Think I’m going to give up : Feeling really fed... - Couch to 5K

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Think I’m going to give up

AngryFlower profile image
188 Replies

Feeling really fed up this morning. After a post yesterday on my breathing I think I’m going to have to give up.

I’ve been told to slow down (can’t go any slower) and to do an action that is barely more than a walk (pretty much what I’m doing already), I think maybe my personal journey has come to an end.

The thing is that I can’t see myself ever being able to hold any sort of conversation whilst running. I was about to attempt the 20 minute run this week but clearly what’s the point if my running is actually a walk, I’m training to run after all.

I’m going to ‘google’ if there’s anything more I can do re breathng technique but I suspect there’s nothing else I can do. A shame but there it is.

Thanks for all the encouragement from people on this forum, it’s helped me get to week 5 at least and good luck with your running.

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AngryFlower profile image
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188 Replies
Ex-NonRunner19 profile image

No!!!! I’m no expert and don’t know if you’ve got a medical condition but don’t give up! I’m nearly 56, previously inactive and have smoked most of my adult life so was not in great shape heading into this and have struggled at every stage (up until today when I had a breakthrough moment)

The breathing advice on the podcast is to breathe in through the nose & out of the mouth and to breathe in for 3 steps and out for 3 steps ... so taking quite deep breathes. Upbeat music helps me.

It doesn’t matter how slow you are, I’m super slow as are many others on here. 5km in 30 mins is NEVER going to happen but that’s not the issue, the aim is to build up to a jogging action for 30mins, no matter how slow.

If you don’t manage to complete a session, try again after a day’s rest. There’s no rules that the 3 sessions have to be completed in a week. This is YOUR programme and you go at your pace, there’s no competition other than with your own gremlins telling you that you can’t do it.

Remember the reasons you started this and think of the benefits and huge pride you’ll feel when you get to complete it, which you will if you go steady, don’t panic about your breathing and plod on.

Don’t give up!!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to Ex-NonRunner19

It will come. It will. You just have to be patient. No quick fixes unfortunately

Older, fatter, unhealthier, health issues. We’re all here to turn things round We can but we have to be stickers. Same with weight loss. No-one ever achieved their goals weight by quitting.

Your lung power improves in time, with slow jogs. It does. Believe it 🤷‍♀️

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Ex-NonRunner19

Hi, no known medical conditions and I’m already fairly fit but I may as well be unfit given my poor performance. There are runners in this forum in all shapes sizes, levels of fitness and age that are managing to do this. Just can’t understand why I can’t.

Ex-NonRunner19 profile image
Ex-NonRunner19Graduate in reply to AngryFlower

Don’t compare yourself to others, this is your programme done your way at your rate. I for one will never do 5km in 30mins and struggled through all but about 2 of the first 18 sessions. It doesn’t matter if you repeat, repeat and repeat a session, just go at a rate that pushes you (to build stamina) but that you feel you can manage. You’ll have breakthrough moments that spur you on and moments that nearly break you ... that’s how it is, it’s a challenge but working at it WILL get you there. 👍🏻🤞🏼

Honeybee63 profile image
Honeybee63 in reply to AngryFlower

I totally understand how you feel, and wonder if I will ever get to 5k, but then I shelve that thought and remind myself of the sense of achievement after each run so far - don’t give up and stop setting your own bar so high😉😉👍🏻👍🏻xx

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Honeybee63

Yes I know you’re right!

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Ex-NonRunner19

Thanks so much :)

Sofabunny profile image

Does it matter if you can't hold a conversation whilst running..for the moment as you are going through the difficult stage of getting fitter that probably won't be possible.

It does get tougher as the weeks go on..and you seem to plateaux at times, feeling like there is no improvement then suddenly there is.

I really sympathise as I'm not sure I will ever get to end of programme due to my back problem..on the plus side though I am still fitter than I was..

I repeated weeks ..a the first 3 weeks or so..and then I suddenly found that I made sleep forward..

Maybe stop focussing so much on the longer runs and think of it as a work out to music..and go back a few weeks?

Or...if this is making you really miserable STOP a really brisk 30 minute walk incorporate stairs..hills ..that will still improve your fitness..and maybe you can build up to running..maybe cycle..or static bike..?

Sofabunny profile image
Sofabunny in reply to Sofabunny

That should be leap forward..not sleep 🎃🎃

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Sofabunny

Hmm, interestingly the running doesn’t actually make me miserable but being out of breath does. I’ll give it some more thought...

Sofabunny profile image
Sofabunny in reply to AngryFlower

Actually I understand exactlyly what you mean..I can happily walk for hours..I walk much faster than friends. i never get out of breath..but I have that out of breath sensation too! The other day two work colleagues asked me to slow down as we walking to a meeting. They were both our for breath at my walking pace. I used to do a lot of gym work years ago..four times a week really pushing myself but I remember trying to run round my local park..epic fail as I didn't know how to build it up with a programme like this and have up..20 years 57, I've managed to get to 28 mins run. Running is a different challenge.. Isn't Usain Bolt currently finding running he needs for football really challenging because he's not used to needing the stamina for 90 minutes compared with his short super sprints? if the God of running can struggle well....??

Sofabunny profile image
Sofabunny in reply to Sofabunny

I meant HATE the out of breath sensation..

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Sofabunny

Usain Bolt now that’s super interesting because naturally I’m a sprinter. Actually that’s the reason I set myself this challenge to prove that I could do something ‘against type’ if you like, it’s also why I procrastinated so long with reasons not to do it too. What an interesting thing the body is, if he’s finding it tricky then I don’t feel quite so bad!

Honeybee63 profile image
Honeybee63 in reply to Sofabunny

Fantastic advice Sofabunny, I too have worried about not being able to run at a reasonable speed or distance and your comments about ‘workout to music’ and ‘brisk walking’ make a lot of sense 👍🏻😀👍🏻😀

Flyingred profile image

Do you really believe that giving up will be better for your health and wellbeing than keeping going at the level you're at?

You have invested five weeks so far, so stick with it to the end to see what happens for you. You can't say it has not worked for you because you have yet to complete the programme. Everyone has a moment when it clicks – you're yet to experience yours, that's all.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Flyingred

Hi, my problem is that I am already pretty fit. I do body pump, weight lifting, boxing, pilates and a small amount of cross fit type stuff which is why I can’t understand what’s going on, it makes no sense!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Lungs. You put a lot more stress on your lungs when running. But lung capacity improves over time, it really does. You just have to be patient...running has a long old learning curve and you just have to be patient with your body. x

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Yes I suppose it is a bit different to my other sports which whilst still aerobic are more about short bursts of exertion

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

I think I was having similar battles - I’m a climber, climb every week, so I’m very strong and have some muscles! Have also done gymnastics, golf, tango. However - pretty much every sport has been power/strength/balance-based, no endurance in there, and I found running ridiculously hard. I put up a post asking if it should be this hard and someone replied ‘it’s only running’. Nothing ‘only’ about it for me! I felt quite despondent at week 5 and felt that while I could ‘push through’ for 8 minutes, 20 minutes was well beyond me (totally forgetting 8 minutes was way beyond what I could have done even a week earlier). Anyway - it fell into a place in 5:3. I went off slower because the goal was sooo far away, I got through the toxic 10, my breathing stabilised because... it had to... and it clicked. Another rough couple of runs after that and now I can run 25 minutes. I know I don’t run as slowly as some, but when I slow down I feel uncomfortable and unnatural - but at either pace, medium, slow, or slower, I cannot hold a conversation, never have been able to. I can say hello, or a few words, or smile and wave, but it isn’t a chinwag! My mouth is open and there is time for breathing, but not talking. So... don’t give up. It’s hard to be a beginner, it’s hard to be bad at something, it’s hard to... run! I’m starting to describe some runs as easier now, but that doesn’t mean they are easy! I think I just have a better level of running fitness, and a better understanding of what barriers I need to break down. And it is a liberating and wonderful feeling to know I have pushed through the mental doubts and physical hurdles and can do this. You can do this.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to ktsok

Loved your reply, describes me to a T. I actually graduated in November but still don’t find it easy. I think some of us are built for strength not stamina but it’s always good to push the boundaries a little. Still can’t do the breathing properly by the way and yes, a gasped hello is about as much as I can do.

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Haha. Completely loving the avalanche of ‘I can’t hold a conversation’ confessions going on 😂 I guess it’s a good way of teaching us beginners to moderate our pace and learn to think ‘jog’ rather than ‘run’.

It’s your choice what to do, but there must be positives, or you wouldn’t have got so far. Some people will find running easier than others but I’m guessing 99.999999% of people here aren’t going on to break speed records. I’m finding this an ‘exercise of faith’ in some ways! Sort of trusting that I’ll get through the run, perhaps enjoy parts of it, feel great afterwards (so long as we don’t beat ourselves up about supposedly poor performances!!!). Take care 🙂

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Blimey. Just realised your post is from months ago hence the graduating/week 5 overlay! Not sure what happened there but congratulations for graduating 🤣

sparkyjohn profile image

Please don't throw in the towel. 😢

I too thought I can't go slower, and if I do what's the point? However the point is I started for own reasons, as did you, and those reasons still matter. Slower than walking is still fast enough.

I try hard not to think about breathing. If I try to sync it to my my running, or to my music track, I get a bit flustered. My solution is think of anything else to distract me and just breathe. I mean anything too, I rewrite songs in my head (currently working on Monster Mash becoming the Tortoise Trudge), or I compose posts that I'll never actually upload. Anything to stop me thinking about a breathing rhythm.

So again please don't quit. Stay on week 5 even, it's better than back on the couch. The podium is happy to wait for you for as long it takes. 😃

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to sparkyjohn

Thanks John

Sofabunny profile image
Sofabunny in reply to sparkyjohn

I think distraction is good..I was thinking about how much my boss pissed me off during my run this morning and minutes had gone by before I knew it....I call it Pangry....powered by being really pissed off and angry🎃🎃🎃

sparkyjohn profile image
sparkyjohnGraduate in reply to Sofabunny

Sounds like a great aid. I hope for his sake you don't take up kickboxing or fencing 🤺

cheekychipmunks profile image

AngryFlower please don’t give up. You’ve come this far and you’re still kicking and breathing, so you must have managed ok to a certain extent.

Honestly, you can go slower. I sometimes find myself running slower than walkers. Yesterday, for example, I was ‘running’ up a hill and people were strolling past me faster. I’m stubborn and refuse to walk!

I can only hold a conversation at the very beginning of a run, or when going downhill, so don’t get hung up on that.

Why not try and redo an earlier week - you already know you can do it - and sloooowwww it down to sub-snail. Don’t even think about how you’re breathing. Just let it happen. 🐌🐌🐌

Stick with it for us. We all want you to succeed. Go on ....... we’re right behind you cheering you on again! 👏👏👏👏👏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to cheekychipmunks

That’s lovely of you to say and encouraging that you can only hold a conversation at the beginning. The advice on this forum is that you should be able to talk throuout the run and this is what has really upset me but given your comment I wonder how many people can actually do this? You’ve clearly graduated and are doing well so maybe some of us will always pant a little-who knows!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Join the Panting Snails! I’m running 5k+ nowadays, so even we can succeed!

Join us? 😀😀🐌🐌

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Ha ha! I still cannot! But I can run 10k 😁

Languid_Lil profile image
Languid_LilGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Hahaha people are always trying to talk to me when I'm running* but not only am I out of breath, the sheer concentration it takes to get 86.5 kg round 5km in any kind of "running" (lol🤣) motion results in a Jekyll/Hyde situation in which Normally Charming Nia turns into Loathsome Languid_Lil. They don't try twice!

Seriously though, I see the "you should be able to conduct a conversation" stuff as a theoretical probability like "you should iron your sheets" or "you should write Xmas thank-you letters before New Year." I mean I guess if I had to I could snarl something comprehensible but nobody would want to hear it! Don't give up on the running just because of that.

*jumpy shuffling

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Languid_Lil

Thanks, like the idea of a bit of a snarl!

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to Languid_Lil

I'm 114 kg! Count yrself lucky! 😂 I still manage!

QueD profile image
QueDGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

I’m week 9 and never talk through my run, I have to just completely focus on putting one foot in front of the other, whilst panting! Just keep going - good luck

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to QueD

Yep sounds like me but it’s getting better I think!

Pippatong profile image

I’m so slow I sometimes feel I’m walking. It really doesn’t matter. If both feet leave the ground at the same time it counts. I have never and am sure will never be able to hold a conversation and run at the same time. Please don’t worry about what every one else can do. It’s about you and that’s it. Best wishes.

Pippatong profile image
Pippatong in reply to Pippatong

Ps I started c25k in February and graduated in June. Rinse and repeat runs. I don’t enjoy running but I do feel great in myself.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Pippatong

Thanks, appreciate your advice

Tp36 profile image

Don’t give up, who needs to talk! I have been ‘running’ for a year, I still can’t talk while running, I still have a 5 second walk every 15 minutes, my fastest 5k is 50 minutes. But I love ‘running’ as it is my ME time, I think about anything and everything and have conversations in my head that I wouldn’t dream of saying to real people haha, and that helps me with my breathing as I don’t have to think about it.

I will never be a fast runner but I am slow and stubborn and even managed to complete a half marathon (3 1/2 hours) even the man on crutches was faster! Take the runs as the come and feel it, enjoy it, and it will become easier.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tp36

Just wondering although you can’t talk would you say your breathing is heavy?

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Stop looking for excuses why it isn't your fault you've failed. We all either succeed or fail on our own efforts. Difference is, if we fail, it is simply a new beginning. Where we can try again. We've all been through a bad run, or a failed attempt at a run. Get back up after a rest day, dust yourself off and realise you CAN do it. Stop telling yourself your fit, and realise that you're not fit for running YET. You can be, but only with enough work.

So start working.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Jundal

Not looking for excuses and I appreciate your help but I am definitely not lazy

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Maybe not, but this post says you're either a quitter or don't want it enough.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Jundal

I think you’re being very rude, the purpose of this forum isn’t to belittle people and make them feel bad

Tp36 profile image
Tp36Graduate in reply to AngryFlower

Heavy but not painful (not like it was running at school haha)

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to Tp36

It's also not a forum for trolling for reactions. You've said the single thing that gets everyone here to react to, and that's 'i don't think I can do it, I'm gonna quit' and everyone's risen to the bait. Wanna quit? Then do. We won't judge you, we've all been there. But putting this post up is like going on Facebook and telling a group your leaving, and then sticking around to read the comments.

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Jundal

I'm not sure if you mean to come across as an unpleasant person, with zero empathy, if you do, then goal achieved.

If you don't , maybe read a couple of times before pressing reply.

I have never seen responses like this on this site before.

I'm a bit disappointed to be honest.

Deals1 profile image

Please don't give up!! Stick with it. You will get there. I've tried to concentrate on my breathing.... But kinda find it better if I don't think about it. Good luck

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Deals1

Thanks for the advice

Ex-NonRunner19 profile image

I can’t speak at any time during the jogging phases and started W7 today. Having a conversation isn’t on my agenda, getting to graduate is! After that, I’ll focus on increasing distance & speed and will hopefully be comfortable enough to mutter the odd “hi” in the park!

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Ex-NonRunner19

Yes maybe I need to worry about it less

Personally I have never followed the tips on the podcast or any of the suggested

technic's..I have just breathed if that makes sense .. we do it naturally ..

It really doesn't matter whether you can hold a conversation or not .. for now this is just about building stamina and endurance and your body adjusting to running.

You have already said you do other physical exercise and breathing isn't an issue for you. So how do you breath when body pumping or weight lifting? That's a rhetorical question..

I would say you can run and breath you wouldn't have got this far otherwise..

Somehow you need to distract your mind from focusing so much on this aspect alone ...

There are no easy answer' s and no short cuts .. it is up to you really would be a shame to stop now.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to

Yep you’re right, defo need to focus on breathing & worry less

icklegui profile image

exactly what Pippatong says about the action being the thing that counts. It literally doesn't matter about whether it's slower than walking - it's all about learning to run first before you can run faster - and you will increase speed one day if you start that slowly.

It is intriguing and obviously frustrating for you that you're a fit and active person so it's strange, this out of breath thing! But - everyone is different and every new exercise changes things. Having been running for a year, I re-started swimming and was horrified by how hard I found it (and very very out of breath doing that!).

The best advice about breathing I've heard here is to not think about it, after all you breathe all the time without considering it. I know that that's harder than it sounds when you're running! The next best bit of advice re: "technique", in my experience is to breathe out harder (not so hard that you empty your lungs!), which automatically makes you breathe in more. It's harder to consciously breathe in than it is to breathe out, so take advantage of that.

Finally, you don't have to be a runner ... I know this forum is for running, but it doesn't mean literally everyone will get on with it, and that's fine. You are someone who exercises so you're already doing good for yourself. You never know also whether you might come back to it one day!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to icklegui

PS re going slowly, did someone suggest you look up "niko niko slow jogging" yet?

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to icklegui

I will definitely look that up sounds intriguing thanks!

Pippatong profile image
Pippatong in reply to AngryFlower

I just read this and it’s fascinating. If you like that kind of thing but it completely justifies and explains my running style.

Pippatong profile image
Pippatong in reply to icklegui

Just read about it. Fascinating 😊

Crawlhome profile image

I still couldn't hold a conversation while running!! It took me weeks until I felt my breath was getting easier and even yesterday I ran a 5k parkrun and was out of breath for most of it and fighting gremlins in my head that I should just stop and walk.

I think running is so different from other exercise that if you're more used to working out in the gym, it takes more time to get accustomed to. I was also used to gym work and honestly thought I would never get running, I enjoyed the programme but found it tough, but it does get easier I promise!

I never managed to slow down, but over time my body built up.

I hope you stick with it for another four weeks, you've come so far now. 😀

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Crawlhome

Thanks I’ll see how I feel on Tuesday (my next scheduled run). It’s the 20 minute one so my head really needs to be in the right place. Good to know that it does get easier over time

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

The 20 minute run is a beautiful thing. When Sarah told me I was 15 minutes in I was honestly gobsmacked.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Jundal

Hope I can say the same at some point

JulesG1 profile image
JulesG1Graduate in reply to AngryFlower

I don’t know if this will help you but I had to re start C25k after a summer of colds and coughs. Starting back in at wk 4 I remembered how hard the shorter bursts were, if I hadn’t already graduated I might have quit. I did the 25 minute run (shuffle) this morning and whilst I couldn’t have talked to anyone, I managed to keep going. I hate the breathlessness, I sound like an old puffa train. I force myself to go up the nasty hill at the beginning as I don’t want to do it at the end, I spend the rest of the time plotting how to avoid any more hills.....

Good luck and keep on puffing!

Sadie-runs profile image

You cannot expect yourself to have mastered the art of running and breathing in just 5 weeks! Come on, don’t give up. I have been running a year, and am still learning. It took me AGES for the lung capacity to improve to the point of not being totally breathless. It didn’t start to really improve until after the 9 week mark. Unless you are having an asthma attack or feeling unwell, there is no need to stop. Just chip away at the runs, safe in the knowledge that with every run you are getting fitter. Rome was not built in a day...

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Yeah I know what you’re saying, I suppose the programme raises expectations that everyone will breeze through it. Clearly the experience will vary from person to person and I should accept that but as someone else in this forum accurately pointed out I am quite hard on myself

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Ha! Same. I am my own worst critic. I didn’t breeze through it at all - it was hard work and each run was hard fought. But I enjoyed it. I am struggling a bit again now, as I have been increasing my distances, and still have to exercise patience with myself. I don’t think many people breeze through it at all. You’ve got to remember that most people post after their run, when they are on an endorphin high, so they might sound breezy, but bet your bottom dollar most fought hard to complete the run. 😁 Don’t worry at this stage about trying to fix your breathing - I never employed any special technique - it just got better over time as my lungs got stronger. Yours will too. This is your journey, and you can do it. x

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Ha yes, or people tend not to admit that things have gone badly so don’t post!

Millsie-J profile image

You can do this AF!

It took ages for me to be able to sneak in a few responses to my son on the rare occasion I run with him ( or anyone!). When it happened it took me by surprise😀. It sort of crept up on me as I progressed with my running.

But actually its more about being comfortable with your breathing rather than having an ongoing conversation through out a run. Remember also its not just speed that will impact on your breathing but also terraine, hills etc.

Please stick with it. Just aim to relax in to the run, don’t think about breathing, just leave it to your body as you usually do. If you get breathless check speed and slow a little ..... we speed up without realising sometimes. Also when breathless... check ... is this a hill? If so ...,shoulders back but relaxed to aid breath in Small steps and slow as you like. As you build confidence and running stamina/strength, you will begin to build speed too.

If you have got this far you can get to graduation, no doubt about it.

Those badge fairies are already shining your graduation badge👍🏼🏅

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Hey thanks, I’m running on the flat fortunately but yes you’re right I might be speeding up, difficult to tell really. It’s a shame there isn’t some sort of pacing recording to help

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Even those small inclines make it a tougher run. Let us know how your next run goes 👍🏼

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Will do (have to psych myself up to do it first though)

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to AngryFlower

There is on the 3 graduate podcasts by Laura. In bpm.🤔

Maybe just listen to them until you graduate.🤔

JulesG1 profile image
JulesG1Graduate in reply to AngryFlower

Strava! It proved I do actually run faster than I walk. It tells you your times and if it tells me my split time is faster than 7mpk I slow down, not that I have to worry about that at the moment. Lol

Clarefromclare profile image
ClarefromclareGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

I found the more I thought about my breathing the harder I found it. My lung capacity has improved hugely over the 9 weeks and recovery time the same, used to take me ages to get my breath back after a run.

You are probably running much faster than you think!

Do you use an app to track your run? Strava? Map My Run?

Might help. Stick with it, believe in yourself!!

Tasha99 profile image

Do NOT quit! It will sort itself out! I couldn’t breathe either. If you’ve done 10 then it must kind of be ok! Keep going. It will come together 👌🏽

Oh and I can’t talk when running either. Scrap that advice 😂

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tasha99

Thanks, it helps to know this, particularly as some like you have graduated !

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to AngryFlower

I’m starting training for a HM 👌🏽 Could only just do a minute in February 😂

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tasha99

That’s really brilliant!

Dizzysmum17 profile image

I can’t hold a conversation whilst running and I graduated in July and am on the bridge Programme now - I ran 7k last week and at park run on Saturday I was with friends who were all chatting - I struggled to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. We are all different - don’t give up! You will get there and things will get easier. We are all supporting you and I know you can do it. Perseverance and patience is what will get you there - and you WILL, I promise. Anyway who needs to talk when running 😆! I mostly run alone so it’s not an issue for me but if it’s something you feel you need to do then it will come eventually 😊 good luck 👏👏👏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Dizzysmum17

Thanks so much for sharing that, it helps to know I’m not the only one, maybe this is natural for me and I shouldn’t be stressing so much to conform to the ideal

Tbae profile image

Hi AngryFlower I have read your posts but not your replies.

Forgive me but as your user name may reflect you are perhaps very intense and very impatient and tough on yourself.🤔

When you go running you must go totally chilled, with no tension,relaxed and believing you have prepared and bringing your best to enjoy your run.All doubts you bring just add tension to your running.

I assume that you have worked on your preparation routine and warm up and are reasonably comfortable with that,before you start running.

Do you set up to run as advised by the C25k programme and know how to avoid bringing any tension into your neck, shoulders, arms, hands,etc.🤔

I noticed you ask a question on stride,when running slow.👍

Short , quick, light steps as if you were boxing. Just like running on the spot.

Of course plenty stuff about cadence(steps/min) x stride length= Speed, velocity or pace as runners call it.No need for that at present.

Do not deny yourself this gift, please.

Do not think about your breathing, honestly, just do what is natural to you, through your mouth, nose, both just do it.

It helps to be aware of several things though as you progress and you find your happy pace and get through your toxic ten.

Everyone’s brain is slow to react to the fact our muscles need more oxygen because we have started to run.That is the toxic ten.

Until you get through this keep calm and keep your breathing calm.Do not fight this as if you were drowning.Do not panic, just count 1234 and go slow at your happy/comfortable pace.

Just read you are really active in many other sports. Boxing etc.

Wow. I think it has to help you if you do not know already,about dissipation and abdominal breathing etc.Where the transfer of oxygen to your blood and to your muscles takes place.In your abdomen.So just breathe gently initially and gradually take deeper breaths.Shallow breathing in your chest is insufficient.I think you were a singer🤔 The voice is supported from your abdomen.🤔

You are perhaps a novice runner , but not in other sporting activities.Perhaps you are overthinking this.Running is such an important part of boxing. 🤔

I hope you are set up properly with head, shoulders, arms, hands everything relaxed and no tension.

Just engage your core and think about your upper body posture, your feet will just follow, footfall under your hips and gently kissing the ground.Short, light, quick steps.

Do not complicate and think too much about harmonising your footfall 1234 with your breathing.

It will happen for you as you strengthen your legs and your lungs and indeed all of your body in time.

Promise you will think about this.

Running slow is the hardest thing to do but initially yields the biggest benefits.

I want to help you, this forum wants to help you.

I am 75 and it is the best thing ever that has happened to me.Running and this forum.

TBH I am having the same difficulty as yourself, understanding your problem I mean.Must be a simple fix.🤔There are no problems only solutions.👏👏

Think you need to be calm and relaxed and just let this happen for you.

You can do this, promise. 🌟👏👏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thanks for your reply, you’ve got me sussed in the first sentence, what you say is really interesting as I’m not a very relaxed person naturally and my life is a little stressful at the moment.

What occurred to me whilst I read this is that when I sprint (doesn’t happen often) say to the car when it’s raining, I don’t have time to think about breathing but more importantly don’t worry or think about it either because sprinting for short distances is easy for me and I know I can do it. Your points about being properly relaxed are really interesting and maybe in need to spend some time working out how to achieve this with a run, I’m certainly willing to try anything that might help. Many thanks!

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to AngryFlower

Hi Flower, I am pleased you did not take offence.👍👏👏

I am intense,but that is me.🙈😂

Can’t change now at 75.So have to just be comfortable in my own skin and at least I know stuff about myself and manage it.

I am obviously retired so enjoy the luxury of complete daily flexibility.

I took up running this year, 8-9 months ago, I am probably OCDP and a work alcoholic and perfectionist,

my preparation routine was longer than my runs, never had breathing issues , only practised abdominal breathing to see if it would quicken my pace.

But eventually I get to what I may suggest to you and what I did in the early stages of C25k, never went running until I was completely ready and chilled and the best I could be.

Even had a contingency plan on the day, I had 3 slots in the day morning / afternoon / evening, went when I was really ready.

Mad I know, but never had any difficulties, complete belief in the programme , no fear, just enjoyment.

I hope you find what you need.I hope this helps you .

Take care of you.💥🏃‍♀️💥👏👏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thanks! Certainly didn’t take offence, appreciated the help!

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to AngryFlower

I recommend you listen to the three post graduate podcasts.Stepping stones, stamina and speed. Do not try and use them until you graduate.

Also just to clarify conversational pace just means that your pace or exertion level is moderate enough that you could.🤔

I wish you well and hope you find your solution.

There is a very simple self assessed number 1-10 the Borg Scale.

0 is couch, 10 is flat out and conversational pace perhaps 4-6.🤔

It’s a good self guide.

I hope you continue running , because nothing compares to the benefits of this impact activity.

Take care.💥🏃‍♀️💥👏👏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thank you!

Jogunlikely profile image
JogunlikelyGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Not sure if mentioned elsewhere as haven't read all the replies but a forum member Unfitnomore highly recommends an app called Headspace and he uses a Nike app that is similar during his runs. Maybe message him for more details

MatildasPb profile image

Please don’t give up. I’ve never been able to hold a conversation whilst running/jogging. Even when I was quite fit when younger.

When I’m ill or run down my voice is the first thing to show it. It seems to take more effort for me to talk than others. I’m still amazed by people who jog in pairs that talk to whole time. A bit jealous too if I’m honest.

If running slower isn’t an option maybe try slowing your progress through the programme until you feel ready to move up a stage. I repeated a couple of weeks to allow my running to catch up, if you get me drift.

Another thought is that maybe you need to rest more between exercising as it sounds like you’re packing a lot in to your life. I’m a bit jealous again TBH.

Also I run on my own which saves me having to talk - 😉

Please let us know how you get on.

You can do this.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to MatildasPb

Thanks, it’s certainly useful to know that there are people out there that have succeeded and can’t hold a conversation. I’ll post again if I decide to continue but yes I agree I’m trying to fit a lot of exercise into every week

JacquiAM profile image

Please don’t give up ... I don’t think I’ll ever be able to hold a conversation whilst ‘running’ (mine is more of a jog) but 3 months ago I thought I couldn’t run for 60 seconds and am now doing 40 minutes (when I do 5k) and 30 minutes on a regular basis. I don’t actually want to hold a conversation with anyone as I run on my own and feel so much better for it. Whatever you are doing, you are lapping those still on the couch which has got to be good x

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to JacquiAM

Thanks for the encouragement. Could you talk if you wanted to?

JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

I don’t think so, I’m too busy concentrating on my breathing to think about holding a conversation. Plus I cannot breath through my nose like everyone says you’re supposed to. I need the best way to get the oxygen in - i.e. the biggest orifice, and that’s my mouth 😂

MatildasPb profile image
MatildasPbGraduate in reply to JacquiAM

Hey me too

There was me thinking it was only me.

Thanks JacquiAM I feel a lot better now.

JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to MatildasPb

I read somewhere about nose breathing not being the most efficient (unless you’re super fit) so feel happier about my mouth breathing now - I figure if we can run for 30 minutes however we breathe then we’re doing OK 👌 x

MatildasPb profile image
MatildasPbGraduate in reply to JacquiAM

Quite right. 😊

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

This is just not correct.🤔

We were all born this way and lose the habit.

It is easy to practise it and reuse it, if anyone wants to.

Medically it has huge benefits also, like moderate fasting , it triggers and accelerates the repair of our bodies.🤔👏👏

As a novice runner it is less complicated to just breathe naturally.

Do not discount opportunities as your journey develops.


JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to Tbae

Sorry, I can’t do it! But I do intermittent fasting with no problem so maybe we’re all just different and whatever works for us we just need to go with? 😊

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

Of course we are all different.👍👏👏

I was referring to the accuracy of your information on super fit athletes.

That is just not correct and should not mislead or be unhelpful to anyone who wishes to practise abdominal breathing.Thats all really.

JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thanks for your reply. However being a novice runner I was just referring to what I’ve read. I found this quite interesting...

It states mouth breathing could be more efficient when running, which is what I have found. Obviously if nose breathing is better for others then who am I to criticise!

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

Hi Jacqui,

I empathise with you.

I think I read this article when I was doing C25k.Yes reminded myself I had read it.Has not altered my need to be open minded and dismiss other techniques.

I have never had breathing issues and practise and use them all like gears really in different situations. Hills etc.

For every mouth breather you will have abdominal breathers.

Even on Laura’s podcast, as you will know, it suggests breathing through your nose.

The 1234 footfall Just happens to fit in perfect harmony with a 1234 short breaths inhale, through your nose and 1234 exhales of CO2 from your mouth.

People in hot climates tend not to breath through there mouths because it gives them a dry mouth and makes them think they are thirsty. 🤔

Too much info., but it is a bit like heel striking and front foot striking, for some the reality they do everything just like breathing.

Take good care of you.💥🏃‍♀️💥👏👏

Enjoy it all and certainly do what comes natural.👍👏👏

JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to Tbae

Just as well I don’t live in a hot climate then 😂. And I won’t get into the footfall argument - I am not the norm there either! Suffice to say if I had to run how the experts say I should run then I would have given up around week 3 but I find I run the way is comfortable for me - and that is all I was trying to reassure the original poster... I couldn’t run at all 3 months ago and now I can. I agree with your words of wisdom but one size does not fit all 😊

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

Yes very well done you and I applaud your sincerity and support to others.

One size does not fit all ,we are all different, and that is why this forum and the programme does so well to accommodate all of that.

Any good coach never alters anyone’s natural style, they only recommend changes to reduce injury and ensure sustainability.

Take care of you and Atb with your journey.💥🏃‍♀️💥👏👏

MatildasPb profile image
MatildasPbGraduate in reply to Tbae

Hmm, moderate fasting. That’s one I’m afraid I’ll have to put in the ‘too difficult box’ 😉😊

You’re probably right though. I’ve always been an instinctive type. However, I’m very open minded and happy to take on board any good advice. I’ve learnt a few things along my C25K journey already. One never stops learning in this life.

Moderate fasting though?...

JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to MatildasPb

Not sure what Tbae meant by moderate fasting (I do intermittent fasting)

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

Just that Jacqui.

I used to do Michael Moseley’s, Trust me a Doctor, years ago, not as 2 days in a week , but every 2nd day , 1200 cals / day

until I shed 3 stone. Generated a bigger calorie deficit than that also with exercise at the same time as fasting.

I will never do that again.🤔🙈😂😂


JacquiAM profile image
JacquiAMGraduate in reply to Tbae

I do the new 5:2 - 800 cals on fasting days with 14 hour fast in between. I think it’s about what works for the individual, some things work for some, and some things don’t - it’s great when we find a way that works for us though 😊 x

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to JacquiAM

Most definately.

I now do 6k everyday and the marathon distance per week.

It is going well.👏👏

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to MatildasPb

Hi , I am not a medic, but abdominal breathing and fasting is part of our ancient genes and the factual medical benefits are indeed just that medical facts.

Easily verified everywhere really.🌟👏👏

Not really advice.Its a free choice and we are all different.🤔

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to MatildasPb

Me too

Running59 profile image

Please don’t give up. We have all been were you are now. Three weeks ago I damaged my Achilles’ tendon. But the fire was burning in my belly and on Friday I started again, running 3 k in twenty minutes. You’ve come this far, think of what an achievement you have made. Bite the bullet and let that fire burn in your belly. You can do this

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Thanks :)

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

Thank you :)

Oh no don’t give up. When I started I couldn’t do the breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. I persevered and think I’ve just about cracked it. I understand everyone it different and have different ailments etc.

I run on my own and at times doubt I could talk to someone whilst running.

It’s all about building it up over time and slowing down even further. You WILL get there. 👍🙏

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to

Maybe that’s the secret...time

in reply to AngryFlower

Yes absolutely. If running was super easy everyone would do it. That’s what makes us different. We’re out there doing it! Sometimes running makes me feel sick but I just get my head down and wobble on!

Ang33333 profile image

Please don't give up! I'm a mouth breather so conversation is limited! When I think about breathing, i get out of breath. I try not to think about it, listen to my music, look at the countryside, sing along in my head. Just occasional grunts with my sister and she says I talk too much! You really can go slower. Up to week 5 my walking was definitely faster than my runs. The lomger runs might help. I never liked stopping and starting.

Keep going, slowly! 🐌🐌🐌🤪🤪

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Ang33333

Thanks, maybe see if I can do a longer run before I decide

UnfitNoMore profile image

Did you come here to run a 2:30 marathon one day? I didn’t... I’d be happy with 6:30 one day and I can probably walk it in 7 😂

Or did you come here to get healthy, look fab and extend your life? That’s why I’m here... I used to be a competitive youth runner, now I’m happy to just be out there doing something.

To get to the point in the programme that you’re at has taken a lot of effort, and it shows that you can do it. I’m proud to be a 🐌 maybe one day I’ll get to 🐢 but I don’t much care... I just want to be around and active for a good while longer.

You can do this, you’ve been doing great.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thanks, I don’t mind being a snail at all as long as I can breathe but yes you’re right I’ve put a decent amount of effort getting to the halfway point

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

It will come... just some people take longer than others. Keep working and everything will improve.

1HHi profile image

I'm on wk7r3 and I never thought I would be here. I breathe how I need to - I can't time it with my running (jogging actually). I don't want to speak to anyone while I run because I zone out. Most of the time I am planning lessons in my head ( curse of being a teacher).

Give yourself a break and make this your personal journey.

Good luck 🙂

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to 1HHi


LapoftheGods profile image

Angryflower please don’t be disheartened- I’ve just finished week 5 but I certainly can’t hold a conversation - I’ve been doing the runs with my partner but don’t speak a word to him except to grunt at him when to start and stop the running sections ( I have the app on my phone and wear an earpiece so I can listen to music ). I can’t do the breathing in through nose and out through mouth either - I get all panicky if I try to breath through my nose, so sticking to my mouth at the moment 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m a snail 🐌- my other half runs at least 10 paces in front of me and that used to dishearten me, but I’ve realised that I’m fine with it now, because most of the time we finish side by side because I have enough left for a little ( very very little ) burst of speed in the last 20 seconds or so xx

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to LapoftheGods

My other half threatened to walk beside me a laugh -I really hope he was joking!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

(pssst. One day I got my partner to walk with me while I ran. It was lovely!!)

Running59 profile image

My first week I thought I was going to die now I run 5K in 38 mins. I’ve ran in the heat and the rain. But the fire in my belly never went out. Push all those negative thoughts out you head. You can do this

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

I’ll do my best

Running59 profile image

As everyone has said breathing will come I’ve just started HIIT training once a week to help with my running

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Wow I’m impressed. HIT is not easy

Beachcomber66 profile image

I am a 66 year old who started c25k in May and graduated in August. I have mild asthma and use inhalers to keep my peak flow( volume of air I can breathe out)up. My other exercise (on top of 3x5k plus runs) includes a once per week swim and regular 5k dog walks. So, you are much fitter than me!! The only breathing problem I have had when running on the programme is over-breathing (hyperventilating) on one occasion mid run when my peak flow was down.Asthma makes breathing out hard work and trying too hard can create a bit of mild panic. It also makes me very conscious of breathing. If you are otherwise so fit, maybe it is worth getting your peak flow checked( just blowing into a tube) if only to eliminate it. If there is an asthma problem, it is usually easy to sort with inhalers so that it doesn't affect your running. I have no medical knowledge by the way. Just sharing my experience.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Beachcomber66

Hey no this makes sense although I suspect I may like you hyperventilate slightly although probably due to anxiety rather than asthma. It’s great that you didn’t let asthma stop you!

Jell6 profile image

Too much pressure on yourself I think.

Perhaps because you were at least moderately fit to start with, you expected to find it easier.

Unlike myself who expected to find it a struggle, and found it a struggle!!!

Running is not comparable to your other exercises, and your body is adjusting to this.

Personally I don't count my breathing, I just do it when I have to 😊

I'm pretty sure that if you want to do this you can, you just need to be patient, you clearly have the fitness to.

Good luck.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Jell6

Thanks although it’s not about counting my breathing it’s an issue with not being able to breath unfortunately

Knittinggran profile image

AngryFlower, don't give up. I graduated today and my greatest challenge has been my breathing. I'm 58, unfit and slightly overweight, but with no medical conditions and have never smoked. I run on my own and could not hold a conversation while running either. And, quite frankly, if I could, I can't imagine it would be uplifting and entertaining! I run slowly, despite being a fast walker, but as walking doesn't leave me panting, the activity must be causing my body to do something different. Go at your own pace, repeat runs and weeks to suit you and you will get there. And you will feel so much better.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Knittinggran

Thanks yes I too am a fast walker so it’s great to know you’ve done it. Many congratulations I certainly know how hard earned it is.

Angharad30 profile image

Oh no, don't give up! It doesn't matter about the speed, just about the achievment of actually doing it. Im going at my own speed and that's not quick at all. Please rethink. It's getting you out of the house and fresh air in your lungs xx

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Angharad30

After all the kind comments today I’ve decided to attempt the 20minute run before deciding whether to continue. I think it may be an opportunity to learn if nothing else.

Running59 profile image
Running59 in reply to AngryFlower

Run your own pace come on we want you to do this.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Thank you, will see how I feel on Tuesday and decide

Running59 profile image

This is your C25K. You own this, the speed in which you complete it is up to you. There is no pressure on how long it takes to finish. It is not a race, it is your development from couch to eventually run 5K. Runners are not born were made. You can throw in the towel, or pick it up to wipe the sweat from your brow. Your a runner, and don’t let anyone tell you different.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Thanks !

sarah65 profile image

Haven’t read through all the replies so don’t know if this has already been mentioned, but do you think it might be worth getting checked out for exercise induced asthma? I nearly gave up the first week because I was struggling to breath. I had to get on top of my asthma first and now I’m managing it properly I’ve been able to progress (getting to 10k some weeks now!) I actually wasn’t diagnosed with asthma until I was in my 40s and I’ve noticed it’s mainly induced by exercise. Just a though - don’t give up though, you’ve come this far.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to sarah65

Thanks I will if I can’t crack it

Summersprint profile image

Do the same.

Woodrunner profile image

Please don't stop! Just seen you have 121 replies - people don't want you to stop! Maybe see the programme as a power walk thing? 'I'm not running but I ain't walking either'? ( Thats what I said to myself today and got through my W5 run 3 ). We willingly do so much for others, we support and fight for other people so much and don't allow ourselves to enjoy things for ourselves - give yourself that hour and a half each week, please keep going with the programme 💕

Running59 profile image
Running59 in reply to Woodrunner

We’re not going to let you give up. Get those negative thoughts out you head. We are all with you. We’re all family. Stick with it please 😃

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Woodrunner

Wow I hadn’t realised but I can certainly say that the lovely posts here are unbelievably encouraging so much so that I’m going to continue for now. Thanks for your support

Jundal profile image

Wanna know something? You're going to fail. You can't do what you want to do. You can't do it, because you're weak. Not fit enough. Not strong enough. Just... Pathetic.

We've all thought it.

In week 3, (or weak 3 as I thought of it) my breathing mantra was 'i-cant-do-this' and 'please-no-more-sarah'. I too, was prepared to give in. Be a quitter, same as you. Hell, before my first run the prevailing thought was 'i don't know if i can do this sh*t, I'm too fat!' I'd been out and bought some new trainers, (I could always wear them to work if it didn't work out) and made every excuse under the sun. You know why?

Because I'm not what I used to be. Right now, I'm 39. Morbidly obese. As I used to call people, overweight and underfit.

Wanna know what i was?

I used to be superfit. When I aced my black belt in karate, it took me three and a half hours. Three and a half hours of movement, constant motion, dedication and pain. I've never hurt so much before or since, but the woman who took charge of the grading said it was one of the best she'd ever seen. That I deserved it. And I did. But eight one minute runs?

90 second runs? A twenty minute run? I knew i couldn't do it. But I tried anyway. I did it. And every run but one, no matter how much it hurt.

And so you know? I was diagnosed with asthma 32 years ago. So yeah, I know all about not being able to breathe. Been there. Done that. T-shirt didn't impress me, so I threw it away.

So you're a failure. We all are. Welcome to the club. We all got back up and tried again. And again. And again. Until we succeeded. No matter how much it hurt, no matter the kicking our pride took. No matter how much we gasped, and wheezed, and sometimes even puked. We GOT UP.

Will you?

Running59 profile image

We’ve all been through it. I had doubts for the first 6 weeks or so. I put those negative thoughts out and I graduated.Three half weeks ago I was unable to run because I had damaged my Achilles’ tendon. What did I do I put my running shoes on and I ran and the the more I ran the hotter that fire burned in my belly.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Yes maybe I’m just at ‘that point’. We’ll see

Chubbyrunner99 profile image

My run is walking pace! I’ve graduated from the programme and now run 5k! If I walk to work it takes me 18 mins, if I run to work it takes me 18mins, haha!!! But I’m getting fitter and I’m making small steps of progress. It’s not about anyone else, just my own journey. I could NEVER hold a conversation whilst running, I run alone and enjoy the peace and my music.

Just recently in the last few days, my pace has increased, several weeks after graduating, running 4 times a ween. It just happened. Do you map your pace etc using an app? I use Fitbit and sometimes I’m surprised to see I’ve gone faster when it didn’t feel like it.

Hope that’s in some way reassuring, you’re not alone! But rest assured your body is learning to run :)

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Chubbyrunner99

Hi yes I have an Apple Watch but until I do continuous runs it’s quite difficult to compare. I’m also not sure what counts as slow or fast to judge it

Chubbyrunner99 profile image
Chubbyrunner99 in reply to AngryFlower

It’s very early days then.. you’ll be amazed how much things change throughout the programme. And as Sarah millican kept saying on my programme.. its about distance not speed :)

Agelesslass profile image

Stop feeling down about it, it makes it worse. Keep repeating weeks and it doesn’t matter how many times you do this. You sound fit enough with all the other exercises you do, keep going

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Agelesslass


Running59 profile image

How you feeling today.

Running59 profile image

How are you feeling today AngryFlower. I’m right behind you, willing you on and on.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

I’m feeling better thanks to the support in this forum except one member who shall remain nameless who’s intent is clearly to make me feel worse and call me useless and lazy. Everyone else has been really lovely and given me lots of tips and encouragement so much so that I’ve decided to head out tomoz and she how it goes. I can’t thank you all enough for your support!

Running59 profile image
Running59 in reply to AngryFlower

Take you time tomorrow nice and steady. I’m off tomorrow and I expect you to message me. Failure is not an option. Tonight psych yourself up go to bed early. I won’t let you quit. Good luck runner 😁 x

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Running59

Thanks so much-will do!

Ibot profile image

First of all you have to breathe or all else is lost!!

Never give up !!

We all struggle

Each day is a new day perhaps today you are periody or manapausal (see what I did there 😉)

When in doubt it’s not a race you can do it!? Everyone on here believes in you xxxx

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Ibot

Thank you, really appreciate that. Going to give it a try tomorrow :)

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to AngryFlower

GOOD! Go to it, enjoy the run and report back to us. 👍

Arian1 profile image

You have to keep going. I was exactly the same with my breathing. Just couldn't get it right. Being a certified shallow breather all my life has seriously not helped! But then suddenly it clicked and I stopped worrying about it. That doesn't mean to say I don't have relapses. I do but I finish the run and move on in the hope the next run will be better. There will always be not so good days and really good days. Take the positives from the not so good days and you will succeed. Good luck and keep going

Remember You love running and your can do it.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Arian1

Thank you, it’s good to know other have had the same problem and overcome it and thanks for the encouragememt it means a lot!

Rooster678 profile image

AngryFlower, don't give up. You can do this. Ignore petty comments from others.

You don't need to match up to anyone. Your run, your pace. The finishing line is the same as everyone else's but you do it at your speed. You're going to get there. So many people here will make sure you do but keep talking and seek support, lots of people here will listen.

Good luck and keep us all updated with your process.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Rooster678

Thanks today’s the day!

Rooster678 profile image
Rooster678 in reply to AngryFlower

You can do this!!! Report back!! We're here waiting!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Good luck with your run today Flower😊Take a positive attitude out with you, warm up walk not overbrisk, and then settle into a nice steady pace..

Remember the toxic ten, the first part of a run while we take on the extra oxygen we need for the exertion, push through this, and feel the difference once your muscles have enough oxygen.

Blow out a couple of deep breaths when you feel puffed...

Keep going and you will be surprised what you can do. This is the breakthrough run...onwards and upwards 😊xxx

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks will post again when completed

Garden17 profile image

Hi please don’t give it thing is your out there doing it does not matter how slow you are I not that quick my self I 50 never ran before until I did c25k it not easy I got my own struggles at the moment with my breathing as it’s now winter I have lots of trouble with asthma

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Garden17

I’m still going, realise it must be so difficult with asthma but you’re doing it which is absolutely brilliant!

Run49 profile image

I found I got quite stressed about breathing at first. So much so that I was sort of panicking about it and unable to breathe. I found if I just concentrated on counting steps and breathing in then out (I did in for two steps then out for two steps), the panic receded and I could carry on. I don't worry about conversation while running (anyway, I run on my own). For the first few weeks I just concentrated on getting through without collapsing. Gradually I found that I didn't need to lie down and die after each run - there came a point about week 6 or 7 when I realised I was improving and that I was actually almost enjoying it. Anyway, I think I'm just saying not to give up, it will improve. Also, I've done it over more than 9 weeks rather than taken that as rigid calendar weeks. And rather than just music, I find listening to the radio helps. The mix of chat and music stops me thinking about the time, distance or whether I'll make it.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Run49

I think panicking about breathing is one of my big problems so I’ve started doing a few mins of meditation before I go out, it does seem to help

jessieb887 profile image

Please dont give up I'm on week 9 and still can't hold a conversation! Just keep on keeping on and it will come! I repeated a few of the weeks, and that's helped I think! I started 11weeks ago and I'm only just on week 9 as my next run. Don't give up ☺️👍

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to jessieb887

Week 9 - brilliant ! I’m doing week 6 run 3 today, I think if I crack this one I’ll make it to the end of the programme, at least I hope I will :)

Hi just reading all these fantastic encouraging responses, what a group!

Walk, walk and walk it's all movement and the feel good factor will be encouraging for you. Psychologically I have a complete mental block to running! End of! But to walk briskly is great. I walk the local "Park Run" and that's absolutely fine, takes me 50 ish minutes but, the support, buzz and fact that I'm up and doing it, is great! Could be lazing in bed, sat on the couch but, no......... Up and moving with lovely people! Hang in there, progress is progress no matter how small. 👍👍👍

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to

Love your style getting out there and doing it. I’d love eventually to do a park run though, they sound like fun!

in reply to AngryFlower

If it's any encouragement for you they always have a tail walker who keeps the last person company and motivated. They are nothing but encouraging! The whole ethos of "Park Run" is to get people off the couch any attempt is better than nothing, it's all good. 😜

snailface profile image

I have trouble with breathing so one day I changed to a looser sports bra which helps a lot also when the weather turned colder my nose just ran all the time so I just have to breathe through my mouth which seems to work.

I’m on my graduation run today.

I find it all so rewarding. Don’t give up you can do it.

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to snailface

Well done you, you must be chuffed! Yes I did notice my ‘boxing’ armour played bra didn’t work well with running at all!

Keep-it-ticking profile image

Honestly don't give up, stop over thinking it. When I run my breathing is like an asthmatic breathing through a straw whilst having a stroke in the middle of a desert. If ever I spoke on the phone whilst running I'd be on the wanted list for heavy breathing, nuisance phone calls. I plug my earphones to try and mask my own noises and certainly don't speak to people as I wouldn't be to. I can however manage 10 k whilst doing my Steam Train impressions, so I take that as a positive.

Tbae profile image

Hi AF,

Don’t give up running.

Must read your story/posts.

There are no problems only solutions.Sincerely.

Not a medic, but our bodies are so clever and through the general adaption syndrome and super compensation medical facts and research you can build yourself a complete running body without running through pain.

Believe this, we are all uniquely different and have different needs.

It is only a matter of pursuing what your body is comfortable with and at a rate of adaption and strengthening that is also comfortable.

Going to read your post now and any previous ones to see how you have been progressing.

There are many things, non medical, with breathing also that do help when practised or understood.


AngryFlower profile image

Hey thanks, I’m still here and graduated in November-yay! It’s true that I still have trouble breathing-defo a mouth-breather and can’t seem to quit the habit!

Tbae profile image

Have not read your story yet.

Mouth breathing is good and natural to you.Keep doing it.

I think of breathing just as different gears.

With all breathing there are three bits to it , inhalation, disapation and exhalation.

Don’t worry about any of it, just do it initially.

But do take time when you are ready to understand some of it.

Inhale through your mouth, nose or both. Try and make it deep and into your abdomen and not shallow into your chest.

You will have do this at a slow pace initially and slow with your breathing also.

Slow running and slow breathing.

Fast running is faster breathing.

Think hill, if you run up a hill you need short quick steps and more breaths.

Dissipation is the phase where the oxygen transfers in your belly/ abdomen/ diagphram and into your blood to feed your muscles.

Exhalation is the discharge of carbon dioxide.

Do not do this next bit until your ready and you wish to try it. Think about it as another string to your bow that you may want to use for something in your run.

Abdominal/ diaphragmatic/belly breathing.

We were all born with this method.

Breathe in through your nostrils and at the same time push your tummy out making your belly volume larger to contain more oxygen, then pull your tummy muscles in to help discharge and exhale the carbon dioxide.

I found practising that very natural on a rowing m/c.

If later you practise and use that method when and where you wish , it has known medical accelerating repair benefits to our bodies also.In the same way modest fasting does that also.Facts.🤔

Hey AF just gone off on one.

Hope some of this is relevant to your needs,but there is much more I am sure that will build your fantastic piece of kit that you and us all are in possession of.


AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thanks yes I periodically try to do this type of breathing, still can’t do it but haven’t stopped trying

Jlonomore profile image

I walk at 6.5km per hour. I run at 6.8km per hour and there is a massive difference and people are right the pace isn’t important it’s the technique. Please don’t give up you’ve done the hardest part already! My breathing was the issue to begin with but suddenly that seemed to click and then my legs were tiring. I’ve just finished the programme tonight and believe me you can do this 😀

AngryFlower profile image
AngryFlowerGraduate in reply to Jlonomore

Very well done for finishing!

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