Having had the extreme frustration of not being able to run having done my back in (not running either!), the physio gave me the go-ahead to start gently on a treadmill (because it's more forgiving than the pavement), and alternating walking and running. So I'm doing one run from each week.
Today it was Week 3. I remember well how I thought to myself "how the heck am I going to jump from 90 seconds to 3 minutes?", but doing it without much bother (and finding the 90 second stints quite trivial).
Having graduated to the full 30 mins, I was pleased to find how trivial I found the Week 3 run - but am taking it gradually so as not to do my back in.
Actually, to be honest ... obviously I've become an addict as I didn't really want to stop. For the last 3 minute session I jacked the speed up to 10 kph ( ie 5k in 30 mins pace) to see if I could do it. But the W3 workout is only 25 minutes long & I'd set the timer on the treadmill for 30 minutes (and it does a 5 minute "cool down" as well). So I utilised the extra 5 minutes for a couple more running stints - the final 30 seconds at a pace of 5:30 per km (insane by my normal standards).
The treadmill, although nothing like as pleasurable as running outdoors, is nonetheless a useful tool to explore your limits & I don't think I pushed them too far today. Also it's in front of a mirror so you can observe yourself actually running, and think "look! look! I'm a runner!"
And my back? Well still a bit painful - but it was when I got out of bed, and certainly hasn't got any worse for the run. Nothing like the hobbling pain a few weeks back.
So good to be running again! Once you've started it you notice how many other runners there out there on the pavements, and if injury prevents you, you feel so jealous!