Well today's the day I start Week 4 Run 1 am not looking forward to it, I know Week 1 was the hardest and I have managed Week 2 and 3 but I don't find them any easier - I feel as if I am getting slower ๐ข
Worried: Well today's the day I start Week 4 Run... - Couch to 5K

It won't get easier, but you will get stronger. Each week will stretch you a little further - but no too much.
Follow the programme. You may feel slower because your expectations on yourself have increased. But don't be too hard on yourself, it is the early stages of your running career and for now just getting out and doing it is enough expectation to place on yourself.
I am a couple of months post-graduate and have a current PB of 28:00, but still feel I run like a snail.
You're are doing great๐๐๐๐

That is fine... I love slow... my middle names are slow and steady...
So... relax.... change that mind set... and think...Week 4...I am going to do this and I am going to enjoy it.
Warm up well.., whilst you are, reflect on how far you have come... shake out those shoulders, unclench those fists..smile, and begin... slowly....look around, watch the world... land lightly and gently,just kissing the ground with your feet...enjoy the walk break, feel the ease down and then move into the next run, knowing you are going to do it... confidence is everything... speed, is nothing.....
" Just fast enough to get there...but slow enough to see"
You are going to do this... we will be right there with you
Hey heartless oldfloss is so right, slow gives you the stamina to build up the distance and time. The speedy bit comes later, we promise...

I did it very proud never thought I would run 5 minutes without stopping - well I say run I mean a slow jog - but I didn't believe I would do a minute before I started this - thank you for the support and kind words.
Well I survived cant say I really enjoyed the 5 mins but I am beginning to love the 90 sec run and 3 mins - so hopefully next week 5 minutes will be more bearable . thank you for your encouragement
It's serious running time when you think about it. And the plan builds you slowly. I swore like a trooper when Mr Smooth told me about the 5 minutes. Now I wish he'd tell me it was only 5 minutes. And you too will feel exactly the same. Well done for finding the grit and tenacity
Thank you Oldfloss I really enjoyed the 90 sec and even the 3 minutes was not so bad cant say I enjoyed the 5 minutes I was really pleased when it had finished - and when Jo came on and said I was halfway I felt like screaming - but I completed it and felt very proud - just got to believe I can do this and the programme is set just right to allow us to do this

Speed doesn't matter! I'm a few months post grad & would love a pb of 28mins- but I'm still amazed I can even run! So just be proud of yourself & enjoy your success.

Slow down! Seriously, however slow you think you're going, go a bit slower. The main thing is to do it at a pace where you feel reasonably OK, so that you don't feel miserable about doing it again. I'm saying this as a reminder to myself as well - but it's truly the only way I've managed to get to week 7 is by going super slow - whenever I go a bit quicker I get really puffed out and hate it and don't want to go again. I remind myself that my goal is to keep going through the programme, not to be fast or travel long distances - just to keep going.
You can do this!!

Don't worry about being slow or going slower - it's more important that you complete the programme. You can worry about increasing your speed once you've graduated. A little tale for you! Two weeks ago I did Eastbourne Parkrun - 5k - first time I've run for 5k without stopping. My time was 41.22 (which I'm more than happy with). Last week I did the same Parkrun again. Shouldn't have run, had given blood a few days before, didn't listen to the warnings from the regulars on here and did it anyway. At 2k I came over all lightheaded and had to walk the majority of the remaining 3k. My time? 42.29. Only a minute slower than when I had run the whole thing!!!!!! You'll find, however, that it's more rewarding to manage the runs as per the programme than to run fast(er) and not be able to run for the time the programme says. Believe me, there is always someone slower than you.
Thank you Mrs Snail - dont think I will ever earn the name speedy

I love this forum. On Runners World they're all competing to have the fastest time. On this forum we're all competing to be the slowest! Of the three Parkruns I've done, although I've been towards the back, I've never come last even if you discount the trail runner/walker. I have no idea how anyone can complete the course slower than I can! Perhaps they hop round it.
Lol my aim is to complete the weeks slowly is the way forward, I figure we can aim to build up speed after the programme is finished - maybe ;(
Reading this has given me so much support and a real feeling of "yes, I can do this" well done on your run ๐ฅ
thank you wasnt so much of a run more a slow jog but I did it and I will continue, this group is amazing for support cannot believe there are so many people who feel exactly the same
I've just completed my w4 R2 too !! A total non runner before and like you can't believe that I'm doing this and finishing ! I refuse to stop before I'm told to but gotta say I do go incredibly slow , my dog Crumble is doing it with me too and he's out of breath when we finish ! But such a great feeling and to be proud off , keep it up x I'm even taking my trainers on holiday next week as feel these next weeks are crucial to keep going ๐
Well done sabaoh I am not looking forward to R2 I am a total beginner hated running can't say I am over thrilled about it now but I want to keep going to prove to myself I can and I will do this- hard to believe how unfit I really was bit disappointed the weight not dropping though I too am taking my trainers at the end of the month on holiday I really don't want to go backwards
we all need to be proud of ourselves

I'm taking my trainers on holiday too! Never thought I'd want to run on holiday!
I think this is an amazing community, so supportive. We can do this!