Running gear has arrived- all black, no lurid Lycra ((Easter bargains from Mountain Warehouse and eBay). All set for week 8 and now I will run with ninja stealth. Slowly.
Motivational clothing : Running gear has arrived... - Couch to 5K
Motivational clothing a bit of ninja running! Enjoy!🙂🏃🏽♀️

Well done... Black ninja... Lurid Lycra though.....brilliant

Haha... the lurid will come in time, you'll see 🤣🤣
New gear always a great boost! Enjoy 👍😁
Just be careful if you're out in the dark - hard for motorists to see you. Might opt for some reflective something or other to help with that.

Nothing like new running gear 🤗 Enjoy.
But a friend of mine has been to one of those running schools and one of the things she learned was that runners shouldn't wear all black as apparently dogs don't like it and can become aggressive. I've never tested this but young children usually want to play with me as I wear really bright colours and I think I look like a Disney character 😂😂😂

I stick to the seafront and pedestrianised streets so should be okay - but will try to avoid scaring dogs (or small children).

Ooh lovely my favourite colour! I always wear black 😎
So Sarararara I am both ninja and fluoro - ninja for London so as not to frighten the lawyers (black suits), barristers (black gowns) waiters/waitresses/maitre d’s - black suiting, goths, creative types. But fluoro lets you run like a unicorn - ask Hidden she is our go to expert on the benefits of non ninja black running gear....
But fluoro or ninja black - slow is the way to go.
Good luck and happy running
Brilliant words of wisdom! At some point I may untether my running unicorn
I think there’s a gap in the market for gorgeous muted colours without psychedelic patterns or logos.
yes agree with you an affordable gap too, as Lululemon is muted so too Sweaty Betty - but both are ‘treat’ wear it seems to me, although Mr JCR tells me that the best gear helps you run your best, but I do struggle with the thought of running tights at £100.