About to be 50, fat, not run since school - bu... - Couch to 5K

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About to be 50, fat, not run since school - but doing it (well week 3 so far anyway!)

JCintheplacetobe profile image

I’m so pleased to have found this community. I work in a very sedentary job, am about to be 50 and am very overweight. I was drawn to C25K and when I started, at the end of April I couldn’t run for 30 seconds. I’ve had to repeat weeks but am proud and amazed to say I will be completing my second run of week three tomorrow. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when I realised that I wouldn’t be running 5k in 9 weeks (naive I know now!!) but I can see now that it may be possible. Today is my rest day but I’ve been reading other comments on here to increase my confidence for tomorrow. Thank you to anyone who has replied to a post (I may have read it!) and thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this epic tale!

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JCintheplacetobe profile image
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44 Replies
Goforitmama profile image

Go for it! You can do it! You are awesome!

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Goforitmama

Thank you!

Goforitmama profile image
GoforitmamaGraduate in reply to JCintheplacetobe

Actually, change that to Awesome with a a capital 'A'!

Goforitmama profile image
GoforitmamaGraduate in reply to JCintheplacetobe

Actually, change that to Awesome, with a capital 'A'!

Ghaghdog profile image

Good for you. Keep going 😊

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Ghaghdog

Thank you! Have a great holiday!

prinny30 profile image

Well done proud of you. This is my second attempt at couch but determination is key as long we move we are free 💪

Jay66UK profile image

Well done!

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Jay66UK

Thank you!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

The guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Enjoy your journey.

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you, I’ve had a quick glance at the article - I’ll read it properly after my run but did take note on the hydration. I’m off to drink plenty before my run! Have a good day and thank you again.

Dbbd profile image

Hi and welcome - all in the same boat/ trainers here lol !

I was just like you a couple of years ago starting out determined to get fitter before turning 50 and it took me about 5 months to complete the programme due to injury and another month till I was running 5k! You will do it! It’s a roller coaster journey though so be prepared - I got up to running 10k last summer then injury hit again and now can only run about a minute at once but slowly jog/walk my 5k route ! Determined to run a full 5k again! You may beat me to it!!

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to

Hello Hilary, thanks, it’s so nice to hear of others that have done it. I’m just off out for my 2nd run of week 3 - I can’t quite believe I can do this! Good luck with your return to running 5k. I’ll keep you posted and I’ll be watching your progress! Have a great weekend!

CT2017 profile image

About to be 5O, fat( still but not as fat) and it’s taken me nearly a year, and 2 goes at the programme, to get this far, don’t beat yourself up. As Long as your out there trying that’s great, to quote me job”everybody loves a trier”

Victoria1james profile image

I have a ritual of running (W4R2c) coming home, have a sweaty brew and 10 mins of reading through some of these messages. It helps me recover and get excited for the next time. 👍

SandC profile image

I'm still on week 1. I hope to be where you are soon. Well done.

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to SandC

Oh well done. I really can’t believe that I’ve come this far. When I’m running I sometimes scare myself when I realise it’s actually me running!! Good luck and keep going! I’ll be watching your progress so keep us posted!

Bedders07 profile image

Hi , firstly well done 👍

Very similar situation, I’m 58 carrying extra pounds 😂, I found couch to 5k about 12 weeks ago , last run I did was when a policeman chased me when I was 18 , started this and struggled even with the first week, but persevered and over the weeks had to do a couple of re runs.

Last night I did my first run of week 9 , a full 30 minuets 👍

I promise you will get there , it’s not easy , but you can do it!!

Good luck

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Bedders07

Thank you! I can’t really believe it but I’m sure you’re right - I reckon I’ll be doing week 3 a couple of times!!

Yay! You can do it. The most important thing I have learned from this forum is: speed and distance do not matter. Just keep moving through those running sections. I've attempted c25k several times before and never got very far as I was pushing myself to go at a speed I thought a runner should do. I've slowed it right down and about to put my trainers on for w7r3. I know I won't be able to do 5k in 30 mins by the end of week 9, but when I think how much I struggled through those early weeks I'm amazed how well this programme works!! Just keep moving!!!

Moomum49 profile image

I had to do a double take when I read this as I thought it was describing me. I started this a few months ago and only got as far as 2 weeks in before sore knees, feet and back stopped me. I would love to give it another bash though. I'm thinking about doing the 12 week rapid weight loss thing via support from my GP to get me to a point where I can exercise without so much pain.

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Moomum49

The pain is hard but I noticed it more when I moved on to week 2 - so I went back to week 1 and persevered and I’m all good now! Keep trying and don’t give up - it really is worth it! Good luck.

Sandie1961 profile image

Really well done! I was just the same, although I’m coming up to 57 next month and the last time I ran was about 10 years ago (and then a very slow Race for Life). I’ve lost 1.5 stones since January and was determined to get fitter by my Silver Wedding later this month. Now starting week 4 like you. Let’s keep going !

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Sandie1961

Oh wow, just ran week 3 run 2 - phew that was hard but I’ll keep you in mind when I next run! Good luck I’ll be monitoring your progress!

Well done for getting this far! What is it abt turning 50 that makes you fat? I’m so fed up - i’m 53 & a couple of years ago managed to lose 2.5 stone & now i’ve put on 7-8 pounds - not a lot i know but all my clothes are tight or don’t fit me & I just can’t shift it! I’m on W7 - due to do R3 tomorrow & so far i’ve only lost 2lbs. I’ve cut right back on my eating but I can’t even get away with the odd treat now! Sorry - end of rant. Good luck with the rest of your running!

Penelopesimmons profile image
PenelopesimmonsGraduate in reply to

I hear you!! So difficult these days at age 49 - I am just about finished the programme - one run left. Plus really changed my eating habits but in 10 weeks only lost around 10 pounds! Five years ago that would be at least double that!

We will get there in the end - all about a change of overall lifestyle!

Well done on the fantastic achievement of reaching the end of week 7.

Fabulous450 profile image

Congratulations JC I’m sure you’ll be having the best 50th now!! I’m 50 next year too and I hope to be a seasoned runner by then. I’ll be out on my W3R1 tomorrow, which I’m told can feel like quite a step up! But I’ll be going for it (taking it slow and steady mind!).

This forum is definitely the best thing for support! It’s so good to know you’re not alone and sharing, the good, the bad and the ugly and people actually understand or have experienced it themselves is amazing! Good luck to you on the rest of your runs to graduation and beyond! ❤️

Getfitok profile image

Good for you on starting this journey. It took me 21 weeks to complete but I got there in the end which is the main thing😊. Just keep going, you're doing great!

Madwife60 profile image

Very good luck. I’m 60 this week and fat and a non mover never mind runner. However today I graduated. If I can do it you certainly can. Slow and steady wins the race. Keep on going. You can do it

Jhill66 profile image

I’m overweight too and am starting week 6 tomorrow. This programme is great! Can’t believe I jogged for 20 mins yesterday! I reckon when I graduate I’ll be doing about 3k but I’m good with that. After graduation I’ll work on building up speed until I reach the 5k. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to do that because I know that I’m getting out there and exercising 3 times a week and improving my health and fitness along the way! You’ll do great! You got this!

Equi-geek profile image

Am in the fat-and-nearly-50 club too - just completed W3R3 at the park run this morning (with a few unofficial jogs after the cool down) and feeling good about W4 now. We’ve got this! Keep going :)

p1M2l3 profile image

I started running before Xmas at 63 and am very overweight. I would never run for anything and now I do 5k parkruns every week even though I might be last as today., but I always finish them walking and jogging. It makes you feel proud of yourself. You'll get there.

Guesty26 profile image

Hi JC, if i can do it and graduate you can too. I have a similar story to you, 52 overweight but by god im loving this running malarky now, just keep your runs slow and enjoy them you will get stronger every week believe in the programme it works.

jolinnitt profile image

Hi JC, I’m 48. 8 weeks ago I had a BMI of 41, I’m on W8R2, 21lbs lighter and BMI 37.5, I did an extra run week 5, absolutely loving running! Feeling fab, keep going, it’s a mind game, I use mindfulness when I have to dig deep and music with ‘happy’ words in it! Just keep at it!

Super_Ivs profile image

If I can do it you can, I am 57 and in December I weighed over 19 stone, today I am 13 1/2 stone and did a Parkrun (5k) in under 25 minutes. Get out there and enjoy!

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Super_Ivs

Thank you Super_Ivs - that’s just what I needed to hear!

Fernshome profile image

Hello You can do it!!! My advice would be just take it easy and keep looking back at what you have achieved....... I turn 55 in July and started when my 5 year old granddaughter said run grandma and I couldn’t..... I have just finished week 4 .... begin week 5 on Monday, I shall look for your next post

MissTwiggy profile image

I hit 50 & then decided I needed to get fit : same as you not run since leaving school - started end of last year & everytime I went for a run I thought I was going to die : then picked up an injury so only restarted in April with even more determination & feeling better every run : so keep at it, slow it down & don't expect miracles we all have bad days

Ducky100 profile image

Hello and welcome! Just keep going and do as much as you can manage. When we feel we can’t go on any longer, that’s when our fitness levels are stretched and we grow (or so I am told). I too am in my fifties and overweight and have never been a runner, but on w4 r2 so we have made tremendous progress. 🤪

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Ducky100

Thanks Ducky100. I did W4R1 yesterday and I am absolutely knackered! Can’t say I’m looking forward to running tomorrow but I’ll be giving it a go! Good luck to you and keep going! Thanks again! X

Shazza1969 profile image

Hi there. Well you sound just like me! Not down anything since school, and am very VERY overweight and will be 50 but this time next year!

I am just starting W2 and did R1 this morning ! It was ok. Struggled on rep 2 and 5 but did it!

I have worried that I might not be able to move on to each week as they come but reading your post I’m guessing you’ve repeated a week at some point?? This sounds like it might take the pressure off me if I need to and am not ready for the big weeks to come !

Anyway sorry for ambushing your post!

Keep up the fab work and keep posting.

Good luck. 😊

JCintheplacetobe profile image
JCintheplacetobe in reply to Shazza1969

Hello Shazza1969, I’m so chuffed to hear from you. We do sound the same. I’m really overweight and have found this all really difficult. You’re right, I have repeated some weeks because I just didn’t feel I could move on to the next week. I can’t quite believe that on April 23rd this year I couldn’t even keep going for 30 seconds at a time yet yesterday I ran for 5 minutes doing W4R1 - however; today, I am absolutely knackered and have had to take anti inflammatory’s!!! So, I don’t want to not run tomorrow - I think it’s important to keep going , so I’m going to run W3R3 again so I can recover. Keep going girly, listen to your body (because only you know your body) and take it easy. Carrying all this extra weight we’re so much more likely to have an injury so it’s better to take it easy! Let me know how it’s goes and good luck!

Kamia profile image

Wow so many replies so much support 😀 well done for sticking with it. Good luck with the rest of your progress.

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