I know running time is the objective but to keep my motivation for future runs after wk 9, I would like to know distances people are managing in 30 mins. Saw a post on this some while ago but can't find it now.
Average distances achieved.: I know running time... - Couch to 5K
Average distances achieved.

I’m in the consolidation weeks and distances are varying wildly, in the last week I had a 3.8km run and a 4.5km one. The 4.5km was right at the edge of my endurance though so I’m still not expecting 5k any time soon!

Only a small proportion of graduates from this forum who responded to a poll, managed 5k in 30 minutes by graduation healthunlocked.com/couchto5....
Graduation requirements are that you complete three thirty minute runs, regardless of distance.

All will be wildly different.... as we are all different...anything from 3 K to 5+K. This is why we emphasise in the FAQ for Newbies the 30 minutes.. and not the 5K
I did 4K including the warm up and cool down walks. If that helps

Yeah I’m on consolidation runs, I’m currently doing 4K, my intention is to increase a little each week depending on how I feel 😊

My first two consolidation runs I managed 4K in the 30 minutes of running. Since then I decided to push for 5K which took me around 37-38 minutes .... I've now injured both knees so do not recommend doing that! 😂

I achieved an awesome 30 minutes in all of my week 9 runs... even in those 3 there was quite a variation in my distances, as I took 2 of them easier than the other one, which wasn’t 5k... my first 5k wasn’t 5k either, but that’s another story!
I think my average over the 3 would have been about 4.5k... but if I’d gone 100% by the advice given here it would have been more like 4.2k.
I’m 6’1 around healthy BMI and was blessed with running genes (I was a good 3000m runner in my youth) so I had some advantages to help me.
I’m actually looking forward to my next running plan though... it’s going to be the first one that I’ve done since C25K that is time based... at the end of it I’ll run a 10k, but in the journey I’ll be running most of the runs nice and easy.