I’ve just finished run 3 of my first week. The first run was bad, horrible. The next 2 have been a little better but I’m really really struggling. I’m running so slow that I could probably walk quicker. I haven’t stopped at all I’ve keep going but I’m very breathless when running and I’m getting a little chest pain. I am easily 5stone over weight and assume this is why I feel like I do. Should I redo week 1? I’m happy to redo it as I don’t want to fail at week 2 and then give up or do I try week 2 and push myself even harder?
W1 completed but might do again: I’ve just... - Couch to 5K
W1 completed but might do again

Great you've completed wk1. It's okay to breathe harder when running, I'm no expert but I don't think you should be getting chest pain, maybe talk this through with your doctor.
You can repeat any weeks or runs you wish . Good luck and we'll done 😊😊

Congratulations for starting. You are very new to this and as you say carrying extra weight. If I had to suddenly carry an extra 5stone I wouldn’t be able to walk so you are doing great. The only things you are aiming for are to prevent injury and finish that days run. A run where the motion makes only 1foot touches the ground at a time it is not determined by speed. Read through some posts here and you will see there is a massive variation in speeds with real happiness in both fast and slow. Move to week 2 if you think you can manage, also repeat week 1 if you want. Many people repeat weeks for all sorts of reasons. The main thing is continue the plan, relax and enjoy. Take care, hearts should be filled with joy not hurting from running.

First of all welcome to C25K and the forum, many people find that week 1 is the hardest run of the whole program, however, if you keep getting those chest pains, perhaps before you go on to week 2 or repeat week 1 it would be advisable to tell your doctor on your general health status including starting C25K, I would not like you to have any serious health issues.

If you’re getting chest pain and not just stitch go see your doctor and if it’s more than a bit get yourself to a hospital
As to running if you are very unfit try walking the first week and just stride out a bit faster for the run parts. Do that until you feel comfortable and then try running very very slowly
Drink lots of water every day so you are well hydrated and take your rest days
Once you get part way through the programmer running although hard work really is fun and leaves you feeling great
Good luck and let us know how you are getting on

Yeah, I'd take up the good advice here. Aches and niggles are fine. Pain isnt. Especially chest pain.
Have a quick check up at the docs, but also take great comfort in knowing that you've got a successful wk1 under your belt. Could be that you just need to go even slower!
Really well done for getting out there and doing it.
Let us know how you get on.

No, don't push yourself harder. It's all about gentle progression, not pushing.
As mentioned if it was chest pain and not stitch pain then pop in and see your gp, you really don't want to take risks with your heart.