This is the place for those who have just graduated to talk about plans, problems, terrors and triumphs.
So lace up your running shoes and come on in !
So you have now successfully completed the 9 week C25k training course, well done. And if you did not repeat any runs then you will still have less than 9 hours of running on your legs.
Whilst this is a great start to a healthier and fitter lifestyle , It IS just the start as a runnerand Consolidation is there to help you build on this safely with minimum risk of injury BEFORE you start to increase either pace OR distance.
This period, post graduation, can be tough, without either a programme to follow or the regular satisfaction of achieving a new aim each week. So we bring you the Consolidation Club as your go-to monthly post for all your post-graduation questions and answers!
What do we mean by CONSOLIDATION?
As at any stage in running, when you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good practice to consolidate (work on feeling stronger running for 5k or 30 minutes) for a short period, bedding in all that effort.
Having just finished C25k, it is a good idea to:
★ Continue to run for 5k or 30 minutes (whichever you achieved during the plan) for a few weeks
★ Try out different routes
★ Just enjoy your new found ability!
Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off, have fun, run somewhere beautiful and new, forget about pace. While you are consolidating you are also helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!
We encourage you to check in here straight after graduation, tell us how you're doing and feeling. Give us your run reports, swap ideas, ask questions and get help formulating plans and targets, knowing that at least one member of the admin team is keeping an eye out, with all the usual advice to offer. There is no need to sign up, just drop in and have your say.
★★ And check out our full GUIDE to post-C25k running: ★★
Consolidation is not compulsory, but is considered good practice for all runners, at any stage, who have increased duration and distance over the preceding weeks and is particularly appropriate for new runners, to reduce risk of burnout and injury. How many runs this takes will be very individual, but it is so much better for you if you feel strong and confident about your 5k or 30 minute runsbefore starting work on faster times and longer distances.
Most runners discover the importance of having better general fitness and strength than running alone can give you, which is why CBDB has produced this twelve week consolidation and strength training plan that will see you maximising your running ability in just a few weeks.
So, over to you new graduates! Who wants to tell us how it is going/feeling? How can we help support you at this stage? Know that we've all been there, and we're HERE, with and for you!
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Hi, I graduated a couple of weeks ago then promptly went away to stay with some relatives (and made the decision not to take my running gear and to have a break...) Back now and have managed a few 30min consolidation runs. Planning to work up to 5k next, in another couple of weeks, when I feel more comfortable with the 30 minute runs. They still feel like enough of a challenge for now! Hoping this will change soon...
Thank you I57! I do hope the 30min runs start to feel less challenging soon, I think consistency is the key with me, so I'll bear that in mind when planning my runs.
Yes I did have a look at Roseabi's Bridge to 5k plan - I will use that. I'm at 4.2-4.4km in 30mins atm, so hopefully not too many more minutes to add for 5k! Then onto 10k 😃 (one day at a time..!)
Yes, good plan, I will think about that too. And continue to work on my stretches (as suggested by Iannodatruffe and others!) as they have helped a lot too
Here I am in the September consolidation group after just one post in the August one, having only just graduated.
Feeling a bit deflated TBH 🙄 Still running like a tortoise, still with heavy achy calves, and still not really feeling the running love at all. I'm doing everything by the book now, but (I think largely due to my excess weight) every run is a sore, tiring, drag.
I'm nowhere near ready to quit yet, having just working REALLY hard for eleven weeks to even be able to run for 30 minutes, but I do wish there was even a teeny chink of light at the end of the dark running tunnel to give me some hope!
Off out again for another consolidation run this morning, which was AWFUL! I'm now starting to struggle to run slowly as my legs just don't want to shuffle any more, so I'm trying to find that thin line between stretching out a bit and having agonisingly painful/tight/heavy calves.Sadly that wasn't the case this morning and my calves were so bad very nearly pulled up more than once. Lesson learned, back to EXACTLY what I was doing on my first three Week 9 runs and hope this is less agonising.
Think back to the beginning, how did week 1 feel ?
I know how you felt since week 3 as I have just read your posts .
Now you are running for 30 minutes non stop , that's an amazing achievement and you should be so proud of yourself .
You say you started C25k to improve your overall general fitness, and that is exactly what you have already done
Your strength, stamina and aerobic fitness will be far higher now then when you started .
Surely that is some light in what you describe as a "dark running tunnel"
Yes of course carrying excess weight will not help , however, the running you are doing combined with a good diet will certainly help but as we know, these things take time .
Consolidation IS that time !
Up until now you have been increasing your running week on week and yes, it's challenging !
But now with every consolidation run you do your body will start to accept this as the new "Normal"
I'm afraid it's not an instant change but if you stick at it , and I notice from your posts that you have upped your fluid intake and also do the stretches it WILL get easier !
Consolidation is not necessarily a fixed time but may normally be around 3 weeks so I think by then you will probably be feeling a bit better about it .
In the meantime, why not try different routes ?
Sometimes just a change can be as good as a rest .
I am hoping I'm just having a bad week. I am going to go back to STRICTLY doing what I was doing in my final graduation week and stop reading posts from folk on the forum who are steaming ahead and leaving me in their dust! I know I shouldn't do it!
I have made an agreement with myself that I am not going to quit, but accept that my consolidation journey might take some time being middle-aged, chubby, hypertensive and having the shortest calf muscles known to mankind (or so it feels!) 🙄 I started wearing Skinz today in the hope it might help - well it clearly didn't help with the pain during the run, but it sure made the recovery a lot more comfy so I shall continue to use them and appreciate any little help I can get.
I started the Strength and Flex programme last night too, but have had to go straight to the second week as the first one wasn't challenging me at all so I guess that's something to celebrate 😀 Hopefully the extra work on my legs will help a bit too. I have three large dogs and walk 4-6 miles daily anyway, but I'm figuring that every little the advert says!
Once again, thank you and apologies for the moan 😞
Thank you for the congratulations 🥳 I’m very pleased and proud of myself. I’m going to aim for 30 minutes 3 times a week consolidation runs for the next three weeks now. But I’m going to do as you suggest and try some new routes. I have kept on the flat around our local park during the C25K but might try some of the small (very) hills/grass mounds during the consolidation runs.
And you are right to feel pleased and proud , it's a great achievement ! 😁
And yes, trying new routes is a good way to help keep things interesting during consolidation.
It's also a good time to work on your form before thinking of increasing duration or distance .
Stick with it , once the 30 minutes are feeling comfortable and normal you will then be in a good position if you want to increase your running time or distance 👍
Enjoyed the next run in my consolidation plan this morning. A gorgeous sunny morning here, although the warmth took me by surprise after so many miserable grey weeks!
Definitely felt like some good miles in the bank this morning and Garmin awarded me my 'Fastest Mile' 🏅 which was a bonus and a surprise as I'm still keeping to a slow and comfortable pace 👍🏼 Onwards! 😊
Well, what a difference a run makes! I'm not saying it was easy, but my run this morning couldn't have been any different to Thursday if it had tried. Funnily enough I felt slow and tired the whole day on Thursday and even virtually fell asleep at my desk in the afternoon, so I was definitely having an off one 😔
I'm so pleased this run went so much better as I needed that boost! Strength and Flex tomorrow then back to early morning runs before work on Monday. Fingers crossed there's a wee chink at the end of the tunnel 👍🏃👍
I had a look at the Couch5+ programme last night, but I can't honestly say it's going to float my boat. The music is definitely not up my street (I'm a blues and rock & roll kinda girl) and there's far too much of Laura's commentary which, frankly, after 12 weeks of listening to her repeating herself 3/4 times a week is starting to grate on me just a tad!
I started on the consolidation programme on here that involves the Strength and Flex programme alongside 30 minute runs and the first week has gone OK. However, I would like to know if there's an alternative when to comes to starting the stepping/stamina/speed part further down the line.? Just listening to Laura repeating herself ad infinitum during the exercise sections is driving me bonkers - couple that with the 'high energy running music' and I think I might lose the will to live!
Any suggestions from our more experienced supporters would be absolutely appreciated.
By the way, I run on a treadmill (don't know what everyone seems to call it a dreadmill on here as I really don't mind using it at all!). Could I somehow use the functions on that to facilitate the stepping/stamina/speed sections when I come to them in around 5 weeks? I'm hoping my stride count will improve somewhat by then as it's currently only 138/minute and the apps I listened to expect far higher than that😳
Oh, I love a bit of Floyd too! Echoes is a great album - Dark side Of The Moon is my favourite
I've heard folks mention the NRC, but haven't looked into it (yet), perhaps a visit would be in order. I am going to ask the trainers next time I'm in if I can programme the treadmill. The only thing I was told about is the facility to run with someone else in another gym, but I don't have a competitive bone in my body so that really doesn't appeal to me at all! There has to be more................
Thanks for the input and support 🙏 My run this morning was actually not too bad you'll be pleased to hear - more of an ache than a pain in the calves, so maybe the consulidation is starting to happen. I will, however, be mindful, not to get carried away again!!
Hi I just graduated today and I am still in utter disbelief: used to do a lot of weights but have always hated cardio and esp running as I am completely flat footed and have no stamina despite going to the gym for years. So it is inconceivable to me that at 55 and not having been near a gym for 4 years now, I finished this in 9 weeks straight. I tried once before back in 2017 when I was still quite fit but got such awful knee pain that I had to stop both running and the gym. This time I decided to go very slow and managed to overcome the return of runner's knee through lots of stretching, glutes work, cold compresses and really really pacing myself. I am now pain free and through C25k I discovered that all my life I had never learnt to walk properly, never using my glutes much, straining my quads and causing myself a lot of pain. So these nine weeks have been a revelation: not only can I now run for 30 mins straight but the way I use my lower body has completely changed. I know that this is only the beginning and now comes the hard part: how to keep motivating myself as the cold and dark sets in and I have to start commuting. But for now I just wanted to celebrate and tell people not to give up as this journey may surprise you
Well, I've not been on the forum for a week or so, but I have been keeping up with my 3/4 x 30 minute weekly runs and I am now adding TINY speed increments into said runs. Only 0.1 or 0.2 every week, but I'm now doing the running part of the 40 minutes at 6kph and the walking at 4.5kph, which is 0.5kph faster than when I first started and 0.3kph faster than when I graduated around 4 weeks ago.Little baby steps, but I am keeping up with the programme.
I've also added in the Strength and Flex programme on the non-running days to help with leg strength and also some upper body work too - that's going well. I'm now thinking once I can run at 6kph comfortably (my first run at this speed this morning was doable, but certainly NOT comfortable!), then I am planning to start increasing my running time. I'm not sure if I will increased in 2 minute steps, I might start with 1 minute (31, 32, 33, etc for three runs at each level) and see how I go on then decide if I can up my game a bit more and go for 2 minute jumps.
I'm never going to be a marathon runner, and I may not even ever manage 5k in 30 minutes, but I am finding the whole process has made me feel so much better on so many levels that I am definitely starting to form that "running habit" I heard so much about in June when this journey began, but never thought I would achieve.
Oh my! Not only did I do the full 30 minutes at 6kph today without any real discomfort I also added on a further minute and my warm down walk was a power walk too. Total distance covered, including both walks was's getting closer 😀
Hello!10 weeks after starting, I completed C25K last week after setting myself the challenge of running our local annual 5k race (part of a larger 10k event). Anyway, the race was yesterday and I finished in 31:08, which turned out to be the 2nd fastest time for a female! (It was a small field 😆).
Feeling very proud of myself, and also a little sore, I think I overdid it a bit! But also not really sure where to go next with my running. I'm torn between improving my 5k time, or aiming for the 10k next year. I have been running early in the morning, but I feel my window for running is getting shorter as the days get shorter, so don't want to lose momentum, but it makes it difficult to find time (usual excuses of busy job and two small children...).
What do other people do after C25K in the winter?
I'd considered repeating the programme, but alternating running/faster running rather than walking/running to improve pace - has anyone else done that?
Very well done on completing your 5k race , that's a very good time .As for what to do next the first thing after graduation would be a period of consolidation , so carrying on with the 30 minutes or 5k (Whichever you completed during week 9) for a number of weeks untill that becomes comfortable
The main thing at this stage is not pushing on to early .
After that you may want to join our bridge to 10k forum and have a look at the in house 10k plan (Ju Ju's Magic plan )
Thanks so much for the advice! Decided to take 2 rest days after Sunday's race so consolidation starts tomorrow. In week 9 I did 2 x 30mins (approx. 4.5k) and 1x 5k (approx 33 mins), so can consolidation runs then be a mix of 30min and 5k runs - still at the C25K easy pace?
I've joined the Bridge to 10k forum and will take a look at the plan for ideas on what to do after consolidation!
The main point is that you are not pushing too hard too soon straight after graduation which could put you at a higher risk of injury .But I don't think a mix of 30 and 33 minutes will be a problem !
If you are still at a conversational pace that's ideal for building a good base fitness.
I graduated on Sunday and I plan for 3 weeks of consolidation runs followed by the Bridge to 5K plan as I haven't quite managed to hit the 5 km mark. My last 30 min run = 4.16 km.
Throughout the C25K plan I also swam twice a week on my active 'rest' days, swimming for approx 30 min, covering around 1 km.
I now plan to add in 2 to 3 strength and flexibility sessions per week. I've been looking at the 5 week Strength and Flex plan. Has anyone completed this while consolidating/bridging to 5km alongside a regular swimming routine? I don't want to push myself too much, but at the same time I would like to try and re-introduce strength and flexibility sessions to my weekly plan.
I see there is a separate Strength & Flex Team with a 12-Week Fitness Plan adapted for the C25k Consolidation Period - am I better asking this question over in that team?
Hello and congratulations on graduating !Oh, your not far off 5k !
I think I reached 3.9k on my last week 9 run .
Yes the 5k plan is quite new !
It's good as it dosent increase your weekly running time much with including shorter runs .
As for the strength and flex, I'm not that familiar with the program, but as it is designed for use alongside C25k then doing it during consolidation should be fine , but any specific questions about the program may get a fuller response from the strength and flex forum here
6 weeks of Week 9 runs later (after being chastised for my overly ambitious post C25K efforts) I completed the C25K+ Steppingstones run - and now I understand why we just need to forget about speed and concentrate on building a solid running habit.
Somewhere in the middle of that I threw in a full 5K for the World End-to-End Run effort, but otherwise have stuck to adding 10% to my weekly run time (now up to 4K in 40 min) and paying attention to form. With two Park Runs nearby and a running club in each of my travel locations I suppose I'll start volunteering until their runs sync up with my running days.
My goal, at 71, is to clock a 40 minute finish for the local 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, but if I manage to not be disqualified I will be happy considering that 6 months ago just walking 5K was a Herculean feat that required buckets of ice and bottles of Ibuprofen for recovery.
Slow and steady, and remember it's not a race, it's a journey.
Well, things have been steadily improving as the month has gone on and whilst I am still pretty achy after a run and am having the usual niggles during, everything is starting to feel more fluid and ever so slightly easier 😀
Slowly increasing time spent running and now up to 31.5 minutes, with slightly longer cool down walk too, so I'm now doing a total of around 43 minutes and covering a smidge above 4k with walks and run included. Still MILES off 5k, but I am happy with my progress and accepting of the fact that this will take some time!
Positive news this month is that I am another 2lbs down; my blood sugars have now dropped by 0.8mmol/l - a significant drop - and I'm now officially pre-diabetic; my pulse rate at rest continues to fall; and my hypertension is no more as I am now recording at the upper end of normal for a woman my age. I must say I am feeling much better in myself too, both physically and mentally. I am enjoying this journey at last 👍
Of note, I had an achy run today largely due to a restless night (sadly the running doesn't seem to be improving my insomnia much 🙄) and not having a drink before I went out to the gym because I was in a rush. Affect noted and lesson taken on board! My breathing is great, but I still have some way to go with my legs. I am keeping up the Strength and Flex on rest days, now on Week 3 and finding it fine. Fingers crossed my muscles will continue to get stronger and the sore legs will get less noticeable as time passes. In any case, I very rarely get what I would describe as pain in them now, unlike the early days when shin splints and calf pain very nearly saw me quit, so it's all better overall.
Well, this turned into a bit of tome, for which I apologise, but I felt the need to touch base and send out good vibes to others who might be finding their journey less than a “magical experience” but OK anyway!
This is fantastic news and and thank you for posting !Keep up the good work and not only will you reach 5k but it will be a healthier you when you get there 👍
Glad you are still hanging in there Over60sRunner ! Hope you can get your insomnia under control. Proper sleep and hydration make all the difference in my runs.
A little advice please - I realised a couple of days ago that, after spending 3 weeks trying to shake a bad cold (I'm immunosuppressed), and being back to 10hr days at the office, I find I've missed 6 weeks of jogging!!!!
I only managed 3-4 consolidation runs. I'm trying to get back into it and thinking that week 6 might be the right place to restart after a 6wk break... would you agree?
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