I was so pleased that I did the long run in run 3 week 5 I started my 5 min run going too fast. With only 3 mins walk in-between my breathing did not get steady so I paid the price and did not finish the runs. A learning lesson for me, it is not a race and doing the run is more important than the speed.
Wk6R1 started too fast and paid the price - Couch to 5K
Wk6R1 started too fast and paid the price
6/1 is a tricky run which caught me out too. I’m sure you’ll do fine on the re- run. Good luck.
You have got It! Slow and steady gets you where you want to be..in any run😉
You will do it next time, start slow and stay slow. Good luck runner
I have heard that wk6 can be more tricky than the 20 min run in wk5. This whole programme is a learning process so I guess you've proved that. As I'm a slow plodder I don't think I'll ever be in danger of going too fast but take your words on board. Onwards and upwards for big-time your next run will be fab!
My jogging pace is about the same as my fast walking pace. It was just the first part was up a slight slope and I do not do upwards slopes!! I was trying to keep at the same pace which was not a good idea. I am much better at downward slopes. I will try again tomorrow.
That’s W6R1 for you. Good luck!
Thanks for all the helpful comments. I had a very busy few days with no running so decided to repeat this run. I did it with a careful bit of route alteration to avoid upward inclines at the start or end of a run. Downhill no problem! Just typing this and I thought RUN!!! it is more of a plod really but one day I might be able to run. Anyone know what the difference is between a jog and a run?