Parkruns: I was just thinking of how I can... - Couch to 5K

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Issywhizz profile image
17 Replies

I was just thinking of how I can continue my running once I graduate and was wondering what are the parkruns like? Are they a bit lonely, daunting going on your own? Would it be better to think about starting them when I’m a bit better at running as the running faces I pull once I hit 20 minutes to get me through the remainder time aren’t a nice sight 😂 I just didn’t know if I’d turn up to one on my own and feel a bit of a sausage as everyone knows one another. Equally it would be nice to meet other runners in my local area so I’m not sure how you get chatting on park runs if everyone is running and concentrating 😊🌈

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Issywhizz profile image
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17 Replies
Bloomsbury22 profile image

I have been wondering just the same. Will be super snooping the responses! 🕵🏻

AlMorr profile image

Parkruns are not lonely places, you get talking to many people, especially before and after the run, you don't have to run all the way, especially if there are hills, OK it is hard talking while running but you can talk after the run, I am not sure when parkruns will resume, perhaps late summer or the autumn.

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Thank you

Oldfloss profile image

Not lonely places at all and everyone is super friendly and supportive. You will never, ever be the last runner in ( it is not a race) as the tail runners are always there. Folk run, walk, take buggies and generally have fun:) They chat, before and after, and many runners chat to others as they move along:)

Many, many people love them but they don't suit everyone:) I am a lone runner, but used park run to get used to running with folk before my first Half Marathon... and I was made to feel so, so welcome. I have done a few more since on different places:)

At the moment, because park run will not be restarting for quite some time.... park run is running the online virtual...'Not' park runs.. where once registered, you are able to post your times... just for fun :) I dd my first one on Friday :)

When you graduate, you could maybe register and begin to do a few 30 minute runs... and see how you progress,,,then when park runs do begin again you will be super speedy :)

Issywhizz profile image

Thanks so much. Yeh I was thinking the park runs won’t start up for a while but was just trying to get a gist of what they’d be like, whilst I’m thinking of it. Thank you for the link, I will check that out 😊

BarbieW profile image

I felt very much like you Issywhizz, so I actually went along as a volunteer for a couple of weeks to see how it all worked. (And I loved the volunteering so much I still alternate running and volunteering)

Everybody congregates at the start for the briefing, and there is always a separate first timers briefing, so watch out for that and perhaps you can chat to other newbies there if you feel you can. When parkrun resumes you will need to register first and then never ever forget your barcode!

But it is great fun, whether you talk to others or not. And that will be entirely up to you.

So when it resumes do give it a try. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but you’ll never know unless you try it out!

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to BarbieW

Thank you! Ah ok so newbies kind of gather together separately for a prep talk? That’s good to know, so you’d know who else is new etc. Volunteering is a great idea too, a way of getting into the running community. I need to work out if I could do the park runs when I have a little toddler too, as I think it’s selfish of me to dedicate every Sunday morning to running when I should be with my daughter. Oh the mum guilt!!

JaoJao profile image

Parkruns are super fun and great for your running and mental wellbeing. They are very friendly places, you quickly pick up how it works and you will be addicted like so many of the runners on here. Give it a go.

IannodaTruffe profile image

This might answer some of your questions

The running world is friendly, welcoming and supportive.

Oldgirlruns profile image

Hi Issywhizz, I’m pretty sure you’ll get loads of replies in the same vein -parkruns are great fun! I did my graduation run at one in 40mph winds but had started volunteering at my local Parkrun before I even started my C25K! That was only because I had friends doing it and thought if I was getting up on a Saturday to watch them run , I may as well make it count for something! But volunteering is a great way of meeting people and I can highly recommend it! There’ll be a newcomers brief for first-timers so that you know what to expect and you probably won’t be alone at that. There are marshals along the course so you won’t get lost and voluntee who will answer any questions you have! I would recommend starting near the back - it’s not a race but as ever in these things there can be a competitive element when people want to beat their own best time or a a local rival or a friend etc and it could be a bit worrying for a slower newcomer to be caught up in that melee! At the back, you can do your own thing with others who are the same as you. It’s a community event - you can run, walk or a mixture of both and there will be a tail walker behind you so you can’t be last - and even if you run out of puff and finish the run with the tail walkers, it doesn’t matter. Just remember to register with Parkrun first and get your barcode, so that your run can be recorded. You can do that now so that you’re all ready to go! There’s plenty going on in the community even though sadly we don’t have our weekly ‘fix’ of Parkrun at the moment! They’re not for everyone - there are plenty of people here on the forum who have tried them and really don’t like running with so many others and if you find that too, that’s fine - but give it a go! Fingers crossed we can get back to Parkrun before too long!

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to Oldgirlruns

Great! Thanks so much for the tips, really appreciate that. It all sounds very promising 😊🌈

HelsyM profile image

Hi Issywhizz. I haven't ever done a parkrun but I am definitely going to do one as soon as they restart. I bet there will be LOADS of newcomers as so many people have started running in lockdown.

There's a very flat seafront one not too far from me which I will do first, whereas the one in my home town is very hilly. I found a great site which ranks them all on that basis. If you google"parkrun rankings" there are lots of helpful sites.

Take care.

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to HelsyM

That’s so true re there probably being loads of new runners since so many people have taken the C25K up during lockdown, very good point! 😊💪🏻

UnfitNoMore profile image

The best thing to do at your first parkrun is get there early and say hi to the guys in high vis setting up for the run. You’ll soon get to know a few people.

parkrun’s real focus is getting people just like you to go and run... they already have all the super fast athletes that are interested in 5k... as an organisation they celebrate when the average time of finishers goes up, as this means they’re reaching more people by being more inclusive.

I have lots of new friends that I’ve met at parkrun... they’re a very welcoming bunch, with lots of great advice to give too.

When parkrun is ready to return, there will be many here ready to run their first one, and lots of graduates not only itching to get back out there, but also to welcome you. I’m sure there will be posts going up to facilitate informal meet-ups.

If you go to parkrun and have the good fortune to be the slowest runner that day, you’ll have a new buddy in the tailwalker/runner who will either run with or just behind you... you’ll never be left behind.

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thanks so much for this advice! Really appreciated 😊

Instructor57 profile image

Hi Issywhizz,

I am starting week 5 of C25K tomorrow, so still not ready for parkrun .

However, I have registered !

My local park run will be Henley park Oswestry in Shropshire.

I will be going on my own , I do not know anybody there but of course there will be a briefing for new runners.

I'm 63 , never run before I started this .

I have a brother who is 5 years older than me (dosent live in my area) and he started parkruns about 3 years ago now and loves it !

Even now , during lockdown he will walk to the park , (25 minutes) do his 5k park run on his own , then walk back another 25 minutes.

He will do this 2 or 3 times a week .

So, I'm looking forward to starting it at my local park when we can ! 😁🏃

So I would say, just register and then you are ready 😁

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to Instructor57

Brilliant, thank you! I sure will be registering. I am sure it will be fine once that initial attendance is over with. I just need to get over the mum guilt first 😊

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