Couch to treadmill: Good morning all. I'm going... - Couch to 5K

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Couch to treadmill

Tammi389 profile image
17 Replies

Good morning all. I'm going to start C25K today but I'll be on the treadmill. I'm overweight and too shy/unfit to run where people will see me. I've promised my 8 year old that I'll join him doing junior park run in the October holidays so hopefully as I get fitter I'll dare run outside.

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Tammi389 profile image
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17 Replies
katki profile image

Hi Tammi. I know what you mean with not wanting to run outside. I am about 4 stone overweight, and am fortunate to have an overweight friend, and we run/walk together. I have done a run on my own and, once out, was surprised how well it went. That was about a year ago though, stopped running, as friend couldn't make it and now back to square one. Hoping to get motivated again and support from this forum

A155sjd profile image

Good luck and if you do want to think about running outside its not as scary as you might think, Im overweight ,I hated running in front of people (which is one of the reasons why I run so early) but no-one else cares, I know I barely notice other runners apart from to wish I was so effortless rather than a wheezing, sweaty glowing mess and if its a particularly bad run then all I am doing is concentrating on getting one foot in front of the other until the run is over.

Debbie698 profile image

I have only been doing this a short while Tammi and at first I was a little nervous going outside especially in my running clothes (which I feel do help my flow)) but really honestly nobody notices you - please believe me and get out there - feeling the breeze on my skin and the drizzle this morning was so lovely. Welcome and all the best. Debbie xx

Hello Tammi.

I am new to this also - only a couple of weeks. Please try to do it outside - really nobody notices you (I didn't believe people at first!) This morning the breeze and drizzle on my skin was so lovely. I was conscious in my running clothes(which I do feel help my flow)also at first but nobody does. This forum is a great help and sometimes quite jokey so welcome and 😊 xx

get out there. I was 🏃‍♀️ crawling and a little running

Yvonbe profile image

Hi Tammi, I am also knew to this but it's a wonderful feeling being outside, hopefully it won't be long until you feel confident enough to run outdoors. I also know that anyone that sees you will be thinking , what a good lass, well done her forgetting out and doing something 🙂 X

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateGraduate in reply to Yvonbe

Exactly, there may be a few unkind people in the world BUT the majority will either a)not notice you or b) be thinking well done you and will be mentally spurring you on

You can do this and you have a fantastic insentive to run that park run with your lad

Please keep us informed on your progress, you can and you will do this!

Bunyolaswife profile image

I've just started on the programme also Tammi and have not run at all outside ever just on a treadmill and that was many years ago . I did my first run this morning at 0630 and it was rather OK ! No one blinks at you and at that time most people out are keeping fit walking dogs etc before work so no interest in others . I ve put my reminder on for Friday for the next one : My goal is to surprise my running mad daughter by suggesting to meet at park run before Christmas! Keep going :) I need to put my feet up now !!

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateGraduate in reply to Bunyolaswife

Now what a surprise/treat that will be for your daughter, go you

unlikelyrunner profile image

Hi Tammi. I'm 5 stone overweight and am enjoying the afterglow of my first week 7 run this morning. I honestly didn't think I would be able to do this and feel so good to have got this far. I put music on with my C25K app and puff around the streets at the speed of a snail and would rather people saw me doing than than assuming I just sit on the sofa and stuff my face. I like seeing bigger people out exercising - it sets a good example and people who are hauling around a load of additional kgs are more impressive than the little skinnies that don't have to do battle with their weight.

We're all metophorically running alongside you - go for it!

Junior Park run with your son sounds like a great target. He will love it and that will get you through. Once you've enjoyed running with other people once I am sure that will make it easier. Meanwhile keep going on the treadmill and if you get bored remember there is always outdoors...

Word of warning though, children can run fast - lots of posts here a couple of months ago about being overtaken in the park by toddlers. So don't be surprised if he beats you on the day. That will also make him happy of course.

GingerBohemian profile image

I've never been impressed when I see some skinny little wisp go running past or some finely tuned athlete at the gym. They have got to where they need to be and are now keeping it going.

I am however HUGELY in awe and admiration when I see some person who is out of their comfort and fitness zone doing something to make a change.

Make eye contact with everyone that looks at you and give them a cheerful 'Morning!'

Joffle (jog/shuffle) with pride !!

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateGraduate in reply to GingerBohemian

top notch reply

HeleneCorsa profile image

Welcome Tammi! Obviously it's great that you have started and it's right that you should do so where you feel most comfortable to build up a little confidence. But I do hope you will reconsider as far as running outdoors is concerned. I find it so much more mood-enhancing and stimulating to be outdoors and love feeling the early morning air on my face (IMO best time for running as you won't encounter too many people and many of them will be runners too).

I always think it's great to see people seeking to improve their lives and to better themselves in any way, whatever their shape/size/age/reasons may be. I like to believe that most people feel the same (and the tiny minority of scornful people are not worthy of consideration).

If you manage to join your son in his run, I think he will be delighted and very proud, so that's a great incentive to keep going! Accomplishing tasks together is one of the very best things you can do with your child.

H xx

Qscout profile image

Well done on completing the hardest run of c25k.

Treadmill or outside it doesn't matter, stick to the plan and you will be running for 30mins in no time.

(whispers) Though for me you can't beat being out in the fresh air, running outside.

MarkyD profile image

Well done Tammi. You'll know when you are ready to head outside. Until then, enjoy C25K, keep posting here and let us know all about your progress, challenges and successes. We'll get you cheered along, tuned up, rebuilt and ready for parkrun later in the year.

MuddyJane profile image

This was how I felt! With no access to a treadmill my first two weeks were spent running after dark, just before bed.

As my running improved my confidence grew and I decided that an overweight person running should be cheered not laughed at.

To be honest I run for me so now I do it anytime I want!

Good luck and enjoy your journey.

Steved110 profile image

No one will look twice at you outside except other runners who will appreciate your determination.

Everyone else is too busy

Lexien profile image

Hi, I'm in the same boat as you. I've started the programme, and am on week 5 run 2 running exclusively in the gym on a treadmill.

This works for me, as it helped to eliminate some of the barriers I was putting up for myself.

Being seen in public, although I know this is only in my own head and I'm still seen at the gym it's less intimidating.

Risk of injuries. I imagine this is hotly debated, but it seems easier running on a consistently smooth surface than a hard pavement or changing between surfaces outside.

I also don't have any equipment to monitor heart rate, or distance or speed etc etc. So rather than cost of equipment being a barrier, it's all tied up in my gym fee as the treadmill does it for you.

Edit: for more reasons. It solves the problem of me making excuses not to run in bad weather by running indoors. Also my partner goes to the gym so I can go do my thing while he's there while he wouldn't go running outside with me so it's another way to keep me on track.

I think I might transition to running outside once my confidence is up, but it's better to start running even if it's inside than not at all - at least that's how I'm thinking of it.

Well done on deciding to get started. It's not easy, but I do feel good about what I've achieved so far.

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