Worry worry worry : Hello all. This is my first... - Couch to 5K

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Worry worry worry

HH2H profile image
56 Replies

Hello all. This is my first post. I've just done my w3r3 and I'm doing just fine and I actually enjoy it.. but I'm always worrying about the next and just how on earth will I manage 5 minute runs? Is everyone else always doubting themselves?

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HH2H profile image
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56 Replies
Rignold profile image

Worry about Trump starting a war with Russia, or the Polar ice caps melting or whether your invite to Harry and Meghan's do will arrive in time. Those are big issues. Don't worry about runs you haven't done yet. When you get to them you will be ready for them.

Lorijay profile image
LorijayGraduate in reply to Rignold

Now that's perspective :)

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to Rignold

Well thanks for the sarcasm

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply to HH2H

Nope. No sarcasm. When you get to the 5 minute runs you will be ready for them. The programme is designed to do that. Looking forward and worrying is never good.

Oldfloss profile image

Never.. I know what I can do.... it may take a long time.. but I will do it:)

You are your best asset... move on with confidence... trust the plan and believe in yourself :)

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” ― Thomas Edison

Rebecca12 profile image

Running is just as mental as it is physical ... say great things to yourself like " I love running " or "beautiful blossom on the trees" it really helps !

IannodaTruffe profile image

Read this healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and relax.

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you for this post. I suppose some people need the reassurance that you can do it and I'm one of those.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to HH2H

Reassurance doesn't quite work that way. I don't know if you can do it or not, it's you who call the shots, and you should simply go out and do it. And why not.

Don't think about the next week or run, weather or circumstances, don't overcook it, simply run. That's the key!

Anitacstrong profile image
AnitacstrongGraduate in reply to HH2H

Me too. Have you read the post about the first 10 minutes being the toughest? That helped me and I remind myself of that when I am feeling tired.

Jay66UK profile image

I have always worried about every “next week”, especially after Run 1 each week where I feel I only just about manage to get to the end of the longest bit. Tomorrow morning I have my first 20 minute run. I have been dreading it; tonight I’m looking forward to beating it.

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to Jay66UK

Glad it's a fairly common feeling then. Well good for you, go for it! Good luck

Boolie3 profile image
Boolie3 in reply to HH2H

Week 4 is a huge step up!

Leojon66 profile image
Leojon66 in reply to Boolie3

Oh no, now I am worrying about that! I start W4R1 today! And it's raining.... 😄😄😄

ClareO65 profile image

I have graduated recently and worry about every run still 🙄Except once when I managed to get myself into a ‘slow and steady’ state of mind before I ran. I now try and think ‘I’ll see how I go’ I’ve never regretted a single run I’ve done or tried.

oldwheezer69 profile image

Yes I worry too. But I am finding the programme works so just take a deep breath and go for it! You can do this! 😁

misswobble profile image

It’s actually really good fun once you get into it

It’s a blast 😃

The trick is to go really slowly. The early weeks are mostly walking with a few jogs thrown in. Nothing to worry about at all. No hurry, no,pressure. You’re in charge 💪👍

staceycorinne profile image

I found week 4 the only runs I repeated a few times.

But now I’m up to week 8 and 5 mins is no longer hard. You can do this! You just have to believe in yourself and trust the program.

Keep up the good work. Soon you will realise how easy the earlier week are.

Enjoy the process. :)

MamaHogg profile image
MamaHogg in reply to staceycorinne

This is super helpful! I am about to go on to week 4, an like the original poster, having a few nerves about it... it is definitely a big step up!

But i'm still feeling positive and ready to repeat if i need to (i expect I will this week). Haven't yet had to repeat a run, despite having doubts at the start of each week keeping your post in mind will be a confidence boost if (when!) I have to repeat this week xxx

ruralfrance profile image

Hello HH2H,

It looks like some people posting above don't quite get what you are on about. I do! And actually I think many people on this forum do.

What always strikes me about the forum is how often, when people graduate, they say "I never thought I would be able to do this". And I think that's roughly what you're saying. The fact is, I'm sure you can. What you have to do is follow the programme and run slowly! You said you're enjoying the runs and doing fine. Well that's a very good start.

Good luck, happy running and keep posting.

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to ruralfrance

Thanks for the lovely reply ..and yes you seem to understand where I was coming from. Enjoy 👍

Dawnie16 profile image

I understand you completely ! I've got wk3r3 tonight and I'm already worried about w4 ! and I felt the same at the end of w2.

I have read all the guides and hear what it says but my mind still kicks in and tells me, your not a runner...youll never do this 😣

Thanks for this post it has really helped me to know that I'm not the only one who doubts my ability each week.

MamaHogg profile image
MamaHogg in reply to Dawnie16

Definitely not the only one! Xx

Nwrkpak profile image

I worried at the start of every single new week. And now I’ve graduated I worry about how I’m going to improve and reach 10k . I worry about the parkruns, about the 3 charity runs I’ve entered . Basically I worry about all of it BUT I have been able to do all of it fine when it came to or if I didn’t I just tried again and next time it was better . And the biggest thing is despite the worry I am loving my running journey. If you are a worrier you are probably never gonna totally change that. Use this forum to get reassurance, take the advice , accept you ll always have some things to worry about and enjoy your journey too xx

Good luck xx

Mcdon profile image

I felt the same but programme is amazing and you will do it x

MarciePower profile image

A wiser person than I has said that we tell ourselves 'stories': about what we can and can't do, about what kind of people we are, about how we will cope or not cope with anything. I am learning, partly through taking up running at the age of 60, that the stories can imprison us, and that they are not written on tablets of stone like the 10 Commandments, therefore I can rewrite them.

Anitacstrong profile image

I worried too..and am still worrying every week...but somehow you manage it. I think you have to keep believing in yourself and also, like everyone else says, the program has been designed to work so believe in it. Having said that, I then worried that if I failed when others didn't that I would be a complete failure! Some of us are worriers more than others - we can't help it - but just remember that it is probably more of a mental challenge than a physical one. When it gets tough just keep telling yourself to try to do one more minute, then try to do another one and so on and remind yourself how chuffed you'll feel when you accomplish it.

Dannoodles profile image

hi well done you for completing w3r3 😊 I did my w3r3 yesterday and it was ok but the thought of 5 mins of running terrifies me😬 I think No way I can do that - I had not much left in the tank after w3 run. My son who is my running buddy told me to quit panicking because I will smash it- I will give it a go but not at all confident 🤨 Good luck with your w4 🤞🏻let us know how it goes

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to Dannoodles

Ah thanks. Nice to run your son 👍 enjoy x

Chezonamission profile image

You can do it! One step; one run at a time. Try not to look or think too far ahead 🖒

I'm on week 1, run 3 tomorrow. I've never been a runner, but I'm trying to trust the process with a spirit of determination.

Keep going and try not to worry!

Jell6 profile image

I always worried (dreaded) the next one. Maybe because I have never run in my life.( and I am not a spring chicken!!!)

I was constantly telling myself that I had done the one before, therefore I will be ready for the next one, because that is how the programme works. And I'm going to say that to you now, because it does 🤗🤩

I am on what I am calling week 11 going into week 12 now, and I still think I might not get through the 30 minutes today for one reason or another. Yesterday it was bloody awful sinusitis, but... I ran for 32 minutes .

Yes you may need reassurance. You can do it .😊😊🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to Jell6

Ah that's brilliant. Well done you!! Hope I get there too. 👍

Oliviaajackson17 profile image

I was worried a well. I find it helps to get a playlist you really love, run a bit slower and just keep thinking ‘I can do this’. It’s mind over matter completely!! And then you can work on building it up!

MamaHogg profile image

I definitely feel the samr way!

I completed week 3 today and am definitely nervous about what week 4 has to bring. It seems like a huge step up!

Having said that, I am feeling positive and will throw myself in to it (slowly!) like I have done with all the runs and see where it takes me. So far, I have far exceeded my own expectations each time I have done this, so it seems to be a good approach to take.

I think feeling a few nerves is normal, but you have to believe in yourself and your ability to get there. Its not about doing it straight away, its about doing it until you can get there.

You CAN do this! X

Cola65 profile image

I can understand how you feel HH2H, but if you think back to how you felt on your very first run of this programme, I bet you thought you'd never do more than 60 seconds. (I know I didn't think it was possible, I was puffing like an old man on 80 a day!!!) But you just need to remember to focus on each run as you do it, don't panic if you can't do 3 runs a week it's not the end of the world, just try again next week. I'm on week 9 now (and I've struggled with quite a few of the weeks!!!!) I tried run 2, 3 times over 2 weeks and just about managed it on Tuesday this week. If you don't manage the whole 5 mins, just try again after a day or two, it's not a fail, it's just a practice!! I bet you'll amaze yourself though. Have fun, don't worry. And well done for getting off the couch in the first place, if you are anything like me it was a struggle to make that first move!!! You're doing fab..... as Oldfloss always says - slow and steady!!! Good luck sweetie.

Nannymo30 profile image

That sounds just like me!! You are doing so well, I’m in week 3 next week and worried about 3 minutes. I’ve decided that I will try and if I have to stop for a few seconds and walk I will. I will repeat till I can run for the full time. We are all different, so we have to listen to our bodies and do what is right for us.

linda9389 profile image

I worried about every run until about week 7 :D Completing week 5 was a big turning point, by week 7 belief was creeping in. BUT. THIS. PROGRAM. WORKS. Keep going. Try to be positive before each run if you can - but if you can't be positive, just think of all the lovely people on this forum whispering in your ear that you CAN do it, you WILL do it and think of the amazing sense of achievement after each run (which, in my opinion, far outweighs any doubts you may have ahead of each run). Every step of each run you will be squishing another of those non-positive gremlins. Good luck!

Clarab73 profile image

If you are a worrier, then try not to look ahead.(I know that is quite hard) The programme is set up for you to be ready for each run. And if you aren’t then just go with the flow and repeat until you are. I was like you at the beginning and found that, although I was enjoying it, I was tense when running worrying what if..... I just needed to calm down and realise that although it’s c25k in 9 weeks, it’s not set in stone. I started on 5th January and have just done w9r1 last night.

I have had a few set backs with snow, illnesses etc but if you keep on going you’ll soon be at 30 mins runs and won’t remember the anxiety of earlier weeks.

I hope you continue to enjoy it as I have xxxx good luck xxx

Trevgreenwood profile image

I am going out this afternoon for my W4R1, it seems a big step but hey no one said it was going to be easy! Good luck to you.

Trisha56 profile image

I'm just about to go out for W4R1. It seems a massive amount more running than W3. It took me 4 goes to complete the W3 runs and by the third one it felt easier. I'll just keep trying this week over and over until I manage it. I'm trying not to think in weeks so much as stages and if it takes me 6 months to get to the end then that's fine as long as I feel I'm making some forward progress.

MamaHogg profile image
MamaHogg in reply to Trisha56

I like this approach Trisha. Think i might jump on board with that way of thinking too xx

Trisha56 profile image
Trisha56 in reply to MamaHogg

Well, having done that run this morning I am fairly pleased. I did the 3min/5min/3min runs OK then bailed out after 3 mins of the final interval. My feet were all over the place and my breathing rhythm had gone to pot so I brisk walked till the end. So not a complete success but I ran a total of 14 mins which a few weeks ago I wouldn't have believed possible. It does now feel achievable so I'll try again in a couple of days.

MamaHogg profile image
MamaHogg in reply to Trisha56

Amazing! Well done xx

Trisha56 profile image
Trisha56 in reply to MamaHogg

Ah, thank you

Unfit44 profile image

I'm in the same boat!! So so nervous! Just finished W3R3 tonight. Saw W4 program (that's my reward to myself at end of each week!! Pffft some reward that turned out to be 😀!) Anyway given I clomp along like a transformer whilst I run/jog/slow shamble at a pace that's one step off reverse and heavy breath like I've just completed a marathon (actually at recent Commonwealth Games they sounded LESS puffed after the 42k then I did after that last 3 min!) I am so concerned that I won't be able to do it! I find if iI am thinking about the beep signalling end of run it takes even longer. The more puffed I am the more I long for the beep!! Oh dearie me! I'm nervous BUT when (not if!) I finish it on Sat I KNOW I'll be so chuffed!! Here's to Ys!!

HH2H profile image

Thanks for all the lovely positive messages and understanding!! Keep at it folks x

johnm12 profile image

I think we probably all worry to a greater or lesser extent. Great thing is that you say you are enjoying it so I strongly suspect that all will be well and it really won't be too long before you're saying "did I really just do that?" Good luck and keep running please!

Madwife60 profile image

Absolutely but if I can do it you can. Keep going and stay positive

cheryl_couch_tatty profile image

I am constantly sneaking a peak to the next few runs and stressing myself out but I haven't failed yet....trust the plan. Maybe I will fail a run but I will just try again. Stay positive, you can do it. Follow all the advice. Make sure you go at a manageable pace. You got this!!!

Fifitrixiebell profile image

Just take one run at a time. I was exactly the same. I would panic before I went out and doubted myself and I did. Don't look too far ahead, just on your next run.

Pancakes profile image

I’m the same as you just finished W3 - no idea how I’m going to manage W4 but I will give it a go!! One foot in front of the other and think happy thoughts! Good luck x

Yes I always thought I wouldn’t be able to do the next run but now I’m on the last week an I have amazed myself. Don’t worry just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I find Michel helps.

Mezkate profile image

Yes. Definitely. But I’m surprising myself!

Paulubana profile image

I remember the trepidation of this run “how can I possibly run that long”, and I remember punching the air when I completed it.

Only yesterday on my 6km Run I thought about this W3 r3 run and what a milestone it was. Many people say about the jump to the 20 minute run is the turning point but for me it was this run.

Just approach it as previous runs and enjoy that feeling when you complete it!

HH2H profile image
HH2H in reply to Paulubana

That's great to hear you felt the same but now running 6km. I would love to get there and I'm sure I will.

Thanks for the encouragement 👍

RAnselm profile image

Hello. One thing that has struck me is that as you progress through the runs your mind and legs are on different pages. Each run has been training your legs to be able to do the next run and your mind is one or 2 runs behind! So it may help to try to convince yourself to stop listening to your worrying mind and just trust your legs. Do you use Laura's podcast? She us very helpful in reminding us that we can do this and to trust the program. I am sure you will be fine. 😊

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