Hi, I have been running in my living room up until this morning when I ventured out onto a local field to do my wk3 r3. I found it really difficult far harder to do than running in my living room. I finished it but am now wondering if I should repeat week 3 rather than go on to week 4 - I was looking forward to progressing but just not sure I can yet.
Advice needed: Hi, I have been running in my... - Couch to 5K
Advice needed

Do you mean running on a treadmill or physically round your living room?
Regardless, if you completed the last run, there really is no necessity to repeat it - unless you want to, which is fine too!
Running outside is lovely, so give it a go, really slow. Bet you’ll enjoy it! 😀
Have fun! 😀😀😀👍🏻
Physically running around my living room! I enjoyed running outside but was utterly exhausted by it! Thanks for the advice.

I would just give it a go and see how you get on, if you find it too hard then, by all means, repeat week 3, but you might just surprise yourself! Good luck and keep going 😊

Well done, out of the house and got through it. When you change terrain it feels strange and so is harder, you’ll get used to it.
Definitely stick to the outdoors.
Clean air, visual change, it's the REAL thing!
Find a podcast that interests you: is it music? Comedy? Audiobooks?
Anything that helps you "travel". When you think about how long you still have or how you're struggling, it is tons more difficult!
I switched from laura and the boring music to comedy podcasts and i run for 25 minutes in W7 without realizing! Time fliesgood luck and stay outdoors. You are not a hamster!! 🙄

I wonder it’s harder because you’re going faster (I would imagine you probably have to hold back a bit running indoors) and because it isn’t super flat outside. Either way, it’s a great call to try outside and I’d suggest you crack on with week four and just be careful to keep things slow and steady.
You won’t regret getting outside. It’s a wonderful thing being able to just run somewhere - I’ve discovered so many new places near where I live by just going out and running in new directions.

You can only fail this plan by heading permanently back to the couch. Give it a go and see how you get on.
Well done for venturing outdoors...........that really is running.