Ok So I Graduated yesterday !! I am very happy to have completed this programme on my second attempt . What makes it all the more pleasing is that I did it after being tested positive for covid 19 and being completely knocked off for 5 weeks. I had tried this app in 2018 but at the time I injuted my left knee. So could not complete it then. However this time it was a different story altogether. After recovering from corona I was determined to do it carefully and not over push myself.
I designed a regime for myself which went something like this.
1. Following c2k app as a gospel. No deviation, no extra no additional efforts. Follow it strictly.
2. Introduced 3 days a week home weight training which included upper body and lower body. This allowed my legs and knees to strengthen the muscles and ligament.
3. A STRONG FOCUS ON DIET. Since recovering from the corona I have managed to put on 6 kilos ( I had been underweight and I need to put on weight. ) I am aiming to get to 11 stones. I have shrredded fat ( some stubborn belly fat remains) but I have increased muscle mass around arms, hips, shoulders and definitely legs. This has strengthened my legs which has helped tremendously.
4. Started Pranayama which has definitely helped me with coping with stich and stopped labouring during the run.
Everything went as per the plan. But by the end of 30 min (as per strava) I had done 4.8 km so I ran extra minute and a half and made it to full 5 km!!!
I am 45 years old and I feeling so rejuvenated and new me is being born.!!
It has been mentioned many times, and I will say one more time... Trust the app and trust yourself. By the end of this programme you definitely be able to run funn 30 mins and 5 km ( give and take a few hundred metres).
I wish every one all the very best of luck.