This is a duplicate of a post I popped onto the 10k forum. Ikeep seeing posts about injury. The Open University have a series of free online courses and I thought some on this forum may be interested in this one "Exploring the psychological aspects of sports injury" I intend doing the course, I'll start tonight. I've done a few of these courses in the past. I may even have done this one or a similar one. I just thought it may be worth pointing out this free course.
Free online Sports Injury course: This is a... - Couch to 5K
Free online Sports Injury course

Interesting, thanks!

Wow that looks amazing! Thank you! So they’re official Open University but free?
It's all run through ou just follow links, create an account and start, loads of courses on loads of topics. All free, do it in your own time at your own pace. Some you can do in an evening. You get badges to show what you've completed. Good for continuous professional development etc. I'm trying to squeeze a bit in before bake off starts 😉

Thanks for bringing this here too Grannytobe.
I see reading up about running, techniques, cross training etc as part of the training... and it’s a great training session when you can sit on the couch, maybe with a glass of wine, and get some serious benefits, right?!
Happy training 📖 🍷
I've done the first bit and can see that I'm heading to injury if I dont put the brakes on. I finish each ski season with hip/groin injury I MUST NOT DO THAT AGAIN
You’re ahead of me on this... I intend to have a look at the weekend. I’m not the greatest psychologist, but when I first got injured last year I took great delight in the fact that I had a sporting injury, and that made me an athlete. Ok... my second injury wasn’t, and it was stupid, and that made me a dumbass... but I choose to focus on the athlete 🤣

Excellent thank you!!

Thanks, I’m going to take a look.