Week 5: Hi all new to this site and need some... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Week 5

csco000 profile image
22 Replies

Hi all new to this site and need some advice

I’ve really struggled with feeling overweight plus anxiety and depression

I started the couch to 5k and have just completed week 4. I was puffed shall we say and couldn’t wait for the 5 mins to end but completed it

I’ve just seen the runs in week 5 and it scares me drastically. I am going to try however can anyone tell me how they felt having never run before this going from a 5 min run to 20 ?

It seems a huge jump and tbh part of me is scared as if I can’t manage it , it’ll trigger off the depression and feeling bad about myself

Can anyone give advice as to how they felt in week 5 , bearing in mind I’ve never run much before starting this And I don’t want to repeat week 4 as I see that as I’ve failed (heads a bit all over the place at the moment ) Thanks in advance

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csco000 profile image
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22 Replies
mind1st profile image

Hi you're doing so well to have completed week 4 and to have progressed from the 60s runs in week 1. Remind yourself that you have improved a lot already and don't over think the longer runs coming up.

I only graduated last week and am still in shock that I can keep going for 30 minutes now, I'd always hated even the thought of running and I remember wishing away the seconds in week 1.

I had severe doubts around week 4/5 too having talked to a friend who told me she'd stopped at that stage as "it was too big a jump". Thankfully that was when I found this forum and so so many voices emphasising that its not really that much different and the programme has made sure you've done all the preparation work leading up to it for you to be able to do the longer runs. You can do it.

Keep posting whenever you have doubts - there are so many people here wishing you well and who are full of tips to give you encouragement.

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to mind1st

Thank you and well done for continuing your runs

Dexy5 profile image

Mind1st has said it all. Just take one step at a time and keep it slow and steady. You will surprise yourself 😀

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to Dexy5

Thank you

Try to keep faith in the programme, it has got you to week 4 and it will get you to week 9. There are thousands and thousands of people who have successfully completed this course, some young and fit but many older people with additional 'issues'. Seems like you biggest battle is what is in your mind. Try and keep a positive thinking narrative in your head with lots of encouraging and rewarding affirmations. Keep your speed down and your head up.

You've got this!

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to

Thank you , it is I always doubt myself fingers crossed I can do it

GoogleMe profile image

I think some of your anxiety can be magicked away immediately because although Week 5 Run 3 is indeed the iconic 20 minutes, that's not Run 1 and it isn't Run 2, so there is no jump from 5 minutes running to 20 minutes, it's all careful progression. It's one of the exception weeks in the programme where every session is different.

You have found the forum so you now have a safety net. Obviously worth reining right back on your pace and perhaps with some of our nice weather it is particularly worth considering ensuring you are well-hydrated before setting out and perhaps if possible not running in the hottest part of the day or the most exposed to the sun places.

Come and tell us how week 5 went!

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to GoogleMe

Thank you will let you know how it goes I can only try

RiversideVer profile image

I can completely empathise with how you’re feeling -I decided to try not to think about the longer runs coming up and to just focus on the next one and to treat each one completed as a win. You will gradually be able to run for longer and longer and end up surprising yourself. I’ve just graduated and I’m an overweight slow runner!

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to RiversideVer

Thank you and well done

Lolly80 profile image

Lots of good advice already. As someone who lets ‘failure’ or the fear of it stop me from doing too many things I completely understand. This might be a bit of encouragement for you... I’m over 4 stone above the upper recommended weight guidance for my age/sex/height, before couch to 5k I had absolutely no desire to run, on week one I barely managed the 60s runs BUT here I am wk7 running 25mins non stop.

At this stage it’s not getting easier but it’s certainly enjoyable and 100% doable.

Good luck on your c25k journey - you can do this!

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to Lolly80

Thank you and massive well done what you have said means a lot

People keep telling me I don’t need to loose weight but again it’s my head and what I see myself that I don’t like

However I can only try and see how it goes , it’s the fear of failure that worry’s me but I will try and see how it goes

Slushsteph profile image

Hi csco000 !

You made the right decision by posting; this is the absolute, most supportive group of people, with incredible advice. Firstly, a HUGE congratulations on getting this far!! This is an absolutely fantastic achievement, and you really should be SO proud.

I suffer from anxiety / depression / frequent cyclical vomiting episodes (which can last days) which are triggered from stress and anxiety, and I can really relate to everything you’ve said. You may find it useful to read some of my posts to see my progress (and struggles!), as I have not found any of this easy...BUT the high afterwards is incredible.

I was absolutely convinced I’d never make week 5; it seemed completely laughable. Yet, to my immense surprise, I conquered the 20min run first time! I now understand the term ‘toxic10’ - those first ten minutes are horrible, but if you can get through that, you’re winning. Saying that, it took me three attempts to conquer week 6 run 2- but I’ve still not given up yet.

I really look forward to hearing how you’re getting on- and you are NOT alone!!! Anything I can do to help or support you, please reach out. Lots of love and support to you!! ❤️

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to Slushsteph

Thank you so much

A huge well done on your achievements I hope I can do the same

If I can do it even once out the 3 times I’ll be happy though I know it’s supposed to be the 3 times

As you’ll understand it’s the negative thoughts and I know it’ll trigger the down moods if I can’t do it that’s what scares me

Hope to try tomorrow so will let you know how it goes , ( if you don’t hear from me you’ll know the receptions poor in the hospital hahahaha

Wwps profile image

I’ve found this site really helpful so I hope you do too - keep posting with questions and worries.

Huge well done you on getting to week 5! I’ve just started week 4 and had a similar thought about the 5 min runs....how on Earth was I going to do it?! But you can, the programme works gradually and builds up your fitness. I am the slowest there is but remember it’s about duration so just keep plugging.

Don’t forget you can always repeat a run or a week if you feel you need to (I’ve done it already after a week off for my knees) and am expecting to repeat future longer runs. No one is keeping count or taking score. The fact you’re this far through just shows that you’ve kept turning up and running for longer each week, this week will be just a further add to that. You can do it! Be proud of yourself for getting to this stage and give it a go! If it doesn’t happen the first time, then that run will help you complete it the next time you try it! If you’ve completed week 4 you don’t need to go back to that, it’s all about building on the runs you’ve got ahead of you.

Keep at it, you’re doing great x

dawnykeeble profile image

I felt exactly the same! You are not alone. I am overweight, have massive health anxiety and worry associated with potential inherited conditions on the horizon- for some background.I have just finished week 6 of Couch25K. When I first saw that 20 min shocker of a run on the week 5 itinerary I thought it must be a mistake!

I did it though and I am the most unfit person in the world. Here's what I did:

Made a playlist of motivational songs to keep me going- I am feeling Lady Gaga and Sia at the moment.

Only had one day of rest beforehand. I have found it much much harder if I leave it longer than that.

Chose Laura as my coach. She is the original and best.

I tried to put my doubts to the back of my mind and trust in the plan.

I am slow as a snail and did repeat Week 3 as I was a bit scared of going from 3mins to 5! Ha ha. I've just run for 25 mins without stopping.

Every time I doubt myself but I still complete it in spite of this.

Instead of thinking 'I can't do it,' focus on what is actually happening- 'I am doing it!'

Good luck xxx

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to dawnykeeble

Thank you and well done

John_W profile image

Hi csco000 (and melmothx )

I really hope this reply of mine will help you see W5R3 differently to how you're seeing it right now. Trust me, it really isn't what you think it is. It is NOT a 'huge jump' - that was actually Week 4. Confused? Read on and please do follow the links. We see posts about Week 5 and W5R3 every week. Here is one of my typical responses:


Aah... the old "big steps up" and W5R3 thing ... OK... let's dive in! Grab a cuppa and make yourself comfortable.

If you haven't already realised it (most beginners don't to be fair), C25K is, like any progressive exercise program, a mental test, NOT a physical one. That's because it's been designed to be achievable by almost anyone. It should be easy enough (ish) to start, and then it's about whether you've got the *mental* strength to see it though, despite the apparent physical hurdles in the way, when in fact they're not physical but mental.

The key lies in your head. So instead of fearing what lays ahead, change that mindset. EMBRACE what's ahead. You've chosen to do this.

This might help with the mental side: bbc.co.uk/ideas/videos/four...

Week 5 and W5R3 are not the "big steps up" that you think. Week 4 was the big step up but you didn't realise it - very few do. Week 4 sees the biggest increase in *total* running time in the whole program - from 9 minutes (Week 3) to 16 minutes in Week 4 - that's a 75% increase!.

W5R1 is 15 mins, W5R2 is 16 minutes... and W5R3 is 20 mins... a modest 25% increase.

Week 5 can look daunting, but really, you're physically ready for it. Your post highlights, like so many before you, that C25K doesn't train the mind, only the body.

Lots of folk get worked up about W5R3 but start looking at your runs a bit differently, by focussing on the TOTAL running time, like this:

Week 1 - you ran for 8 minutes (3 times - so that's 24 minutes )

Week 2 - 9 minutes, 3 times (27 minutes in the week)

Week 3 - 9 minutes (another 27 minutes)

Week 4.1 - 16 minutes

Week 4.2 - 16 minutes

Week 4.3 - 16 minutes (48 minutes in the week!

coming up:

Week 5.1 - 15 minutes

Week 5.2 - 16 minutes (should be easy by now, right?)

Week 5.3 - 20 minutes (with 157 minutes of previous running in your legs - that's over 2.5 hours!).

To illustrate that Week 5 is just another week and that Week 4 was actually the 'big jump' that many claim Week 5 is, have a look at this:




Is it sinking in?

2 mantra's for you:

Mantra #1: every run you've done prepares you for the next one . (Yes you are always physically ready for the next run. You accumulate fitness with every run you do. So that the fitness you've accumulated in the 14 runs before W5R3 (157 minutes of running!) mean that you're more than capable of completing the next run - that's how a program like this works.)

Mantra #2: the body is ready but the mind less so . (The mind says "OMG, are you serious? 5 mins? No way! 8 mins? You're kidding! 20 mins? Don't be stupid." But you're here aren't you?)

You don't need luck, just confidence.

Your body is READY .

Do it.


If you don't believe me, ask Oilandwater Getnoffmycouch Laralou2

MarybellM profile image
MarybellM in reply to John_W

Really love this post. Thank you John_W - it has helped me see the programme in a new way. Hope it has helped csco000 the original poster too! You can do it! I can do it!

John_W profile image
John_WGraduateAmbassador in reply to MarybellM

You're very welcome. Enjoy the rest of the program !

csco000 profile image
csco000 in reply to John_W

Thank you so much that’s amazing does make you see things differently

I will defiantly be reading this post along with others tomorrow to remind myself I can do this

John_W profile image
John_WGraduateAmbassador in reply to csco000

That's the spirit! Enjoy the rest of your journey :-)

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