Not sure what I’m doing wrong?!: Hi all, Firstly... - Couch to 5K

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Not sure what I’m doing wrong?!

Hezzer1 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read this. It isn’t specificall just about the couch to 5k programme, but my journey in general.

I’m currently just under 28 stone and seem to be stuck in a rut after a month of changing my diet and increasing exercise - which I just can’t get my head around.

I’ve gone from eating ridiculously bad lunches, snacks all day, sneaky McDonald’s on the way home and even worse teas, to eating slimming world friendly lunches and teas with fruit for snacks. I’ve ditched the 4 or 5 takeaways a week for one small takeaway every weekend or every fortnight. I’ve gone from drinking 15/20 pints and a bottle of spirits to 3 or 4 (sometimes 0) bottles of lager a week. I’ve even cut coffee out to save on milk!

Then on top of that I’ve gone from walking less than 1500 steps a day to over 10,000 (sometimes up to 16,000). I’ve even started doing the couch to 5k programme - albeit my own version. Because of my weight I couldn’t go straight into the normal programme as there’s no way I could run for a minute without stopping. So I did my own version of 30 second runs and have now built up to 6 x 1 minute blasts.

I lost just over a stone in the first 3 weeks which I was pleased with. But in the 4th week, I’ve actually put weight on?!?! Nearly half a stone.

I just don’t understand how? What else can I do? Do you think it’s just a bad week and it’ll catch up next week? Feeling really demotivated seen as though I’ve got so long to go.

Appreciate any feedback.



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Hezzer1 profile image
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18 Replies
Fitterhazeleyes_23 profile image

Hi there don’t give up! You’ve done so well with the changes you’ve started to make. We do sometimes have blips in weight loss especially when starting exercising. Your consultant should be able to advise on that. Plus in this heat I have noted more lower limb swelling which always happens to me in warm weather and does affect my weight loss. But all that said you should see some losses in the next few weeks. Keep at it. Don’t lose heart 💓 it will start to shift 🙏🏽

Hezzer1 profile image
Hezzer1 in reply to Fitterhazeleyes_23

Thank you! I hope so. Feel better in myself for doing it, but just need the weight to start shifting. I’ll keep on with it and see what happens. Thanks again :)

misswobble profile image

It will shift! It’s bound to if you stick with your healthy eating and drinking regime. It’s going to be a process to be gone through. Accept that! You have to get your head down and do the work like it’s your job! Its a complete U-turn to what you’ve been used to. In the scheme of things though there are much harder things to go through. It might not seem that way right now, I know 🙂

You have to be a sticker, not a quitter. This is about your health ! It’s taken you some time to reach the weight you’re at now so you can’t reasonably expect it to fall off after a few sessions of C25k.

Connection to your own food is important so swerve the takeaways and get busy in the kitchen making colourful healthy meals. Planning what to eat ahead of time is crucial.

Your body is adjusting. It’s noticed it’s not getting the calories it’s been used to and has decided to Hang on to them, so, you have to push through the plateau. Keep going with your healthy eating and your walk jogs with C25k. Don’t Be demotivated, just more determined than ever to shift it

Walk more in general! Walking is a great way to kick start weight loss 💪👍😃

Have you been over to look at the Weight Loss forum on Healthunlocked? I am sure they would be able to advise you.

I am sure that if you stick at all these amazing changes, you will start to notice the differences. It is probably about the long game, although I understand that you must be fed up. Anyway, don't give up, you are doing fabulous :)

Newtothis82 profile image

Hi Hezzrr1

Just keep your chin up and keep at it. Keep counting the wins whether an increase in the time you can run for, wieght you lose or takeaways/pints missed. Each one is a win and a step in the right direction (just make sure you reward yourself with something non food and drink based.) Set some goals that are excercise and diet based and not weight lose. You will have far more control over them and the wieght lose will just be a bonus.

Good luck and let us know how you are getting on.

sparkyjohn profile image

Wow, it sounds like you're living a different life. Well done 👍👍👍

May I suggest that you don't use the scales to measure success (or failure)?

You have got to running for 1 minute 6 times, that's brilliant. You must be healthier even if you don't feel it. I've found it easier to resist the beers and biscuits by thinking how much worse I'll feel on the next run. So it's a win, win thing.

Another idea might be to try to put aside the money you were spending on takeaways and booze. Then as the dress sizes come down, treat yourself to a new outfit and call it a gift from Misters McDonalds, Fosters and Nescafe etc.

If you feel low then post to the forum, there will always be someone to offer support.

Good luck, keep going. 😃😃😃😃

KN25 profile image

I agree with ditching the scales as our weight fluctuates depending on time of day, fluid retention etc. Instead I would use measurements so measure your thighs, hips, waist etc. What I have found is that quite often there is not much of a shift weight wise but I lost inches. In fact when I was at my peak fitness I went down a dress size and toned up a lot but when I weighed myself I was only a few pounds different which was strange! Keep at it as at some point you will really start to see results. Its so true, the weight comes on quicker than it goes off unfortunately!!

Oldfloss profile image

misswobble is correct... it is going to take time.. and you obviously have the determination to make this work:)

Really, it is the weirdest thing... But, linked with a really healthy eating regime.. this will bring benefits.. I actually put weight on after starting this..but then it all balanced out....just stick at it... slow and steady..

Maybe take a quick look at the Michael Mosley ( TV's Trust me I'm a Dr).. eating plans.. they are really useful and with some really great meal ideas:) Not faddy, but really appetising and quikj to to prepare.. :)

Take a look at our sister site too. Loads of the people on here are on there also.. ( they have great recipe ideas there as well!)

Don't lose heart, please you are doing should be so proud of yourself.. we are :)

AnnieW55 profile image

Well done on your achievements so far. Weight loss isn’t linear, except for a very few lucky people, it can depend on lots of different things and this heat won’t help.

I would suggest upping your water intake if you can as that often helps get things moving again. If plain water is too boring add things like cucumber, mint, lemon to ring the changes and perhaps use a nice glass so it looks a bit more of a treat.

Also measuring yourself, as has been said, is a good idea and not just the usual,places, try wrists, knees, neck, calves you can be losing inches whilst not losing weight.

Keep going and it will happen. You’ve already made some good changes and they will work, it’s just that sometimes it takes a while for your body to know you really do mean this.

BeardRunningMan profile image

Keep with it. I had a similar problem with weight loss. Too heavy to exercise but needed to exercise to lose weight.

Once the calorie intake is under control, you do need to be honest with yourself and not ‘guess’ on amounts, I found drinking water helped restart the weight loss, at least 3 litres across the day. I’ve now shifted over 4 stone, restarted C2-5K, now on Week6 run 2. I couldn’t get past week 4 when I was bigger

IannodaTruffe profile image

This might help

Ang33333 profile image

Oh wow well done! 😀😀

IgaT profile image

I haven't read the comments, so I may repeat others. First of all - HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on starting and pushing through the first month that usually is the hardest. Second of all, the weight fluctuations can be quite substantial in all of us, which sometimes are due to water retention, other times are the good increase of muscle mass. I would recommend not weighing yourself so often. In the beginning of my healthy journey, I was weighing myself every single day, just after morning wee (before anything else) for 60 days, just to see my natural weight fluctuations and they were as big as 2-3kg!!! Without any diet or exercise changes. Another thing, shorter and longer plateau will happen. It is normal, as your body is adjusting. The good thing to do, but it is tip for future, is to change routine every 8-12 weeks as a minimum. When you get used and start being comfortable with exercises you're doing, it means that you leveled up and it's high time to change them a little, or a lot. Try some weight lifting once a week or easy bodyweight exercises. They are known to shake a thing ;)

So hold on! And just keep doing what you're doing. Because YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!

JacquiAM profile image

You’re not doing anything wrong - sounds like you’re doing everything right! I know how disheartening it is when the scales don’t budge (or go the ‘wrong’ way) and I am trying to break my addiction to them! I can only echo what everyone else has said ... don’t just rely on the scales, measure yourself, go by how your clothes feel, and how much better in yourself you start to feel. You have taken the hardest step of all - that first one and you can do this! x

Carolinemcd profile image

Wow well done with the change in lifestyle and weight loss. Although the weekly weigh in is part and parcel of SW taking measurements is equally if not more important. There is HUGE debate on this forum about muscle weighing more than fat but I truly believe that as your body changes and you tone your weight will fluctuate and that may well be muscle build up.

The key is not to panic! You’ve got this, keep moving forward one foot in front of the other. Drink lots of water and think of the future you.

WOW what an achievement you’ve made to make those positive changes to your life style. I too like you have a lot of weight to lose and hoped this would help shift a few extra pounds. As miss wobble said and I remember this from sw your body has noticed your doing something different and thought “whoa what they doing” and probably retaining water/sugars in panic mode I’m sure once your body gets use to the changes you’ll start to see results. I personally have noticed I’ve lost inches instead of lbs I had a ledge across my hips, my muffin top and back fat were enormous they’ve not gone but reduced dramatically. Keep going hun you’ve got this. X

Hezzer1 profile image

Hi all,

Just wanted to say thanks for your lovely messages, they really helped me to get my head focused.

I definitely must be losing inches (I didn’t measure myself when I started), because I’m wearing a shirt for work today that I bought about 2 years ago to ‘slim in to’. Tried it on today and it fits :) !!

Keeping on with the exercise. Another jog/ walk tonight. Weirdly looking forward to it. Never thought I’d say that!

Upped my water intake massively. Only issue is that my job means I sit in quite a lot of meetings. Nearly wet myself already this morning. Plus I have a 130 mile round trip every day, so thinking I might need to stop off on the way home. No cheeky McDonald’s at the services though!

Thanks again, you’re all wonderful.

Heather :)

KayBee1000 profile image
KayBee1000Graduate in reply to Hezzer1

Hi Hezzer, I'm a but late to the party, but wanted to say I have had a similar experience.

Lost 3 stone through slimming world, started walking more, decided I'd give C25k a go.

Didn't weigh myself for about a month, then got all excited thinking I must have lost lots of weight so got on the scales - I'd actually put on a few pounds.

I was quite downhearted, thinking I've done all this hard work but haven't lost weight. Then I tried on some swimsuits for my upcoming holiday; I needed to go down a size smaller than I thought, and I really noticed how much more toned and slimmer my legs are! Hadn't noticed this at all in my mirror at home, but looking at myself in a swimsuit I could see a huge difference.

I still don't know how I could have shrunk so much but still weigh the same, but it has renewed my enthusiasm for the programme!

I see you've had a similar 'lightbulb moment' with your skirt which now fits - well done! Ignore the scales (hard to do on sw, I know) and really look at or measure your body instead. You're doing everything right to be successful in changing your life forever, keep at it!

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