I have just graduated (59 year old Mrs Getfitatlast) and I'm obviously delighted! Week 8 Mr Getfitatlast decided to 'drop in' to the programme and join me on a run. He ran the Great North Run 20 years ago and seems to think he never lost the fitness, despite putting on two stone. Anyway, rather annoyingly he did run for 28 minutes without stopping. The problem was the next day - could hardly walk and had to hold on to the handrails with both hands. He hasn't run since. Just goes to show how well this programme is designed - my 28 minute run left me more than capable of running up and down stairs. So, thankyou C25K!!
Cautionary tale for men in their early 60s who... - Couch to 5K
Cautionary tale for men in their early 60s who suddenly decide to start at week 8.


Awww bless, I hope he feels better soon, great tale to share, slow and steady is the mantra. Congratulations and well done on your graduation 😀. Rfc x

That doesn’t happen just to older people, my 14yr old grandson who has spent the year walking hills with his dog decided to come out with us, the first time he ran a couple of minutes then walked then sat and a few weeks later he decided to come again, he ran slowly with us and just about managed 30 minutes with a bit of walking, 2 days later i text him to ask if he wanted to run again and his answer was I don’t think I can I still ache rather a lot.

Love that 🤣

That's why there is a gradual build up on c25k and you know as you did it 😁
Maybe you can encourage him to start at wk1

Don’t mean to laugh at his expense, but ....... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

No one, even if they ran a half marathon twenty years ago can just go out and run for 8 minutes, let alone 28 minutes after having not ran for 20 years or more, that is why Mr Getfitatlast "paid" for his run the next day.

Muscle memory not quite as good as expected!!. I hope he feels better soon 😬😬

Woohoo - congratulations on your graduation! As you say - a cautionary tale and while I’m sure you were very sympathetic to Mr Getfitatlast, how could you not feel just a teensy bit smug! Hope he’s recovered now! Well done again!👏👏👏🏆

After I'd not run for about 18 months there was no way I was going to try to cheat on jumping weeks when I restarted the program in May.
I did select the wrong run in week 7 I think it was, I was meant to run for 25 minute but selected the podcast for week 8 and ran for 28 minutes instead.
I hope your hubby is feeling 'better' soon.

Which just goes to show that we can all do things that our bodies are not conditioned to do, but not without consequences.......he should know better.

This did make me smile....my hubby is the same! Ran competitively 20 years ago and is of the mindset he can pick up where he left off....also thinks he is my personal coach.
It is annoying he could run 28 mins just like that after your 8 weeks hard work....they wing it on male bravado! He will be ok soon....epsom salts in his stocking?

Theres no fool, like an old fool.😋.
Mind you, how amazing to run 28 mins straight off. He hasn't lost it entirely!!