I have a pair of cheap Bluetooth earbuds that have (kind of) glasses loops that go around the back of my ears. Left ear stays in most of the time. Right ear doesn’t. Any advice on headphones/earbuds that will stay in better? The cheaper the better.
Headphone recommendations please: I have a pair... - Couch to 5K
Headphone recommendations please

We were discussing this the other day so do have a scroll
I have to go cheap too 🎻
My £3.99 Lidl ones were better than my Sony ones 😃. I wear my Buff round my ears to keep the buds in place if listening to music I fold the buff down into a headband which keeps them snugly in place. I use the smallest earbud of the three these things usually come with I am using the Apple ones which came with my phone They work in my Sony mp3 player too They sound good I think
amzn.eu/4lpOxV6 Not sure if that link worked - sorry! Mine are Marathon2 Sports Bluetooth 4.1, cost £21.24 on Amazon, I'm very pleased with them. The earphones sit on your ears not in them so much more comfy.
Love these earphones!

Skip free has to be a boon! My iPhone music was skipping and jumping all over the place the other day, completely doing my head in. Apparently, according to the Apple support site, it’s the Apple headphones rather than the phone being jiggled about
Good luck with them. Do let us know how you get on with them. 😃👍