Hi, any recommendations on what speed to run if your doing this on the treadmill? I'm 5'4" so, I've not exactly got long legs!
Running on a treadmill at what speed? - Couch to 5K
Running on a treadmill at what speed?

Get on it... start walking... up the pace one tap at a time until you’re no longer able to walk and forced into a run... that should be a conversational pace for you... if not it is possible to tap down a little and remain running.

What UnFitNoMore said. You’ll start C25K each time with a warmup walk. Nudge up the speed of the treadmill until you get a comfortable brisk walking pace. When it is time to run, nudge up the speed some more until you are running. Don’t go too fast!

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Enjoy your journey.
6.0 I go down to 5.5 if needed if struggling near the end I’d rather complete it slower than not at all

I do my warm.up walk at 5.5 with a gradient of 1. Then when it comes to running I up the speed to 6. I tried to go faster but struggled. Find what's comfortable for you. I've found going slower helps me keep going for longer x

On my treadmill I do warm up walk st 5.2km and running at 8km

I’d be careful about any recommendations about a particular speed as we are all different and need to find our individual pace. The advice to dial up the treadmill slowly until you find the right place for you in both the walk and the run. Running slow is a good thing !!!

I run at 4.5 but I think the one I use is set to miles rather than kmh. I go slow in order to complete the time rather than speedy as others have said. I’m 4’ 11” btw so have little legs and therefore take smaller strides than the person next to me in the gym. Hope that helps.

Hi well done for starting! I am your height and after completing the program now do 3 mins fast walk at 6kmh then 2 mins at 8 then 10 for 20 mins and finish with 5-10 min at 8 with a slow walk to stop
When I started I would run at 8 and drop to 7 for the end
The beat of the music you listen to helps the speed- you need to be able to talk!!
I stick the incline on 2 or 3 to compensate for being inside
Still go bright red and live up to my sweaty lady monicker! (Christened by a small child when I started the program who announced loudly that lady is very sweaty as I shuffled by!!)
Hi, I have done c25k twice, 2 years apart. First time I ended up doing the warm up walk at 4k and the run at 8k, the 8k was ok for the first couple of weeks, but after that it was too much. Through trial and error I ended up running at 6.5k which was just right for me.
The 2nd time which was just before last Christmas, I did the warm up walk at 4k and the running at 6.5k from the start, I found the running bit ok and just because it felt ok, I ran for a bit longer than the programme said and finished it quicker.
I do have a chest strap heart rate monitor which links to my running machine, so I could keep an eye on my heart rate. I am 54 and am no spring chicken anymore, but just be a bit sensible when starting out. Everyone is different so take your time and just have a go.
The hardest part is doing the first one, once you realise you can do it, you can do another.
Good luck, and if one week is a bit hard, slow down a little. You can always do that week again at a slower pace. You do not have to finish the programme in 9 weeks, its just a guide !