130KG person - C25K completed.: Hi all I haven't... - Couch to 5K

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130KG person - C25K completed.

AmenBreak profile image
20 Replies

Hi all

I haven't posted on this forum before (or any forums for that matter - not normally my sort of thing to do). But I thought I would share my achievement for those anonymous people searching for inspirations to get up and start running.

I am/was a 130KG man (20st and change) who, before seeing the Couch to 5K, saw some of my friends doing park runs and the like and just scoffed and said, "I get out of breath after 50 metres, let alone 5,000". And I was right, I did.

But this programme does work. If I can shift my lump around for 30 minutes, so can you. The whole point of doing this is small steps to achieving the goal. you are not going to run for 30 minutes from day one. Just 60 seconds. And that will also be hard. But for those of you worried or thinking you can't do it, here are my main observations and tips:

- DO DO DO the warm up walk. I know you're thinking: "I don't want to be out here more than I have to", but there's two reasons for this - it will decrease risk of injury (which will become even more important later on in the programme, so get in the habit now) AND, you have to walk briskly to do this, it gets you used to breathing more heavily. I started the C25K without doing the warm up and it made running so much harder because you were fighting for breath early on, you get in Oxygen debt, and you're already on the back foot. This really helps.

- DO concentrate on your breathing. Deep ins and outs do work. It's actually quite hard to get this down and concentrate - but once it becomes more natural (I'm better but still need to concentrate now!) it helps with duration.

- DON'T be embarrassed or concerned about your speed. You're big. You're going to go slow. Deal with it. No-one will laugh at you. And you're not Mo Farah. This really is about lasting the time.

- Once you start going for longer, you will notice actually the first part of the run is the hardest as your body gets up to speed. Once you're in a rhythm, and you will find it, it's amazing how you can feel you are running/breathing better at 20 minutes that at 2 minutes. Your legs do feel dead, but again, you're not Mo Farah.

- I found week 5 the hardest. You'll see why. But they do it for good reason. They're not having a f-ing laugh. You can do it (run 3 will be your hardest run of the programme I bet).

- Getting up and out is the main psychological barrier. Just do it. Coming in with the sweat and the endorphins going, it does make you feel good, positive and tired (but in a good way).

I'm not a particularly positive guy. I'm not negative either, just British and realistic and not over-the-top, Joe Wicks style. If you're like me, keep it personal. Don't advertise it. It's the thing you never said you'll do and you will do it.

I completed the C25K four weeks ago and I now run 5k three times a week (lockdown IS the time to start running) with a PB of 28mins 30secs. I'm now 125kg, losing 5k in 3 weeks - thanks to my new challenge of stopping snacking and portion control.

Good luck - remember that 'get up and go' feeling for when it's p-ing down and you can't be bothered. BE BOTHERED.

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AmenBreak profile image
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20 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Excellent post from you AmenBreak, wow, that's a wonderful achievement, a PB of 28.30 and you say that you are now 125kg, just over 19 stone, I am 67kg /10st 6lbs and my PB 5K is 30.55, I am glad that you enjoy your running.

AmenBreak profile image
AmenBreak in reply to AlMorr

Thanks Al, appreciate it.

I see you're of more advanced years than I - I'm 33. Doing 5k in the time you've mentioned is incredible! Will be chuffed if I can do that.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to AmenBreak


IannodaTruffe profile image

Congratulations on your graduation, fellow runner.

This guide to post C25k running may be helpful healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Keep running, keep smiling

161_3_494 profile image

Thank you for such an amazing post!

I am a 22 year old female with extremely low body confidence. I have tried Slimming World several times and failed miserably. I have always looked at exercise as something that I can’t do.

However, today I went for my first run. It was really hard and many strangers laughed at me. BUT coming home afterwards and feeling positive and accomplished made it worth it. I can’t wait for my next run on Friday.

Due to my low confidence, I am looking to lose weight. I am also concerned about my health. I am 5’3 and weigh nearly 14 stone. Shall I try Slimming World again to lose weight? Or do you use an alternative method? How much will exercise contribute to my weight loss?

Sorry for all the questions! I was just so inspired by your post!! :)

AmenBreak profile image
AmenBreak in reply to 161_3_494

Congrats on starting!

First off, just to say I'm not a professional in any of this, so I'm just telling of my experience!

I know it's clichéd, but do ignore those idiots that laughed. They don't matter. What does matter is that positive feeling. Remember that. Keep that stored for when you can't be asked to get off your backside (it will happen!) Health was also a main driver for me. Whatever yours is, when you can't be asked, refer back to that as well - whether in a positive Joe Wicks way, or in my case, a drill seargent, full met jacket, internal monologue way. One tip, get a good night's sleep. That will help with motivation.

Regarding diet, my main issue was portion control and snacking/sugar addiction. For portion control, I weigh where I can (e.g. Rice) and cut my usual portion by a third where its not feasible (e.g. Curry). Get knowledgeable about ingredients. You will be surprised how much sugar is in things!

For snacking/sugar, I have a banana and a HEALTHY (there's some nightmare ones out there) oat bites on hand between meals. For me, routine helped. That's all I knew I could have, so that's all I had. Clear your cupboards of temptation. Lock down means going to shops is less attractive. Use that as a positive.

Finally, chocolate. The worst diets for me, are tbosr that cut stuff out. You just craved it. Again, I found routine helped. My favourite treat is dunking a Fox's chocolate cookie in tea. So my 1 treat for the day (which I've just had) is two of those dunked in tea (still 20g of sugar! I used to polish off a pack!) It works well because after a hard day's work and exercise, I know that's waiting for me. A bit like the run, it then feels good that there's a treat, but you've earnt it, and you're not being gluttonous. And you get your fix.

However, I only started doing this once I finished C25K. For me, it was one challenge at a time. Doing both will take a lot of willpower.

Again I'm not an expert. I've only just finished C25K and started dieting, so can't proclaim to be a 100% success story. But this is the most I've ever come in a healthy binge and I feel good. And the lockdown has helped.

I totally get your thinking. Food is addictive (even if just behaviourally), something most people don't understand or agree is real. But it is. You just have to find how to manage it. Going cold turkey doesn't work for me. A routine does.

Please keep me updated and best of luck. If you're in the south east, we should do a park run some time (2 metres apart, masks on, and governance advice pending :).)

AmenBreak profile image
AmenBreak in reply to 161_3_494

Also, exercise and diet go hand in hand so you need both to get to your goal. But don't feel bad if you can only do one at first. I would recommend exercise.

Your body confidence will increase as you continue C25K. If you've never done much exercise before, this will do it. I walk around with my back a bit straighter and head a bit higher after a run.

161_3_494 profile image
161_3_494 in reply to AmenBreak

Thank you so much for your lovely advice! You really have made my day.

I will keep you updated with my progress. I am, quite honestly, speechless - because your response was so lovely! Thank you!

Amethyst27 profile image
Amethyst27 in reply to 161_3_494

I had the same thing today but i was wearing sunnies so i could glare at them without giving them the satisfaction of knowing they bothered me. Just doing it makes you better than the people laughing so F em 😘

Hitchhiker3 profile image
Hitchhiker3 in reply to 161_3_494

Please don't feel discouraged by people looking or even laughing at you. I'm a heavy girl also (113kg) and I'm on week 6 now. Believe me, as you will smash week after week you will become confident, you might even become smug about what your body can do!

Repeat weeks if you don't feel ready to progress to next one.

And trust in the program, it works! Believe me, I've done it before.

For diet I've heard great things about Noom, haven't tried it tho, so can't offer my own experience.

Good luck! 👍

Jaycooper71 profile image
Jaycooper71 in reply to 161_3_494

SlimmingWorld does work. I lost around 3 stone on it. I was doing c25k at the same time. I’ve still got wobbly bits and I have sort of fallen off the wagon. My folks buying Easter eggs hasn’t helped. Don’t worry about others who are about you’re doing this for yourself. Good luck with the healthy eating and this program

Yodler profile image

Amazing, well done you and thank you for your honesty xx

Hi glad to see another larger gentleman like my self I’m 6 feet 7 tall and 158 kg and on week 8 if I can do it anyone can I plan on graduating in a couple of weeks

AmenBreak profile image
AmenBreak in reply to

Well done mate. Who would've thought we could run for a couple of miles solidly eh?! Amazing what the human body is capable of!

in reply to AmenBreak

Yes I’m amazed of what I can do to be honest ,good luck

Thankyou , great encouragement and tips . What I don’t understand is how 30 minutes relates to 5 k , (I’m on week 3 at the moment ) but I’m not sure what the end goal is , is it to run 30 minutes or 5k ? Paula x

AmenBreak profile image
AmenBreak in reply to Leytonunfitrunner

Hi Paula,

Number one target is 30 minutes continuous running. Don't worry about distance, that comes much later. 5k is used as a rough estimate I suppose, but it's ambitious. The first 30 minutes I jogged was about 4.2km from memory. Sounds close but isn't! But you will get there if you stick with it. It really doesn't matter about the distance at first though as the continuous movement is what gets you fit and, the key ingredient, improves your stamina. I think they use 5k as it just sounds better as a brand than "Couch to 30 minutes"!

More is explained on the podcast / app whilst you're running if you use that.

Leytonunfitrunner profile image
Leytonunfitrunner in reply to AmenBreak

Ah Thankyou , yes , I’m happy if I can have the goal to just run for 3o minutes no matter how far it is .. and yes I very much need jo Wiley holding my hand through my runs! So hopefully the podcast will inform as I go !

in reply to Leytonunfitrunner

The aim is to run for 30 minutes 3 times a week, 5k isn't a goal even if the title says so, it's very misleading.

So don't worry about the distance.

Enjoy your running 👍😀

Leytonunfitrunner profile image
Leytonunfitrunner in reply to

Thankyou , that makes sense

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