I was hoping to do my graduation run this morning but we have gales and rain here. It's going to have to wait. Then I have a really early start tomorrow and a full, tough day so I may have to wait until Saturday. Really disappointed.
Disappointed and frustrated: I was hoping to do... - Couch to 5K
Disappointed and frustrated

It is frustrating but the run will be waiting for you. Good luck on Saturday.

Be patient and set up the circumstances as carefully as possible so that it is memorable for the right reasons. Due to excitable impatience (I was only 57 at the time) I did my graduation run on a Friday evening after a hard week at work and it turned into a hard slog, after a glorious W9R2. Why did I not wait until the Saturday?
The delay gives you planning time.
Misunderestimating how bigly the weather can affect you... Rain and gales not great for you. So go nucular and do it Saturday when the sun is shining. Big hugs from your clone

Gives you a little more time to rest, channel that disappointment in to determination and smash it on Saturday. Good luck.

Now that's going to wreck your linguistic reputation. But I'm laughing quite imoderately.

It might blow over. Rain is fine though, generally

Which is why I said "generally" 🙂💦💨

Saturday will be just fine The run will be waiting and you will be fresher and ready to shake off the tough day
Things are calming down out there so I might even get out this evening. That will be a new time for me to run - maybe not a great idea - I'll see how I feel later.

40kph southwesterly here on sussex coast. I was actually running on the spot at one point this pm. Too hard. Big lull predicted tmrw.