And here you are...On the other side...with MEEEE MummyCav!!!
It was my pleasure to award you all with your badges last month after all your hard work...and now, here I am on your next step, to guide you through your consolidation runs...
This is the place for those who have just graduated to talk about plans, problems, terrors, triumphs and everything in between...
This period, post graduation, can be tough, without either a programme to follow or the regular satisfaction of achieving a new aim each week. So we bring you the Consolidation Club as your go-to monthly post for all your post-graduation questions and answers!
What do we mean by CONSOLIDATION?
As at any stage in running, when you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good practice to consolidate (work on feeling stronger running for 5k or 30 minutes) for a short period, bedding in all that effort.
Having just finished C25k, it is a good idea to:
★ Continue to run for 5k or 30 minutes (whichever you achieved during the plan) for a few weeks
★ Try out different routes
★ Just enjoy your new found ability!
Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off, have fun, run somewhere beautiful and new, forget about pace. While you are consolidating you are helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!
We encourage you to check in here straight after graduation, tell us how you're doing and feeling. Give us your run reports, swap ideas, ask questions and get help formulating plans and targets, knowing that at least one member of the admin team is keeping an eye out, with all the usual advice to offer. There is no need to sign up, just drop in and have your say.
★★ And check out our full GUIDE to post-C25k running: ★★
Consolidation is not compulsory, but is considered good practice for all runners, at any stage, who have increased duration and distance over the preceding weeks and is particularly appropriate for new runners, to reduce risk of burnout and injury. How many runs this takes will be very individual, but it is so much better for you if you feel strong and confident about your 5k or 30 minute runs before starting work on faster times and longer distances.
So, over to you new graduates! Who wants to tell us how it is going/feeling? How can we help support you at this stage? Know that we've all been there, and we're HERE, with and for you!
I can't wait to hear all about it and how you're all getting on...happy running everyone (inbetween Christmas shopping!!)...and don't forget your lights if you're running in the dark, I love a Christmassy looking runner and why not compile your very own running Christmas list for Santa while you're out there!!! 😊😊😊