Week 4 completed today, nearly half way there now. Onto week 5 and the big challenge that is run 3, bring it on. If (when) that’s completed I will believe I can do this.
Nearly half way there: Week 4 completed today... - Couch to 5K
Nearly half way there

If you’ve completed week 4, you can do this. Run 2 of week 5 is the midpoint of the programme. Think how far you’ve come.
Thanks Jay, I am determined to get there only problem is there is a lot more running in the second half than the first
And you are a lot fitter than you were, and you will be even fitter when you reach them.
I barely managed W1R1 in late March and same through all of the first few weeks. I now run for pleasure two 4ks and a 5k each week. Others much more.

You can do it! I really loved W5! A real turning point for a lot of people! Looking forward to hearing all about it! Well done! 😁❤️

You can do it. Kick those nagging doubts out and believe in yourself, oh and smile 🙂.

Well done! You can def do it! W5 was my favourite week. Really made something click in my brain 👏🏻
Thanks for the encouragement I hope I enjoy W5 as much as you did
It’s def mind over matter! You CAN do it! Don’t let your brain tell you otherwise x
It's not my brain that's the problem, it's my legs which start to ache and tell me they have had enough while I am putting my trainers on!!!!!!!!!