Hi all, I’m 50 and pretty unfit. I used to run (badly) years ago and would like to take it up again, this time with my dog. I’ve been using the hot weather as an excuse not to get started, but with the weather as it is today - and the afternoon off - I’m thinking it’s as good a day to begin as any! Does anyone else here run with their dog?
Running with the dog : Hi all, I’m 50 and pretty... - Couch to 5K
Running with the dog

Dear dog,
I reckon the time is good for you to start running. You’ve done it before, so you know you can do it, the weather is good and well.... basically you are running out of excuses. Please take your owner with you. Remember to give him a big bowl of water when he gets back home and he might need a nap later.
Good luck
Hi I have just started mine and done my first run and I took my dog it was fine she pulled off a little to side but soon got hang of it.
Lots of dog joggers here. I mostly go off road and the dog does his own thing but if I am on the road I have a special lead that goes around my hips so hands free. It’s great fun and if he sees someone he likes we go into turbo power! Stopping for sniffs and poo picking is a nuisance but it’s great to have an enthusiastic running mate, who never complains and always has a smile on his face
Good luck to you both🐶
Great leads aren’t they? Mine is attached quite loose round my waist so my dog can change sides without me having to swap hands like on a regular lead. 😀
My dog likes to take the lead (so to speak) so he's got quite good at running forwards

Hi Helen good idea having a hip lead because I found today it was hard trying to keep arms moving but restricted by lead I think I will have look for one them 😊 my dog doesn’t stop for poo lol but sniffing does my head in but once we start the running she seams to just get in to it and so true having someone/dog with you helps lol thanks again x

Thank you! We also have a hip/waist lead (used for the first time yesterday!). It was an interesting experience but went quite well. I want her to get used to the fact that when the hip lead goes on, we're going for a run, not a sniffy wander!

Hi 😊 I've just completed my 3rd run of week 1 with my 3 dogs, running through the woods next to my house, it was great! I'm 51 and am/was very overweight, I swam daily through the hot weather and have managed to lose nearly 2 stone so far ( 3 stone to go!). I was looking for a new exercise to do once the weather changed and found the C25K app, taking it slowly and feeling really good! Keep in touch! X
How quick have you lost 2 stone? That's a great achievement!
I've lost 27lbs in 9 weeks, I haven't crash dieted or followed any particular diet, just stuck to grilled fish and chicken and loads of salad/veg, and skimmed milk/yoghurt. It feels really healthy, clear skin and eyes etc. and loads more energy. Well chuffed !
So got rid of most carbs in a nutshell? I'm slowly easing myself in to that way of eating but refuse to throw away food in the cupboard so using all my pasta/rice/cous-cous up first.

I do! Mind you, I’m only a 🐌🐌 and my Lab casually trots alongside me! I have one of those hands-free running leads which I found made a huge difference. I used to let her run off the lead in the early weeks with lots of walking, but now I’m doing the longer runs I didn’t want to be wondering where she’d gone off sniffing. 🐕🐕
But she’s a great running buddy and seems to enjoy it! ❤️
Have fun with your Pooch25K!!
Yep, we've got a hands free lead - felt a bit weird yesterday, every time she tried to pull I was getting yanked a few steps forward. At least it'll save my shoulders... and she might speed me up a bit! I felt a bit bad because occasionally she'd hopefully break into a canter (rather than a slow trot) and look rather fed up when I couldn't keep up!!!

Welcome Olivepup. Are u planning to do the C25K? As you will get support from the forum.
I started in July and have been enjoying getting fit using the running programme and didn’t use the extreme hot weather as my excuse. I thought I would be out and enjoy it before it changed.
You wouldn’t regret using the forum and all the best.
Hello having your dog with you will make such a difference I do agree with the need for the special lead well worth the investment I am week 4 post graduate and apart from one charity 5 k and a park run my border collie has been with me he simply loves it and knows 5.30 mon wed and fri off we go Stick with this program and forum and you will definitely succeed 😉
I have a smooth collie (basically a rough collie without the long fur) - they have the border collie brain but nothing like the energy or drive. Generally that's a good thing for me, but it does mean that a few structured exercise sessions each week won't do my girl any harm either! The main problem is getting her out of bed in the morning
She sounds gorgeous mine is a boy called BOB we rescued him 5 years ago he has issues but most are well under control structured exercise has been the key all along it is my fault it has taken so long to get from long walks to running.... but we are there now and we are both loving it .....he could do an awful lot more I am not sure still finding this challenging 👌

Hi there, I take mine along with me. He gets super excited as soon as he sees the trainers come out, which actually helps with my motivation.
Good luck and happy running to you both.
I run every day with my dog , he loves it , but off lead , I think it's a complete bore for them to be tethered to us .