Running and Covid: Hi All, This is an odd one! I... - Couch to 5K

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Running and Covid

Feeling_Runderful profile image
26 Replies

Hi All,

This is an odd one! I am getting quite a lot of stick from family about being a runner at the moment! Apparently runners are very selfish and will never move to keep a distance. My experience is that walkers, especially couples never think they can loosen hands and walk single file and take up the whole path. I for one will always move to one side.

Anyway ... the main thing I am being accused of is being a super spreader of covid due to me breathing more heavily than walkers. My MIL said she gets very scared with runners as they will pass it on with all the puffing and panting. I have reminded her that running past someone for less than a second isn’t going to spread it. But lately I have had a few people say that we shouldn’t be running because of our breathing when running!

I know this is rubbish - just wondering if anyone knows of any scientific research into this?!

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Feeling_Runderful profile image
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26 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

There was a study which suggested that running in the slipstream of another runner could make you highly susceptible to anything they were breathing out, even if you were several metres behind.You can only transmit Covid if you have it and I know many are asymptomatic, but by keeping an absolute minimum of two metres from everyone you pass you reduce the risk. If I have to go closer to anyone I hold my breath until I have passed them by.

If we all remain respectful and considerate of one another then we are doing all we can to minimise any risk.

Feeling_Runderful profile image
Feeling_RunderfulGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Absolutely! If I can’t keep 2m then I turn my head in the opposite direction and hold my breath! I’m so fed up at the moment of being made to feel irresponsible because I run.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Feeling_Runderful

There are inconsiderate runners for sure but there is no reason why responsible runners should be demonised.

I try and be super polite, running into the road if safe or stopping and pulling into a passing place if necessary. Mainly I run in quiet spots to enable distancing. If you reassure your family that you have good running etiquette they might lay off

Everyone is anxious at the moment

Feeling_Runderful profile image
Feeling_RunderfulGraduate in reply to

I have tried! It’s impossible! I asked them if they move as well and they said why should they?! Unbelievable! There is normally enough room if one moves one way and other moves the other way. They said I’m not the problem as they know I’m a good person! But I get the venting about others. I tried to explain that there are respectful and disrespectful runners and there are respectful and disrespectful walkers as well!

in reply to Feeling_Runderful

In that case, ignore it. You know you are doing the right thing and you are not responsible for any one else.

I wonder why they are giving you such a hard time??

Feeling_Runderful profile image
Feeling_RunderfulGraduate in reply to

A lot of fear. They walk in an area very popular for runners - I actually avoid the area and run on the streets to avoid the business!

in reply to Feeling_Runderful

Ok. So they are projecting their fear on to runners generally, and you are the one runner that they know; so you are copping for it.

You could maybe turn the conversation to talk about their anxiety and express empathy for the fear of living in such scary times. This would help them to talk about their feelings, and to receive your support.

Good luck

RoseDay profile image

I always wear a buff just now, even if it’s not cold I wear a light one. If I pass someone and can’t keep 2 meters I pull it up over my mouth and nose.

I do hold my breath but the person I’m passing can’t see that so it’s just a sign I’m doing everything I can to keep all safe.

I run in a quiet country area so I don’t have to do it very often. I don’t know how practical it’d be in a busier street or park but worth a thought maybe?

I'm running with a buff currently (colder weather) and so it doubles as a face covering, I'll cover up if I can't make enough room, generally I'll always go out of my way to give others room 👍. There's always the ones who want to occupy your running space or route yes it annoying but then it's buff up, I've backed into really Thorny brambles to escape mountain bikes but that's just a rare occasion, as IannodaTruffe said you only transmit the infection if you have it yourself (even if displaying no symptoms, asymptomatic).

There's cases out there of NHS workers who've been fully protected with PPE and have been trained, wearing full fitted masks, specifically for the work they do on covid wards, and sadly they still contract it. All we can do as responsible citizens is to be mindful of others space and safe at all times, definitely apply these whilst running.....

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Try not to allow others to put pressure on you. We all sleep with our own conscience; so long as you are content with your actions... what anyone else thinks is their problem.

Madge50 profile image

I’d say you’re more at risk doing your weekly shop in the supermarket where people seem to totally ignore the two metre rule in desperation to nab whatever grocery’s they’re after, they seem to think a face covering solves it and are quite happy to lean across you, stand close etc.,

As for running, I’m lucky to be in a village, there are quite a lot of runners, all seem to be courteous, and (me included) will run in the road - as long as it’s safe to do so, the worst I’ve encountered were a pair walking who were so engrossed in their conversation completely took up the the pavement side by side and we’re totally oblivious to the fact that myself and my husband walked in to the road to give them space!

I try to run (and walk) at different times and vary my routes to avoid bumping into too many people, and, yes, others behaviour does irritate me sometimes, but, I just think in my head ‘be nice’ and do what I need to do to keep myself safe and be respectful.

I’m certainly not going to stop running! We are allowed to be there!


mrrun profile image

In the current climate of uncertainty and general worry around the world, it's more important than ever to exercise and improve mental wellbeing, boost our immune system, reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress.

I would simply keep on running and ignore them one by one. Actually, they also should lace up and go, rather than criticise you.

You are doing the right thing, don't worry or blame yourself.

limu_mu profile image

I try to run on less busy routes or wide paths when possible so I can maintain the 2m, mainly to protect myself but generally peace of mind and a more seamless running experience. I think post COVID I'll do the same.

True there are some inconsiderate people runners and non runners and sorry for the flack you are getting. I think many people don't feel comfortable in public spaces generally at the moment... and it could be a lack of knowing how it spreads...but you really don't need to stop running.

Jell6 profile image

If I can, I safely cross over or run around. But I have also experienced the examples you describe of the walkers refusing to change their position. Yesterday there was a line of 3 cyclists, they made no attempt to move either. In those cases I hold my position and keep running.

I agree shopping is likely to be a greater risk. I see lots of people without masks recently, it's unnerving when they reach around you to get something off a shelf.

Honestly I can't wait to get back to being comfortable outdoors...

JetsNanna profile image

There’s a lot of sense spoken in the replies that have been posted so I won’t add to it too much other than to say - some people just have an issue with everything everyone else does no matter how sensible and unselfish the activity is. I wouldn’t engage with the negative chattering - just rise above it. No disrespect intended by this - it’s an observation built on my own experiences where I can’t help but think that some people just feel threatened by any positive steps (such as exercise) taken by those around them. I think it highlights their own apathy about their own fitness and makes them uncomfortable so they ‘lash out’. Please do not take offence as this because it is not intended to offend - quite the opposite.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to JetsNanna

Spot on! 👍🏻 I also think some of it is just a bit of spite; why should we get to do what we enjoy and they can't do their thing! Sad, but it's real.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to JetsNanna


RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunGraduate in reply to JetsNanna

Very well articulated. My thoughts precisely.

Feeling_Runderful profile image

Thanks everyone so much! I know I am a considerate runner - too considerate sometimes! I always run round people and go on the road if I am facing traffic and always say thank you to those who adjust their path for me! My in-laws are lovely people but the running comments I take personally instead of realising it’s not about me as a runner! I stopped running the busy parks even though they are so pretty and run the streets and it’s so much easier!

I have bought a buff as recommended by people! I sometimes get a bit panicky if I can’t distance so this will help my anxieties too (I live with my husband who is extremely vulnerable so am only too aware of distance!)

Thank you so much for all your advice and support!

Indielass00 profile image

I just give people space when I go past even if that means crossing the road.

SueAppleRun profile image

I read that because of the speed runners pass people there’s less chance of them passing on germs, i dodge people on all my runs because in my experience not many give way to anyone else, the official line is, not less than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes and they’d have to walk fast to keep up with even a slow runner fir 15 minutes, i wear a buff which i pull over mouth and nose though if it’s busy

nowster profile image

Your interaction time with other people whilst running is likely to be no more than a couple of seconds and, crucially, it's outdoors. During the current cold weather, your warm breath will naturally rise, too.

The problem area I had was with the crowding of younger families before Christmas by the field with the deer in it. Social distancing wasn't happening among them. The other groups who have been poor at keeping apart have been the pupils queuing up outside the high school.

Runners aren't a problem. We're mostly solitary in the current conditions, and by and large we are courteous.

Has your M-i-L actually been out and experienced any problems with runners, or is it all supposition on her part?

Feeling_Runderful profile image
Feeling_RunderfulGraduate in reply to nowster

She is concerned that they puff and pant all the time. Have never come across many runners who puff and pant. She gets her knickers right in a twist about it even though runners will pass a lot quicker than other walkers!

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to Feeling_Runderful

"She is concerned..."

Suggest she comes running with you next time you're out, so she can see what it's really like. 👿

Crolla profile image

Late reply but only just seen this. I recently had a through gritted teeth discussion with a fellow dog walker about this. She thinks runners spread the disease because as they run past their breath comes out faster, etc, and I pointed out, it was mere seconds of contact, the breath comes out faster and is thus dissipated in the air quicker and diluted (my theory) and that us standing together talking to each other for 10-15 minutes is far more likely to spread covid. I have a lot of friends who chunter about runners but in my experience it's runners who look where they're going, dodge dogs, kids on scooters, pram pushers and random walkers who HAVE to look at their phone all the time. Consideration works both ways, but it's easy to blame the random runner who's doing everything they can to remain fit, rather than the person you're having a good old chinwag with.

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