New begining: Hi everyone..well here I am... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Fatplumber profile image
11 Replies

Hi everyone..well here I am..another weekend halfway over..I always thought that when I'd paid the mortgage off and kids left home at 57 .I'd be over the moon looking forward to early retirement..and restful far from the reality was that !! Instead i dread weekends..took up smoking 9 years ago due to work stress and financial crises..put on well over 4 stone too much..and feel like death...but eight weks ago I stopped smoking from 30 a day to nothing...started to feel slightly better..and could smell and taste things for first time in years..phycologcally started to feel stronger as well..unfortunately i had wobble the other day and had 5 fags..i feel s## t today..but decided to get involved with something to be the person I use to be..looking for help Thanks

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Fatplumber profile image
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11 Replies
sheps profile image

Wow!, Well, you've come to the right place. Or at least one of them. I don't think this forum can help directly with the smoking (though there will be other former smokers here to share stories with you) or the weight loss (though there are plenty of people who want to lose some, or a lot) But the amazing positivity of this place is wonderful.

So, have you downloaded the Couch to 5K app? That is the next step, along with getting trainers and getting off the couch. It sounds to me as though you are already heading towards the edge of the couch, so the following steop is out of the door.

You are not alone in any of the things you write about. Others are overweight, older than you, feeling less fit. What we all want is to make a change in our lives that is so much for the better.

Welcome to C25K. I won't offer you a seat, but we'll all accompany you on your running joureny.

Fatplumber profile image
Fatplumber in reply to sheps

Thanks knowing i have support at the starting blocks to regaining my life and being able to share my journey is a great feeling Thankyou😌

Tassiedebs profile image

Hi Fatplumber ... good place to start your journey .. me? Overweight 51 year old ... not a smoker, but have just reduced the wine intake from everyday to just once a week and make myself go out there and start moving! Anything you do ... is a bonus .... 5 fags isn't a failure ... look at how many less that is from before! Now get out and at least walk ... you'll soon find you'll want to do more and not slip back! Good luck and keep posting!

Oldfloss profile image

Ditch the cigarettes... get the healthy eating regime going... and begin the journey to find the real you.... :)

Hardest step is the first... you just did that.. you are here.. and we know you are here... start that run... take your rest days, listen to your body, do not push too hard and keep it slow and steady.

Keep posting and we will support, encourage, cajole, sympathise and give you a shove if needed...:)

Bet you are glad you came now aren't you?

Welcome to the best thing ever :)

I shall be watching for the post of your first run!

Fatplumber profile image
Fatplumber in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks i need a kick up the butt..🙄get my life on track again..use to run 2 miles a day for twenty years ..last 9 years life fell apart took its toll on me mentally and physically but i determined to fight back..thanks for your support

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi and welcome to the c25k forum.

Having a structured running plan to follow that really works should help your fitness, health and boost your self-esteem.

You can do this...Good luck😊🏃

Razouski profile image

Hi Fatplumber and welcome. I can only echo what others have said.

We all have different reasons for taking up C25K, (mine is part of my fight against cancer). I had never run in my life - not distance - I had s note from my my mum at school to get me out of cross country . But last year after having treatment for cancer my Macmillan trainer suggested running. I thought she was mad, but the Couch to 5k has helped me feel in control of my body again, and also got me fitter. I am actually going to do a 10k Race for Life next Sunday, so it really is doable. Good luck with that first run, and I shall look out for your post telling us about it. 🤓

Fatplumber profile image
Fatplumber in reply to Razouski

Thankyou..I use to be extreamly fit..ran 2 miles a day for twenty years..ran my own business and always active around the home..then 9 years ago life fell apart..which took me into the oblivion of mental illness..taken me all this time to climb out..still fighting the black emptiness. This is my reasons for wanting to I remember the joy of fitness and being at one with life..sounds crazy i know ..but I sort of feel my body or mind is screaming at me to do it..

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fatplumber

Listen to it... your body is your best guide....many of us have found the mental and physical benefits if C25K and beyond, life changing... and the posts of folk like Razouski and IannodaTruffe . just to mention two, (there are so many others too...) are completely inspiring!

loyton profile image

Sheps how do you reply to them help at Me

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Hi Fatplumber (is that just a Pseudonym... are you actually Super Mario)..?? 😉

Like you, I joined the group yesterday. I'd just completed W3R2 and needed some inspiration. Well, I certainly got that after reading so many of the stories on here..!!

I'd had a couple of minor 'episodes' in my life that I had coped with (with some help) but I, too, was 'swallowed' by the darkness 9 years ago (pretty much to the day) following some tremendous upheaval in my life (you're not my ex-husband by any chance) 😂. My doc said to me "You need help" as, like Alice, I fell down a big black hole. Unfortunately Wonderland was not at the bottom..!!

The only exercise I've ever done has been the odd few months gym membership when I've had an over eager friend in need of a partner. Running..?? Noooooooo, not in my wildest dreams.

I was ALWAYS the last kid to be picked at school for the sports teams because I was so crap 😔

Having just turned 50 and seeing my 70 year old mother struggling to walk due to inactivity all her life, leading to bad hips and knees, I decided I needed to act NOW before I found myself in the same situation. The fact that I can still 'do' is, often, the only thing that keeps me going.

Winter is always an awful time of year for me - not this year - I'm going to be out there, fighting the darkness.

Go on Fatplumber, YOU KNOW you can do this..!! Fight that darkness..!!

We're all beside you 😊

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