So today I met my gremlins for the first time! Started Wk4 this morning and although I've never worried about my breathing it was the only thing I could think about! The first three minutes were awful 😩even though I ran three minutes last week no problem. By the last five minutes I was starting to relax and finished strongly but not looking forward to next run now. Help!!
Gremlins: So today I met my gremlins for the... - Couch to 5K

I had gremlins through the whole of week 3 and just had them really badly today on week 6, run 1. Dig deep and push them away, it's not just you 😀

You've been fine so far so just put it down to being one of those runs, my only worry about my breathing is that it doesn't stop lol
I suck it in and blow it out the best I can!

Please don't worry! If it's taken until now for them to visit I think you are safe. As you have probably realised, they drop in from time to time, often unexpectedly, but if you stand your ground, they don't tend to stick around for long. You finished well, which is great - so hold onto that thought until next time.
I also think it's quite normal for them to show up in the early stages but they disappear as you ease into the run.

Well you recognised it as just gremlins and you finished the run. You won. If it happens again you have nothing to fear.
There is a lot of debate about breathing techniques, if you look into it. That tells me one thing: there is no one size fits all answer. Do what works for you.
Personally, I don't worry about my breathing. If I can do it in my sleep, I can certainly do it whilst I'm running. In fact the only thing I do know is its better when I ldon't interfere and leave my body to take care of it itself.

.... and once you think about it... blimey..just like blinking.. we do it automatically, then we think about it... ( bet you just blinked again)
Just set out, nice and slow, hum in your head or quietly as you go... I used that technique learning to do the crawl.. it topped me thinking about my breathing
Just start slow next time... and know that you are going to be just fine

Give your gremlin a name (mine is called Gary and he's a grade A rat bag), then banish him/her to the darkest corner of your mind. Strap him or her firmly to the chair with the TV remote stuck in their gobs, and run fast enough to put them off their beer and crisps. As for the breathing, it's a bit like trying to work out how your legs coordinate - you end up tripping yourself up. Look around yourself, do a mental body check from the feet up, concentrate on successive goals (the next lamp post, the end of the road..) and your breathing will sort itself out whilst you're not looking
Ooh will need to think of a name for mine! Distraction seems to be the advice I've been getting..makes sense. Thank you.
This is mfamilias Gary!!!! Have a think what yours looks like
I love that drawing, Oldfloss . Gary has framed it and hung it over the telly (ack of my mind, on the left). Here's the description of Gary the Gremlin:

Hahaha brilliant!