky and really fortunate enough to meet some forum friends too! Coffee and breakfast afterwards is fun and yes, we all talk about running! Some forum friends cam a very long way to support me on my training run at The Isabel trail park Run... we have become firm friends since... albeit long distance :) I even had some forum friends waiting at the finishing line of my first HM... so you see, the first steps may take you a very long way!x

Forum friends after Park run... we were hungry!
Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Wouldn't have missed your amazing HM for the world. So proud of you!💓🏃‍♀️🏅xxx

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Lola-bear

This FAQ Post about parkrun may help

Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you that was so helpful

doggytail profile image

What a lovely read thank you.After a gruelling run last week my first 7k ( now on 8k) and a 11 mile walk the day after I did as you say and listened to my body especially my feet and they said fir goodness sake give us a rest 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to doggytail

I bet your feet were so glad!! I have an image of your feet.. smiling and happy!!You are doing so well, an 8K and an 11K walk too. Time for a rest.. and maybe a treat for the feet.. a soak in something soothing!

Well done you!

Happy feet !
Elfe5 profile image

Hellooo lovely OF & all Catch up Cornerers!😄Yesterday I did the most running that I have managed for many, many months. It was W 0.75 in my Cautious Comeback - ie the first 6 1min runs of W1. The best thing about it was how short the minutes felt compared to last week!😂 Last week I was thinking:

“Surely the clock is faulty, this is a very long did I ever manage to run in the past?...”

but this week it was:

“Are you sure Laura? It can’t be a minute already?”

Now if that would just translate into km or miles at a later stage...😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Cautious Comeback is on track again :) Well done you! This is very good news!

Already your approach is paying off and you are beginning to see results. The rest will follow as sure as eggs are eggs. Just let it evolve and let those legs do what they do best... you just follow on :)

Mum22boys profile image

Hi Oldfloss, love your leggings and well done for listening to how you felt. Still no run here, but I need to get back to it. I don't really know where to pick up from. Last run was week 8 run1, and I don't think I'll struggle physically but don't want to injure myself again! It'll be 3 weeks on monday since I last ran... I'm determined to run again before next week's post!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Thank-you! Loving the funky stuff!

Try not to worry too much. Those boys keep you physically fit..and maybe just move on very gently to Week 8 run,slow and steady as you like.

If it goes pear shaped, turn it onto a practice leg stretcher.

You will do this and I will be right beside you xxx

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I think that sounds like a good plan. We're off this weekend to start walking the Dales Way. My husband has booked 2 nights away for us all. It'll be gentle progress with the 2 little ones but there's so many long distance paths I want to walk so got to start! Run planned for Monday evening 🤞

Enjoy your run when you get there, when the time is right xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Just perfect...enjoy your weekend and make a little bit of time for you....xxxI hope to get out tomorrow...even for the shortest of runs, thank you xx

Over60sRunner profile image

Hello there 👋 I hope you don't mind me joining you here in the corner ☺️

Without wishing to go into a protracted post, until 5 weeks ago I was jogging along after graduating at the end of August, nothing spectacular, but enjoying my 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, at the gym (can't run outside - another long story!) then I was suddenly struck down by Covid back-to-back with the 'super flu' doing the rounds and have spent the past 5 weeks signed off work in varying stages of torpor 😷😖😷

However, over the past few days, a small glimmer of light has appeared at the end of this torpor tunnel and, dare I say it, my mind is actually contemplating a return to the mill to see how much snap my celery still has 😮 so I thought I would slide in here and share my contemplations with this space and wish me luck 🏃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Over60sRunner

Slide in...find a comfy spot and know that you are so welcome here x

What a time you have had...and I am so glad that you are beginning to see a glimmer of light and that you are feeling also , that you might be able to make your way towards it again. Wonderful.

Slow, steady ...what other way is there...pop in here anytimeand please do share your progress with us

It is so important that we share our ups, our downs and know that we ourselves, are supported, totally.

We are with you on this. Just take it gently, do what you feel able to and enjoy xxx

Over60sRunner profile image
Over60sRunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you ☺️ Much appreciated 🙏

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Hello Floss and assorted catch-uppers. Today I am mostly in bed after my booster yesterday. I don't feel ill exactly, but my arm is very very sore and I couldn't sleep and have no energy. So I won't be running today. But I'm not panicking because I'll just pick up where I left off as soon as I feel up to it, and the new, "I've learnt my lesson from bitter experience" me, won't be trying to push on if body says no! It's so nice reading all these inspiring posts, you are all lovely 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Rest up..and feel stronger soon. I had mine last Saturday.. I was very tired the day after too, and a tad nauseous Sunday p.m. But by Monday p.m all gone, just a tad under par. I have not run until today though.I was determined to wait until it felt right.

Well done you for just easing back and getting stronger. It is so easy to move too soon.

I hope you sleep better tonight and that your arm is not as sore xx


grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you, in the last five minutes I've suddenly brightened up and eaten a crisp sandwich (the only thing I could face🤭)My arm is still sore but I can move it without whimpering now ( I'm such a wimp 😅)

I'll follow your example and make sure I'm ready before I run again x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Hope you are feeling stronger still today xx

Just wanted to add a thankyou to everyone for encouraging a slow and gentle approach!I had to combine w3r3 with a family outing to the playground this morning, so hubby saw me 'run'. He's normally an encouraging type but he said 'I thought you said you were going for a run - that's a gentle jog!' I assured him it was exactly what I was meant to be doing and he said 'well you can't call it a run then'.

Without all of you on this chat I'm sure many people have been quietly demoralised by family and friends and given it up. I'm glad to have you to run with :)

Roxdog profile image
RoxdogGraduate in reply to

I hope you are very proud of everything you've achieved. Running is running, it's the action which differentiates it from walking, there isn't a point at shich 'jogging' becomes 'running' as far as I'm aware. You are a runner!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

YOU are a runner and..a 12 minute mile is just as far as a 6 minute mile. You are doing wonderfully! Slow and steady got me to my first HM at 69!

Just think where your pace will get you to, as you smile at your husband as you run past :)

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to

You can call it what you like unless he is, in fact, the Oxford English dictionary😁.I think our nearest and dearest don't take our efforts all that seriously at first, so stick your fingers in your ears and crack on doing what is right for you. Sweeping generalisation alert 🔉🚨🚨🚨

Women tend to downplay our own efforts, we are almost apologetic, men have no such problem and are openly competitive. It's a difference in perception, he doesn't realise (yet) that you are serious about this, because this aren't trying to bust a gut every time you go for a run. But he'll get it soon enough, so will everyone else. In the meantime we are all here to cheer you on.

(One of my good friends laughed out loud when I said I was going to start c25k - and to be honest I can see why because I had done nothing for years. Next time I mentioned it, it was to tell them I had just run my first parkrun. ) So you go girl - at your own speed! 😁💪

Thanks! Proud to be adding runner to my list of names ;)

And perhaps there's a little niggle that he knows he could do with a bit more fitness himself, and seeing me doing it rubs it in ;)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Well, I have told many, many new runners who worry, because they feel others are watching them or making less than positive comments, that is is usually because they are envious and wish that they were as strong as you, because you are out there and doing it :)Maybe he will take a leaf out of your book and try and keep up :) x

Over60sRunner profile image

Well, I only went and did it!! Chuffed isn't the word 😁 😁 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Over60sRunner

Fabulous. !!!!! Xxx

Over60sRunner profile image
Over60sRunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Second return run today. Slightly faster so I covered a bit more ground. Muscles are saying "really?" & I am replying "be quiet".

Christ I've missed it! So thankful to be back on the mill and plodding away with nary a care in the world 😁🏃‍♀️😁 Hopefully I'll be able to start consolidation again soon 🙏

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