Hi Everyone, finished C25K about three weeks ago, going from barely being able to run a minute, to now managing half an hour 3x a week! I've done the stepping stones podcasts and really like the mix of talking and music, any suggestions for similar apps/podcasts to follow on? I don't really want to aim for 10k, just 30-40 mins of running. Maybe something to help with speed, as I'm only running about 3.5k in half an hour, maybe that's quite respectable for a 60 year old woman, advice welcome!
Follow on help for new graduate: Hi Everyone... - Couch to 5K
Follow on help for new graduate

Did you ask for your graduate badge ? I can't see one against your name.
no! How do I do it?
There is a post in the pinned posts section June Graduates, you post in there stating that you have finished. You might want to add that you are a May graduate I don't know if that makes any difference
Congratulations on graduating oldbutgold, to get your graduation badge and the word GRADUATE 🎓 next to your username leave a message on the June graduate post in the pinned posts on the right side of the healthunlocked C25K home page and tell the administrators that you have ran W9R3 of C25K and graduated 🎓 🏃 😊
Conincidently just this morning I completed the last of the Stepping stones podcasts with Laura, that was the 35 minutes stamina podcast varying from 158 to 165 steps a a minute.
I found a pace app that tells you exactly how many beats/steps a minute you run when outside running, it's in the App Store, name of the app is"Metrome Beats" you can set it anywhere from 1 to 300 beats a minute, so for us runners 150 to 165 beats/steps a minute is well within its range.
So now as I have completed the Stepping stones podcasts I will go out running on a measurement familier 5K course I know (there are a few) and set this app at various times/paces say from 150 to 165 beats/steps a minute and see how I do. I could also set it at a higher pace for short 1K runs.

Have you read the guide to post C25K running?

Hi oldbutgold, Congratulations on graduating, sounds like you are doing brilliantly. Those three c25k+ podcasts are good aren't they...
If you fancy it there is a free app called ZombiesRun! You listen to story missions, and can play your own music soundtrack alongside it. They are about 30 minutes long and quite fun. You feel like Annika Rice collecting things!
Try running different routes, short runs, your 30 minute runs and the Stamina podcast ( 35 minute run)
You could try adding an extra minute to the beginning of your runs, this is how I got up to the 5k marker. It still takes me around 40 mins to run 5k and that is absolutely fine...
Happy running...your badge looks great!😊x

Congratulations. 3.5k in half an hour is about what I manage (I’m 64) so seems perfect to me.
I graduated this time last year but had an enforced break then started all over again but struggled to do more than 10 minutes running at a time. Rather than give up I decided I might be better trying to increase my distance by doing intervals. So I use an interval timer currently set on 7 mins run/1.5 mins walk but I can do that for 6 cycles and get to nearly 6k. It’s not fast or pretty but I am getting faster. Good luck!