Treadmill vs Outdoors : So I have just decided... - Couch to 5K

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Treadmill vs Outdoors

jchin_aka profile image
36 Replies

So I have just decided to give this a go. Just over 17stone now and dexided enough is enough. However I wanted to find out for those ave done it, is there erence doing the programme in the gym and outside?

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jchin_aka profile image
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36 Replies
2718281 profile image

Hi jchin_acha, welcome to the forum. I did c25k on a treadmill, have run since then outside, not a problem for me, though the transition can be hard for dinner people, I took it easy and was fine. Regarding your question, running is running, doesn't matter where you do it! So go for it, you won't regret it :)

jchin_aka profile image
jchin_aka in reply to 2718281

Thanks very much!! All the best.

dieOR5k profile image

I run indoors because of cold and snow and more importantly, I’m a cupcake and hate to be cold. I plan on transitioning once it warms up. I’m starting week 6.

in reply to dieOR5k

Ha ha, me too! Treadmill until the weather warms up 🥶

Wenderwoo profile image

Hi and welcome 😁

I think it depends on whether you have a choice, and more importantly your boredom threshold. I know I get bored very easily, so given the choice it’s outside every time. Good luck with your first run, whatever you decide 👍

Jalapenolover101 profile image

Doing’ it ‘ is the main thing. I, personally couldn’t imagine going to a gym, and I love being outdoors 👍

Everyone is different so do what works for you!

I love running outdoors because I get to choose when I go, and not having to drive to a gym first 🚙

The main thing is ‘just do it’ 👍 ( hmmm , maybe I could copyright that!🤔😉😆)

Good luck 🍀

Flinflan profile image

Hello. Good on you for starting firstly! This forum is fab for support. I started it on the treadmill, and now I mix it up with treadmill and outdoors. They both have their benefits. The treadmill is consistent but can be boring if there isn't a distraction and in my case, the gym doesn't have great air con. Outdoor running offers scenery, fresh air, and inclines so both work for me but worth a try for you, give it a go and see which you prefer. Good luck!

Fiona1974 profile image

In this weather I prefer the gym and I take my headphones i don’t get bored .. I also find it bit easier as it’s a smoother run and find I can run bit further on treadmill but that’s me

VicSurt profile image

I much prefer outdoors. I find treadmill a bit dull but I will do it on bad days - I’m a fair weather runner up to end of week 6. Go for it!

Jonesy_Lad profile image

Hi, I am 19 stone. I have been running outdoors fine. I got myself some decent running trainers with high performing impact support. I have also worn shin splint sleeves for my legs.

A lot of it for me is mental. When running outside your brain is busy looking at different scenery, I would struggle on a treadmill for that reason.

Good luck!

JoeyCoops profile image

Hi there and welcome! You're in a great place! I'm in Week 4 and have done the whole thing on a treadmill. Admittedly it's my own treadmill and is positioned outside with a great view so I feel like I've got the best of both ..... almost! Plenty (most) of the C25k community you'll meet here run outside and I keep attempting to do it, but the treadmill does have its advantages which have already been mentioned in other comments. The only thing I would add (and you'll read this in the fabulous FAQ section that I highly recommend you read) is that you need to raise the incline slightly. I raise mine to "2" but I believe "1" is sufficient to more closely imitate the effort of actually propelling yourself forward on the ground. So get to it! You'll hate it and you'll love it. I think running is simply one of those love/hate pastimes! But SOOOO worth the effort! And keep checking in with us. We're a very supportive, friendly crew!

Cheers, Jo

NorwegianWood profile image

Whatever - just persevere and experience the joy of success.

CDay83 profile image

Definitely personal preference! I’m on week 7 and have done all of mine on the treadmill. My reasons...I’m clumsy so if I was running outside I think I’d be more conscious of where I was putting my feet so I didn’t fall over than mentally focussing on my running (or I’d be flat on my face on the floor and would then be put off ever running again), plus at the gym I can set the pace and keep it steady throughout my run rather than potentially pushing too hard at the start and then struggling later on which I think I’d be more inclined to do if I didn’t have that control in place. I will transition to outside once I’ve graduated but for now I’m just focused on finishing the programme. As everyone says, doesn’t matter where you do it! It’s a great program and just enjoy it - good luck xxx

Summerlov profile image

Hi jchin I definitely prefer outside because when the going gets tough you got things to focus on well done for starting the program I’m sure you will enjoy it x

DrEdFullyunfit profile image

I ran up to the end of week 5 on a treadmill then took to the outdoors as I was beginning to find the treadmill boring which in turn affected my running.

Definitely put an incline on your treadmill if you can, it will help with the transition to outdoors if you choose to. If you can’t incline your treadmill (I couldn’t) choose a flat route for your first few runs.

Treadmills help enormously with keeping your pace steady. Pace is nearly everything, it is so easy to go too fast and burn out too soon. Outdoor running gives you fresh air, scenery to take your mind off things and somehow feels more exhilarating for me. I haven’t returned to the treadmill since moving outdoors.

Whichever you choose - it all counts, the important thing is that you start and just keep ticking off those runs. Soon you’ll be running for 20 mins at a time and wondering how on earth you did it!

Julesbythesea profile image

I think treadmill is good to get started but you can get totally preoccupied with time and distance and those countdown clocks and it can seem longer and more arduous. Mixing it up with some outdoors is good too

Moosey60 profile image

Welcome to the forum. I am on W7. I started in Jan using the treadmill and transitioned outside. Both work for me, but maybe starting on the treadmill helps work on a steady pace . Don't forget to stretch before and after, that is important and drink lots of water too. Whatever you choose, just do it and get out there. Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing. Happy running 😄

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on your decision.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

Enjoy your journey.

Flattttt profile image

I would think these two activities use different Mix of muscles/demand on muscles. Ie doing one should not train you well for the other...Just ok.. Would the best 5k runner on a treadmill win actual 5k races? I'd be skeptical.

So, specifically, it sure seems like treadmill runners spend their energy lifting their legs up and going back down on this rotating moving sidewalk. Whereas runners actually use different muscles in the legs to push their entire body forward. The latter just makes more sense to me.

They both train the heart -- the thing that will make you live longer if you exercise it! Super haps the main thing is picking something that you like well enough to keep doing it.

Imo first priority could be consistency. (Treadmill is better than nothing!!!). For me, an outdoor runner, that means that if it’s below freezing, I’ll probably start going to the gym to use the treadmill. I guess treadmill people would want to walk or run outside on days the gym is closed or when they’re traveling and can’t access the gym.

I'd put sustainability next. For me that's running beats treadmill for now. (I hate treadmills and find them boring. In the past I’ve skipped workouts that are boring.) when I’m older, I’ll probably switch to treadmill if injuries are an issue.

I'm up for natural movement when possible. I put that Next. Once again, running beats treadmill.

another thing that tipped the scale’s to outdoor running for me is the idea of muscle fiber retention. Apparently as we age, some muscle fibers that aren’t used as much simply wither and die and are never available again. That’s one of the reasons that older people get weaker and weaker!

In fact there was a famous old runner I can’t think of his name right now but they measured his calf and it had like 1 1/2 or maybe twice the number of fibers that they would’ve expected for his age. He’s actually one of the guys who inspired me to run. So for me that tips the balance to running outside because it should best retain the fibers involved in that particular motion.

in terms of heart conditioning, it does seem that treadmills Self-regulate -- good pacing is built in. If you decide to run outdoors, I highly highly recommend running in zone two. It makes runs so enjoyable easy and repeatable. You can get a heart rate monitor but quite honestly the best thing that’s work for me is to call a friend and hold a conversation.

Good luck!

Viriamber profile image
ViriamberGraduate in reply to Flattttt

what does ' If you decide to run outdoors, I highly highly recommend running in zone two' mean?

Flattttt profile image
FlatttttGraduate in reply to Viriamber

it’s a heart rate/pace you can run at for damn near forever. It’s awesome.

Viriamber profile image
ViriamberGraduate in reply to Flattttt

ah ok, how do you work out/know when you're in zone 2 ?

Flattttt profile image
FlatttttGraduate in reply to Viriamber

There are books, test methods etc. The conversation test (tri to talk (or trick I.e. Hold one) is supposed to be close enough.

AU510 profile image

I used to use a treadmill at home but have done all my C25K running outside. I liked the treadmill because I was home, didn't need to worry about drinking too much water, loo breaks, the weather or how I was dressed. I listened to music or even watched programs while I did a fast walk.

The treadmill eventually developed a fault which couldn't be fixed and I was u able to replace it. So, outside it was or no running at all.

I like being outside as I can change my route to keep things interesting, I feel encouraged when I see other runners and the fresh air is definitely a plus.

I listen to music but am also conscious of my pace as I'm the one setting it, it's not done for me as on the treadmill. This keeps me in the moment, mindful and is great as it helps me to focus on the 'now' instead of dwelling on unhelpful or negative thoughts.

Whatever you decide - treadmill or outdoors - just go for it. Take your time, follow the program, repeat certain runs if you need to, be realistic and try not to expect too much from yourself.

Back in December when I started I never thought I would get to the point where I could run non-stop for 30 mins. I'm now into W9 and cannot see myself ever stopping this routine.

I hope to graduate by next week and keep on challenging myself.

Very best wishes to you. As you can see from all the replies, we are all cheering you on: Go You!!! :)

Ppflamingo profile image

Hi jchin_aka

I completed c25k on the treadmill at my (very) local gym. No effort for me to walk around the corner to it and as a bonus it has fantastic views of the canal with lots of boating activity so plenty to look at for me.

When I am away, I run outdoors and whilst I enjoy the fresh air, I find it more difficult to keep a consistent pace so can run further in the gym. Outdoors, I also worry about where my feet are going! Lanes have camber, potholes, loose gravel and traffic!!

They are also harder in the joints.

Ultimately it’s personal choice each have advantages. Good if you can mix it up a little and get the best of both worlds!

Keep checking in to this forum and good luck with your running!!

Renar profile image

I did it on the treadmill. Have since run outside but actually dont mind the treadmill , ,Either way it works. Good luck

Smelliepoo profile image

Hi jchin_aka,

Well done for deciding to do it. As most people have said, it is all about personal preference. There also is a but more give in a treadmill, so will have less impact on your joints and may help, certainly for getting used to it.

I have tried the treadmill but it made me feel a bit odd when I finished - like motion sickness - and I found that it was too easy to stop when I felt bored and tired. I am too easily swayed and so I stopped way before I had planned to! (this is only based on one trip to the gym!!)

I find that running outside means that when I am tired half way through and I want to stop I still have to get home, so I carry on, where on the treadmill I could just stop! This was for a much longer run though. I think that the first few weeks would have been fine while I was doing the intervals, and would have me a good indication of timings and stuff, but for the longer runs when you are running solid times I think it is better outside.

There is only one person who can decide, and that is you! Good luck and keep on going... Slowly, very slowly!!

Iaan profile image


I was in a similar position to you. I was very worried about what others would think if they saw me run to the end of the street and have to walk home out of breath.

We had a running machine, my partner wanted one then never used it.

I thought if I could run a bit on the running machine, it would give me a head start, and I could go out and run round the block.

I have done c25k 3 times now and found it ok, not easy but ok.

Like everyone will say, take it easy and slow. It's about running the length of time, not how fast you run.

I have tried running outside, but tend to run too fast and get out of breath.

I run on my machine for many reasons including, I set my running speed and it is constant,

I use a heart rate monitor which links to my machine so I can keep an eye on that, I can run whatever the weather and I can watch music dvds or tv or listen to music which I find helps me take my mind away from clock watching.

The choice is up to you, be sensible take it slow, if one week is tough repeat it. The plan is a guide , it may not work day by day for everyone but good for you for giving it a go.

I was 53 the first time I did it and nearly 16 stone.

I followed the plan and all I had to do was slow my running speed down when I got out of breath. Once I found my running speed I have stuck with it.

Good luck, and whatever you do will be good for you. Any exercise is better than none.

ive only done outside ,love it .

Fuggs profile image

Any excercise is better than none. I can vouch the Couch to 5k programme is excellent.

Stick with it and trust it. It could well save your life, but will change it for the better....👍👍👍

Yoginut profile image

Outdoors every time for me. Can't bear the boredom of the treadmill or breathing recycled air! 😧

sTrongFuse profile image

It's really all the same. Some people do it all outdoors (I was one), some do it all on a treadmill, and some do a bit of both. Just do whatever you find works for you.

I live in the wilds of nowhere and don't have access to a treadmill, so it was never an option for me. Also, there are loads of paths and trails through the woods in and around my village that doing it outdoors (even if the weather wasn't always on my side) was so much more interesting than I imagine just pounding along indoors on the spot would be. I'm a nature person, so I enjoyed watching the seasons change as I progressed.

Great in spring, summer and autumn; not so nice in winter.

The main thing is, you're running; that all that matters.

Kitten13 profile image

At this time of year I prefer to train on a treadmill but with the lighter days and warmer weather I always try and train outside if I can.

Mr_kebab profile image

Hi , I mix it up , run for run I find the treadmill is easier because you don’t have to breath cold air , but it’s more exhilarating to know you have done a “proper” run . Now it’s gone very cold. I’ve moved indoors , I’m lucky enough to have my own treadmill. So there’s no excuse not to do it. Btw I’m just about to start week 5

mumtoalice profile image

Hi there. I started on the treadmill as I didn’t feel comfortable running outside but my last 2 runs have been outside and I’ve loved it!! But I also know I have the option of the gym if needs be.

You do what works for you, you’re moving and that’s what’s important. Good luck xx

getfit2345 profile image

I have done nearly all my runs on my treadmill in my garage. I don’t get bored as I watch Netflix or listen to a podcast, I enjoy the treadmill. However it has broken down today and I am going to attempt a run outside tomorrow morning.

I feel any way you wish to run is still a run, some people disagree but you are doing something and that is a start, do what you feel comfortable and best of luck!

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