Does anyone else find running on the treadmill loads easy then running outside? I’ve been using the treadmill due to the dark mornings/nights and today did my first run out along the canal. Found it much harder.
Treadmill v outdoor running : Does anyone else... - Couch to 5K
Treadmill v outdoor running

Running outdoors is much nicer though. In the long run you will enjoy it so much more. The smells, the sights, the sounds, the weather and the changing seasons.....

It is easier.. I find.
I run much faster on the treadmill..( not at the moment as I got a new one on Friday! )
I run almost twice as fast indoors...
Please, read is very useful and informative.. and explains why it is so different outside.
Running outdoors is for me a huge part of the reason why I run... it is glorious.. with the changing seasons.. and everything the world has to offer
But.. snow and ice and gale force winds, ( or dark mornings or evenings) can pose a problem... so needs must sometimes
I’m lucky in that when the weather is really bad I have a gym that has the life fitness treadmills with the virtual routes that you can run to. You can set them to different levels and I always try to do them on a middle level which makes them very life like, if I come to a bit that I’m struggling with I lower it to make it doable. I have never come off there feeling as if it was easier or I was faster.

Ive never run on a treadmill so I don't know any different I love being outside so the treadmill for me I would find a bit boring but each to their own😊