Can anyone help? I have just completed wk2 but was in a lot of pain on the last run. Knees were painful but have recovered today, the rest day. However my ankles are really painful could hardly get down the stairs this morning. Anyone experienced the same? How did you resolve it? Thanks.
New 60+ runner: Can anyone help? I have just... - Couch to 5K
New 60+ runner

New runners get niggles. Go very slowly, honour the rest day, take two if necessary
Have you read the programme notes pinned post?
I had concrete legs while doing the programme, and beyond. I am much better now though. I used to walk like Frankenstein’s monster the day after the sessions
Your body has to get used to the new exertions. It will though My ankles were puffy when I started, but as I kept running I lost my cankles and found that I did have actually have ankles
You only need go very slowly. There’s absolutely no hurry 👍

Exactly what misswobble said.
Good luck on this journey, it does get better, the aches and pains reduce and it becomes lots of fun.

Yes, I had knee issues and found an extra day helped a lot. I also did the strengthening exercises in the link for one week and they made a huge difference:

Bizarre as it sounds my ankles sometimes felt as if they were made of bone china that was about to shatter when I started!!! Think it must have been tendonitis. I would have an extra days rest and take it slowly.
Also remember to do this at your own pace. If it takes more weeks to get to a 5k, that is ok.
Sometimes slow sustained stretches after the run, and loosening the joints before getting out of bed helps. For me, slow turning/flexing of ankles, knees, hips help.

I'm nearly 60 and have made it to week 6, but also had knee issues early on. They started in Week 3, I persevered through week 4 with knee braces, and did week 5 R1 before I took some advice and had a week's rest. Hating having to do it, but it made all the difference, when I picked up again and re-did Wk5 R1 a week later I had no knee pain at all. I have stuck with the knee braces, and I have felt the odd little twinge but it soon passes. I am going to have a gait analysis at the weekend as I feel sure that my knee pain has something to do with the way I run, given that it cleared up once I stopped! I also agree with what the others say, a 60 year old body does need time to come to terms with what you are asking of it, particularly if you haven't run before or done much exercise. I am finding that as the weeks go on though, my body is responding more positively and earlier aches and pains are fading away. I also make sure that I do some stretches before and after each run and this has helped me keep next day stiffness to a minimum.
Thank you so much
I am getting a clear picture of what I need to do. Stretches before and after, take it slow and not be frightened of having more than 1 rest day!

Indeed! I have had two rest days a couple of times because I just haven't been able to fit in a run due to work etc. What having the week off taught me was that you don't lose form that quickly, I was able to come back and do the 3 x 5 min runs very easily - this has given me confidence to be flexible, life does get in the way sometimes! And yes, yes, yes to stretching - some say that the warm up walk is enough but my partner is a seasoned runner and I took his advice on this one, stretching IS important I think. Slow and sure is the way forward, I am a very slow runner, I am often passed by people WALKING on the tow path that I use, but I don't care, I just want to complete the programme, I could go faster but then would probably not make it through the run, I don't see the point of setting myself up for a fall. So far so good!

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started
This guide to the plan is essential reading
Enjoy your journey.

Great advice already given, will only add that if you can fit in a Pilates class once a week, it's done wonders for my ability to tolerate the program, because it strengthens all your muscles but especially the core. Stretching yes, then when you set off on your run, check your posture. Shoulders relaxed and down, neck and back straight, looking forward. That all helps to stop you tensing up, and putting strain on various bits of you!
I also had niggles when I started, slowing down at the first twinge always helped, and most of them went away as the weeks went on.
I have a pattern of Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, for my 3 runs a week. I try to do the Parkrun on Saturday, because the fellowship of other old runners (I'm 68.5) helps my self-belief (you don't have to run 5Km to Parkrun - lots of us oldies run-walk)
But this pattern leaves Sunday and Monday as rest days (I'm a Clergyman, so Sunday isn't a rest, but it is a rest from running) - and that is a very good thing in the older runner, as our bodies do need more time to heal. Sometimes I take a week off too.
Glad to have you along for the run!👍👍👍