At the weekend I did my W7R3 on the treadmill and had a terrible pain in my left Achilles afterwards. I usually run outside and never usually have any issues at all - I'm wondering if I am striking the treadmill differently than when I would run outside. Any thoughts and tips on avoiding this pain if I choose the treadmill again?
Achilles pain: At the weekend I did my W7R3 on... - Couch to 5K
Achilles pain

Probably a little different on the treadmill, and it’s all about concentrating on foot fall again, flat and under the body.
Hopefully the terrible pain isn’t an injury... is it ok today?

STOP and rest that Achilles. Let the pain subside, take an ibuprofen or 2 (daily) and do some gentle stretches - have a look at "eccentric heel drops" on YouTube and stretches for your calves/Achilles.
I suspect nothing to do with the treadmill - it's a softer and squidgier surface than pavement/tarmac.

I was feeling a niggle today as well. Was reading an article on here yesterday about "Gait Analysis", some sports shops do it and they analysis how you run and then advise which shows to purchase. They reanalys you in the recommended shoe and show you the difference. You can Google shops that do it. The sports shop round the corner from me in Perth does it.
I know it might mean forking out a bit more money for trainers, but it would be a benefit to the health of your legs.
I prefer running outside, rather than on a treadmill. I was embarrassed at first, but soon forgot about others and just took in the scenery.
Good Luck, hope you get on well next time. 😉👍
I was having a read up on the gait analysis too BlueCal, something to think about. I also enjoy the outside running much more
I went into the Nike store in Glasgow and they did my gait analysis and AVE recommended a pair of trainers and told me what to ask for when I go into a shop. I was expecting the trainers and o be around £140 but was surprised when they said £114 brand new. There is an Nike Outlet in Bishopbriggs that holds older stock and you can get them cheaper.
The Stretching before and after a run is so important as well.
I go to an exercise class on a Monday evening and I talked to the class leaders. The suggested trying to run on the grass. The only thing with that is watching your step all the time, but they said it is better than road or pavement running. My fear would be slipping and possibilities of sprains.
Hope all goes well for you 😉👍

Not got the trainers yet BeckySharp1, so will let you know how it goes when I get them.
Really glad to hear your achilles didn't bother you on your last run. Totally agree in the preference of running outside.
Onwards and upwards.