So week 5 done (second time round) (long story).
Many people have the horrors about w5r3, going from 8 minutes without a walk break to 20. I did, first time round!
But this time, knowing I'd done it before, I felt really calm before and raring to go! Got home and realised it wasn't raining so went straight out. A few drops about 5 minutes into the running phase and I thought "uh-oh I'm going to get soaked!" had a few drenchings on the bicycle recently! But it petered out after a few minutes.
Distraction techniques employed:
(1) reciting in my head about 50 digits of pi slowly as I ran. (Yeah weird I know ...)
(2) when I ran out of digits of pi recited in my head the registration numbers of all the cars I've owned.
(3) mentally marking the next landmark (e.g. a bus stop, or streetlight) and resolving not to look at the countdown till after that, then realising I didn't really need to look at it until the one after that!
(4). Music - my standard, Steve Reich "Music for 18 musicians". Some might think minimalist music a bit weird as well, but the piece is very uplifting and has a steady pulse for a whole hour that keeps you churning along.
(5) At times just doing the mindfulness thing of watching everything going slowly past. Had to run on the spot at one point crossing the road as a c*r was in the way!
Sorry about the dodgy photo. First time round I put them on facebook after each run but my kids got embarrassed, so I'll put it here as I reckon you lovely folks will understand.
I'm wondering if an Admin could remove my "Graduate" badge so I've got something to work towards? My first running career came to an abrupt end after graduating when I put my back out. Made me grin from ear to ear seeing the badge appear, but I feel it has to be re-earned having spent two years in slob-dom.