For most of the 48 hours between Week 5 days two & three I was so excited to make the big leap to 20 minutes. The rest day yesterday felt like it would never pass. I wanted so badly to finish day three. But then I went to bed. I actually did a bit of tossing and turning trying to face the fear of going from 8 minutes to 20. The moment I opened my eyes this morning I came up with all sorts of excuses - my ears hurt from swimming yesterday... it was already "too hot"... I really should go into work early today... I have nothing to wear for such a momentous run...
But sneakers on, pod cast queued, water drunk I started the five minute walk. It was such a pretty day in the woods I kind of forgot what I was about to do. But then Laura came back and reminded me. Ready? Three, two, one, GO!
My body spent the first two minutes coming up for excuses for me. Is that a stitch? (no) my ankle feels tender (not) I think I need "to go" (no you don't). But by minute 5 I was in a slow lovely groove which lasted through the run up to the last minute. Yes, the last 60 seconds were tough but nowhere near as tough as those first 2 minutes!
The hardest part about finishing week 5 is now waiting for week 6. BRING IT ON!