Struggling! : I’m on week 8 now & doing outside... - Couch to 5K

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21 Replies

I’m on week 8 now & doing outside & treadmill runs for whichever suits best really. I’m suddenly really struggling. I feel I’ve gone backwards, less fit than before! I’m tired quicker, my hips ache so much & I don’t know why. They ache after being still for a while, when I’ve been asleep & move it hurts. I’m so upset & just want to do this like everyone else. I’ve managed two 5k runs earlier on but I know I can’t again yet if I try because my body won’t let me. I’m not trying to push my body too much, I’m doing this the right way.

21 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Are you stretching after every run using stretches such as those linked to in the guide to the plan?

If you stretch immediately after every run, while muscles are still warm and supple, you pull out contractions, avoiding carrying tensions into the next run and also improve recovery by increasing blood flow.

Maybe taking an extra rest day between these longer runs would help you recover.

Why are you doing 5k runs in Week 8?

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I did a park run for fun. Didn’t push myself & really enjoyed it. I walked in parts. It didn’t affect me at all, gave me great motivation. I do the C25k properly through each week & do stretches after. Perhaps I’m just having one of those weeks!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

Maybe you are just doing a bit too much.

Think about extra rest days.

How is your general restedness, hydration and nutrition........those top my list of variables that can hugely influence performance.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I’ve been trying to go carb free & eat a bit more protein for the last week as I want to lose weight. I need to get more water in again as I know that’s dropped a little.

Perhaps I should go back to adding carbs for energy!?

Thanks for replying by the way 😊

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

If you have just changed your diet then that may well be behind your tiredness.

2-3 litres minimum of fluids required each and every day.

islandrunner profile image
islandrunnerGraduate in reply to

I avoid carbs like bread, pasta, and rice. I have a protein shake at lunch.

I get carbs from veg and fruit. All OK.

But we are all different ! The good carbs (veg and fruit) are generally low calorie to boot !

I've lost about 26 lbs over the last 4 months by calorie counting (avoiding processed carbs), redoing C25K and strength work on non-running days.

I had a sore hip when running back when I did C25K first time around in 2015, I added "hip hikes" to the post run stretches, which sorted it out. Might be worth trying that.

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to

I'm no expert but I have lost a lot of weight and i still eat carbs , brown seeded bread , weetabix etc. I think eating these things help with running.

in reply to Buddy34

I’m going back to some normal healthy eating which includes a little bit of it all I think.

Speedy60 profile image

You're doing brilliantly and, believe me, you are doing it like everybody else. We've all had our setbacks.

Regarding hips, I'm sure others will give you good advice about shoes, but I found my aches and pains were (and still are sometimes) down to posture. I make sure I keep my bum tucked well underneath me - no arching my back. I try to keep my spine up tall and not sink into my hips. I try to create space between my shoulders and ears (sounds weird). Lastly, I take small strides. It sounds like a lot to remember, but after a while it comes naturally, especially when prompted by days hobbling around with sore hips!

I realised that my core strength needed attention. I go to a core strength workout at the gym and I'm now doing yoga following YouTube. Yoga is also good for relieving back ache. I use the child pose to relieve tension. I also take two day's rest between runs, although I'm finding that not quite as important as I get stronger.

I'm sure you already do all this stuff and you will get stronger too.

Good luck 👍

in reply to Speedy60

Thank you. I’m thinking yoga may help too.

Grannyhugs profile image

Sorry you are having hip problems. My hips have ached for years when inactive, I eventually got a standing desk at work which was great. Taking up running has improved the problem immensely as I do yoga and strength and flex along with the running. Hopefully you will find stretches to ease this off. Dont sit too long without a walk.

Buddy34 profile image

Are you still trying to drink 2-3 litres of water per day and not just on run days it really helps. After my runs apart from all the stretches I've been rolling my hips in a circular motion , clockwise and anti clockwise. It seems to help. Good luck 😊

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to Buddy34

That reminds me, I have a weighted hola hoop I used to use regularly. Don't know why I don't use it any more 🤔

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Speedy60

What you waiting for get hoola hooping 🤣

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to Buddy34

It was a bit of a fad. Although it's good for doing in front of the telly, and it might just help my hips. I'll have to have a look for it in the garage. Can't say I've seen anyone else recommend it.

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate in reply to Speedy60

I don't have the hoola hoop but I found that actual movement loosened up my hips after a run

ThankYou everyone. Such a great help & grateful to this site 😊

Leosmit profile image

Vic, I’ve had a sore left hip since baby 3 and was aware that starting C25K would either help or hurt it. I usually have 2,3 or 4 days in between each run mainly due to time and due to being cautious about my hip. Funny thing, hip hasn’t been sore at all since I started the programme. So my tuppence worth, more rest days in between? Your progress has been fantastic.

coconutsandrice profile image

Please don’t give up carbs!! They are so essential. If you want to lose weight just control your portion sizes but don’t cut out any major macronutrients. Good luck!

Thanks everyone. I’ve got straight back into the normal healthy eating route & will be doing some hip strengthening exercises. Definitely need to up my water intake.

shrinkingjaz profile image

My left hip years ago always complained when I ran. Always. I thought I was doomed. What helped me was overall fitness and health.

A lot of people have mentioned very good advice and tips but I'll add one more: how is your diet? You want to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need so that you're not stressing your body out too much!

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