Graduates, Wannabies and Newbies. : Hi all, I’m... - Couch to 5K

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Graduates, Wannabies and Newbies.

Jcksam profile image
43 Replies

Hi all, I’m back! Oh .......

Well never mind after about weeks of zero posts I thought I’d come on and tell you al what’s happened, I’ve only gone and completed all 3 runs of W7. After 3 weeks of not running I seriously thought at times of just giving up, of hang in up my (VERY) expensive shoes up for good and then thought why not just try one last time.

I started this program a day before burkey46 and I’ve witnessed others who started, some of them several weeks after me become Graduates leaving me for dust in a wallow of self pity, well ok I maybe being a tad dramatic but hand on heart if it wasn’t for the the genuinely friendly and encouraging fellow runners on his forum I would have ran my last so thank you, thank you all for your kindness and encouragement not just to me but all the Wannabies on here that have struggled at times or wanted advice. Those of you on here that are Newbies take note that this is the place to come whenever you need a boost or just to tell elatedly what a great run just had cos all that are on here are interested and want to be there for you to share the pain, heartache but mit of all the sheer joy of a run when it’s over!!

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Jcksam profile image
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43 Replies
Blondefox profile image

Fantastic that you are back on the horse, so to speak. Welcome back 😁. I was starting to wonder if a prod was needed......🤭

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to Blondefox

Would that be a ‘cattle prod’ you’re meaning?

Blondefox profile image
BlondefoxGraduate in reply to Jcksam

😂😂 Of course not! A gentle nudge...

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to Blondefox


StoneDragon profile image

Well done Jcksam, that’s week 7 finally put to bed! 👍 it’s great to hear that you’re able to get back out there running again💪

I can only echo what you said about this community and the support and encouragement it offers. Also you’ve been instrumental in my journey (along with many others) so thanks to you too 🙏

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to StoneDragon

I’m not a fan of social media and actually don’t have any truck with any of it, apart from this as it’s just always so positive.

LauraRuns profile image

Glad to see your name pop up again Jcksam! You become familiar with certain usernames and yours was definitely one of them. Congrats on completing week 7, onwards and upwards to week 8 now! ✨

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to LauraRuns

Thank you LauraRuns, it genuinely is good to be back. I deliberately didn’t post on W7R1 or 2 cos I wanted a post a positive message and not how hard I’d found running again, my posts always seemed to have a negative bent to them and I felt triumphant finishing R3, a huge milestone been overcome.

Jericho2332 profile image

Good to see your back up and running! Well done on completing week 7 too, not long to go now 💪🏻 fighting back from feeling like packing it all in to getting out there and doing it again takes strength and mental toughness. Staying at home would be easy, you've chosen not to take the easy way out 👍🏻well done!

Now let's put those very expensive trainers to good use and smash week 8 💪🏻

You 100% got this!

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to Jericho2332

Thanks Jericho, I do find that you and others are an inspiration, I couldn’t do it without the support. Bl**dy h*ll I sound so needy.

Jericho2332 profile image
Jericho2332Graduate in reply to Jcksam

Not at all! We all need a little support, advice and encouragement 👍🏻 it's what this place is for 😁

MackemT profile image

Im a newbie Jcksam .. Im hoping to get started in a week or so.. im in quara now. Good to see you got back in the swing and enjoying it. Im loving this site already.. ! Thanks for updating us :)

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

It’s good to hear you’re going to do this MackemT, it ‘will’ change u you our life. I’m guessing there’s no prizes for guessing what city you’ll be running in. 😁. Keep us up dated with your progress, good and bad.

MackemT profile image

We can but try Jcksam :) Actually i coudnt be further from home .. Zhoushan will be my running city . Will certainly keep you all updated ..

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Really and takes you so far from home, if you don’t mind me asking, work?

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

Yep .. English teacher

MackemT profile image

Perhaps Ill change it to MackemAbroad.. ha

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Speaking as someone who has lived in Teesside and gone nowhere (apart from holiday) for 50+ years that sounds exotic, scary, brave and adventurous.

MackemT profile image

A Smoggey ? or just lived there ? And yeah, its been all of the above at times. ..

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Yes that’s me, a Smoggey through and through, though not from Boro thank the lord 😂. Have you been there long?

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

Yeah ..Ive worked out here a few years now. Moved to different places. Im now on a beautiful island off the mainland. I love the scenery , but the social is limited, my colleagues dont do much together and my schools location is between two major towns. I thought if Im gonna get up and on with the running , Id need some online support :) This group seems a really easy going , nice group .. good for me, as i dont do much social media if I can help it .

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

Seven hour time difference as well.. So its a bit of a challenge to keep in the loop at home :)

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Yes I can see how a time difference like that could be an issue as you must have sent those 2 messages go me in the early hours fir me but in the morning for you and now it must be mid afternoon.

You do make it sound like a beautiful place if a little isolated. I don’t do social media at all so I’m not sure why I started on this but I’m glad I did cos it is such a happy positive space to be. All on here are so supportive with a word of encouragement and the right advice when needed.

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

Yep .. half three here.. It is beautiful . Aye social media .. Well, i use Wechat here or othws Id be totally out of touch, but I keep a lid on it . I Fbk and Skype every month as a rule ..or if I need. Mam has been ill this summer, so i was on constantly and had to come bk home , I thought long and hard about returning but needs must im afraid.

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

We all need to work and you must be committed to your life there.

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

Hows it going? I hear the UK are going back into lockdown .. Dont know if thats a good thing ..but hope it doesnt affect your training too much . I am finished quara on Sat ..cant wait to get out .. the total isolation is mentally draining , especially when the sun is shining. Will start back to work on Monday ..but ive got the morning off , so thats when I will start the timetable of activity. Eeek ! ha

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Hey there, yes back to lockdown from Thursday though it won’t affect me to much I don’t generally go anywhere apart from work anyway, at least not this year in any case. I’m not sure how well it’ll do it just depends on how many conform to the rules or not there evidence that a number of people don’t do well have to see.

I bet you are looking forward to getting out I’ve worked right through the pandemic so I don’t know what it’s like to isolate though there are still a couple of people that work for the same company that are still furloughed after 7months. I was emergency cover for anything that came up, I’m and electrician by the way so I was going into peoples homes, offices etc.

MackemT profile image
MackemT in reply to Jcksam

This C25K is much much harder than I thought!! I did three every other day sessions .. but only managed to do the warm up five minutes and two of the runs after that. Couldnt finish the full sessions. Also, I had to delay starting the program because when I got out of two weeks of quara, my school said i had to do a further 'low profile ' two weeks until after the mid term exams. That was local restrictions I believe.

So although it was not full quara.. I had to keep clear of the office and students. Now the daily temp checks and final 'negative' reading swab is over .. Im allowed back in class on Monday...Thank the Lord.. a month of this sh*t has driven me spare !

Anyway, I get more done when Im back in a routine .. weird that way .. so I will start again in earnest next week .

Hope you are doing well :)

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to MackemT

Hi Mackam. What an awful time you’ve been having, I couldn’t imagine how bored I’d be not being at work for a month, especially in your position where I’m sure you form bonds with your students. As far as the running is concerned don’t worry about it, it might take you 9weeks or 19weeks to complete it. C25K is a bit of a misnomer actually as what you’re learning your body to do is run fir 30mins none stop but not necessarily doing 5k. Once you can run fir 30mins you can then build it up to the full 5k in the Consolidation runs. C25K is just a more catchy name than C230mins.

I pleased for you that you’re finally able to get back to work after all that time. How is the situation in China with Covid, it’s of something we here about much (or are you not allowed to comment??!).

CazzaW profile image

Delighted to hear you’re back out there 👍 really well done for completing W7 👏 I found it helped getting onto the repetitive weeks 7-9 as you know what to expect each run and you know in your head (and body too 😂) that you’ve done it before. Onto W8 now and that’s only 3 mins more, you can do it 💪

Good luck.. graduation isn’t far way 😊

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to CazzaW

I know now that I’m finally finished W7 I really do feel the end is in sight, well the end of the 9 week program that is, I’ll need to do months of consolidation runs to get to 5k (3.1miles) in 30mins.

CazzaW profile image
CazzaWGraduate in reply to Jcksam

Try not to think about the 5k in 30 mins yet. I’ve just done my 5th consolidation run of 30 mins and am trying to get more comfortable and consistent at doing that before moving on. I want to get to 5k too (which I will 💪) and eventually maybe in 30 mins but accept that that part might never happen 😂 When you’ve graduated check in at Consolidation Club where there’s loads of helpful advice and if you tell roseabi what your aim is she’ll suggest a bit of a plan for you 👍

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to CazzaW

Oh now I didn’t know there was a secret exclusive Graduates Lounge, can’t wait to get my passkey😂.

I am looking forward to graduating and then I won’t feel so guilty if I don’t run on the night I should do.

CazzaW profile image
CazzaWGraduate in reply to Jcksam


Yes its quite liberating to run whenever you want to.... although bizarrely I’ve found myself sticking to the same days (mostly) as I’m worried I’ll get out of the habit and routine 😬😆

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to CazzaW

Well that’s probably what’ll happen with me as there are reasons why I run on those days, I generally have my son on Wednesday’s and Fridays.

CazzaW profile image
CazzaWGraduate in reply to Jcksam

I’m presuming not yet old enough to run with you 🤔.... but just think, maybe one day 😊

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to CazzaW

No he’s only six, he’d get tired and bored too easily and I’d be concerned about his safety near roads. So I just have run When he’s not with me, that’s why I ran on Tuesday and not again till Sunday as he’s staying with me from Wednesday to Sunday PM, he wears me out but hate it when I have to take back to his mum.

CazzaW profile image
CazzaWGraduate in reply to Jcksam

So good that you have him for half the week 😊 and running can be fitted in around that. Boys rule in my book 🤭 hope no one with girls is listening 😂 we have 5 older ones between us 🥰

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to CazzaW

Oh yes boys are so much easier, I’ve had 4 step sons and 1 step daughter in my life and all 4 of them were a breeze compared to the girl. Don’t get me wrong I love her and I’m proud of what she’s achieved but I’m sure you know what I mean about ‘teenage girls!’ 😂😡🤬😂

Pnegirl profile image

So pleased to hear you got back in the saddle and smashed week 7! That's fantastic news after being on the verge of packing it all in. You are so right about this forum. Everyone is here to pick you up when you're down, share a tidbit of advice from hard-earnt experience, or to cheer you on in the good times! It's a fabulous place. Best of luck with your next week, you'll definitely do it! 😁

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to Pnegirl

Thanks Pnegirl I am strangely looking forward to getting through this next week only so then I’ll be in my graduation week, that seems surreal!😁

Pnegirl profile image
PnegirlGraduate in reply to Jcksam

It'll be round before you know it!

Jcksam profile image
Jcksam in reply to Pnegirl

And then I’ll join you all in the Private Graduates Lounge!

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