this run brought to you by the letters e, b, a... - Couch to 5K

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this run brought to you by the letters e, b, a, and y

icklegui profile image
35 Replies

So the frequency of my running has declined lately. Last run - the pre 6am one - was 7 days ago, and that after 8 days of no running. However, the frequency of my running purchases has hit an all-time high. This realisation made me more determined than ever to take my new-to-me exercise gear out for a spin tonight - and right on cue, on my short walk home our local Good Gym runners went past, as if to say "look, we're out running, join us"! They were running a bit fast though - I might look into joining them one day, but not yet.

So on getting home I changed into newish (worn once for yoga; very happy with fit) sports bra, new-to-me bright pink merino vest, and new-to-me fluoro yellow bamboo running top. I looked either like a runner - or an escapee from an 90s rave-themed fancy dress party - I left off my usual neon legwarmers which would have pushed me into the 80s, sartorially speaking. Music of choice was even older - Sounds of the 70s - and I was off, slightly too fast, slowed down nicely and jogged along my usual nighttime roads for a pleasing 29 minutes and 15 seconds.

Even the niggle in my knee has calmed down - lots of knee exercise while sitting, also sitting in a better posture, plus some squats, seem to be helping, but I WILL visit a running shop soon - reading the infamous mrrun 's post has cemented this aim. If I can spend the money on second-hand tops for running in, I can spend it on more suitable footwear... just need to get my bum on a tram and to the shop...

I know I'm not alone here in not running much at the moment, and everyone who's either temporarily misplaced their mojo, or is injured, or has just got too much Life happening, has my absolute sympathy. I really am trying to remember that this is practically medicine to banish the black dog and so it's essential, really. Hope those finding it tough can get back out there as often as they want, soon.

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icklegui profile image
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35 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Great post... and very opportune for many folk :)

I have got myself back on track..finally said a real farewell to the IC, with a steady 10K on Sunday....and it feels so good... :) Black Dog, last seen heading for the hills :)

You had a good run.. dressed to kill and you enjoyed it... well done you!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

dressed to frighten people to death, same difference! Seriously loving the fancy togs though. Thumb holes! Fluoro!

the_tea_fairy profile image
the_tea_fairyGraduate in reply to icklegui

Merino is the business! Fluoro is a sensible choice for dark evenings (but also, when else in adult life is it socially acceptable to be luminous?!). And as a Black Dog repellent, running is the one thing that actually works for me, consistently and sustainably.

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

I'm so in love with the merino - I didn't know wool could feel like that! Blinding the black dog with my cheery bright colours :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Ebay .... love it..!! 😂

Great post icklegui , and really well done for getting out there..!!

I bet you looked amazing... you should have gone with those leg warmers 🤗

I was laid up with the lurgy last week, it has taken it out of me - subsequently I haven’t run for 9 days.

Today the black dog sat on my chest to the extent that I could feel it ready to explode and implode simultaneously .... I felt as though I needed to burst out of the office and run and run and run. Unfortunately it had to wait until this evening but, although it was horribly tough, I feel so much for it.

Like you, I know that I NEED to run.

Keep going lovely, keep that black dog away..!! ☺️

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

I really wanted to go out on Monday, but my travel home was delayed by an incident, which did sort of put life in perspective a bit (I don't know exactly what happened. but it was bad).

We do NEED to run. Much love and solidarity!

Sadie-runs profile image

On the IC with a buggered hamstring and laid low with a virus. Too tired too say much other than: ❤️❤️❤️ I loved this post, so thank you, icklegui. 9 days since my last run, and itching to get out with the Black Dog nipping at my 👠 heels. But still have the strong desire to run, so I will, as soon as I have healed. Sigh.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

PS glad you got out there - good work! x

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Aw thank you xx

<throws toy for Sadie-runs and HeadInTheClouds black dogs to chase>


Really hope your injuries heal up soon. Hugs and healing vibes!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to icklegui

Thank you lovely, very much appreciated :)

I hope you're feeling ok today and that you can get out there again soon (with leg warmers, of course) ;)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to icklegui

Thank you ickle, you are a love. x

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

So sorry about the hamstring, Sadie-runs - hope it's nothing serious and heals soon (and that the virus clears off too).

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to HeleneCorsa

Thank you dear Helene. It has been feeling much better, but has been 9 days now…thinking I may need a physio visit if not gone by next week. x

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Argh... nine days is quite a long time, although the fact there has been improvement is encouraging. I agree that a visit to the physio might be worthwhile. How infuriating to be stuck on the IC - but important to be sure it's truly better before starting up again. Hugs.

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Oh my lovely Sadie-runs , I'm so sorry to hear you are injured and unwell :( Sending you a huge hug along with some HITC healing vibes and hoping that you get well really, really soon. xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Thank you dearest HITC. I am right miffed off and feeling ridiculously sorry for myself right now! Hope you are well over your lurgy now? I think we need to employ a dog catcher, too. This is a tough time of year, eh? xxx

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

You're allowed to feel sorry for yourself. I'll send you cake if it will help..?? 😉 My lurgy has gone, thank you. We most definitely need a dog catcher... and a fast forward to spring time. Hang on in there my lovely.

Sending ❤️❤️❤️ XxX

mrrun profile image

Cool post. You've got to look great when running, no compromise, it's either or. ;)

However, do get on that tram. You don't just need any shoes, you need a perfect pair.

And as for the frequency of running. Well, it's one of those. You wanna run, you don't want to run. ;) Last week the temperature dropped to -1, the wind made it worse, l was wearing my usual basketball gear and while putting some money into the parking meter just before the run, l briefly thought, "oh no, I'm gonna freeze now". Choice A would've been to go back into the warm car, and Choice B was to run along the Thames towards the wind. I ran. :)

Just go and do it, be persistent, there will be some pain, sometime (just like life), but the end will be rewarding.

Btw, after 10k even in that temperature l was sweating. The passing drivers will remember a maniac in rolled up sleeves. :)

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to mrrun

hehe. At week 1 I just needed something that was called "running shoes" - I didn't need to put off starting the programme any longer. But now I know so much better, I'll be there at the weekend on a treadmill getting analysed!

Nice work on running into the wind. It's been COLD. But that was an excuse for me to buy some base layers!

IgaT profile image

Congratulations on your run! Especially after a little longer rest day :P

Your great post made me think about going back to running from IC rather sooner than later ;)

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to IgaT

Rest weeks are all the rage right now! But I'm feeling a bit sore now, like I did in the early weeks.

And you on the IC! Oh how frustrating. I really hope you are better soon. And that all the other things you are battling to get out, resolve. I hope that apart from the IC, you (and dog and partner) are alright x

Brilliant 😊 i have found the addiction to running is closely followed by an addiction for new running gear haha 😂🤣

ruralfrance profile image

I really enjoyed this post, icklegui. Just what's needed on a cold, wet, foggy and extremely miserable December morning here is southwest France. Keep posting and good luck!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to ruralfrance

Aw thanks! Southwest France, eh? I'd say sounds lovely but your description doesn't! Get some fluoro on, be seen through the fog!

rolysmate profile image

Good on yer getting back out, check under your pillow for lost mojo as people have a habit of putting them there for safe keeping and forgetting!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to rolysmate

think my black dog runs off with my mojo sometimes! Naughty creature.

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateGraduate in reply to icklegui

That black dog has a lot to answer for

Irishprincess profile image

Great post and I soooo understand about the gear thing! But it's a great motivator to get out there if only to show it all off 🤗

Well done on the run, keep going 🏃🏃🏃

Theziggy profile image

Well done, leave that dark canine far behind you 8-)

misswobble profile image

Yep, better than medicine !

Sporting your new duds must have made you feel epic 👍. I ran in a merino top yesters but at 8 degrees I felt a bit hot around the collar 😂

I have had some Karrimor capris since I first started running but a split the backside on them yesterday 😱. So I have to shop for new ones. Hard life int it

Get thee to a running shop! As the saying goes 😎

the_tea_fairy profile image
the_tea_fairyGraduate in reply to misswobble

Tk maxx have great running leggings - my pairs are 4 years old and good as new

angemum profile image

Ringing a lot of bells this end ...!! x

HeleneCorsa profile image

I mentioned elsewhere (and not sure if I am actually allowed to) that yesterday I stumbled on a site called MisterRunning, and spent far too much time on it as a result. Was looking for a very lightweight running anorak type thing and found by far the lowest price there. It's based in Italy but ships all over Europe. They had some lovely stuff, the site is nice to browse (there's an English version too) and there's a voucher for new customers.

I have decided I need new leggings too. Have been wearing and washing repeatedly the same pair I bought about four years ago. They are still perfect but capri length and I could do with a full length pair now it's nippy out (not that I'm bothered after the first five minutes or so really).

I swore I wouldn't be seduced by gear but I am definitely slipping down that slope!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to HeleneCorsa

I'm not sure you should be allowed to if only for the good of your fellow forummers' wallets! Though if the bargains are to be had ... and as MickGJ says below, if it's motivating... thanks for the tip!

I'm glad I bought new leggings as the ones I had were all quite thin and these are thick and supportive. They're capri, but I'm very short - I can "top up" with my famous legwarmers! Yours must be a good brand if you've got four years' wear from them, I hope mine last.

I'm so pleased too with my 2nd hand fluoro and merino, can you tell :D

MickGJ profile image

Exercise isn't practically medicine, it is medicine. If a drug came out with the multiple health and mental benefits of exercise we'd all take it every day and the inventor would win a Nobel Prize. If it wasn't available on the NHS rich people would fly to Switzerland for a course of treatment or buy it on the black market at inflated prices.

Yet even though I've known this for a long time I've done very little about it until now. So literally anything that gets you going and motivates you is more than worth the money--apps, running gear, music, gadgets, shoes. Shopping never felt more virtuous.

Not what you're looking for?

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