Started last week w1r1 and every 60 seconds of running I was counting down wishing it to be over - not painful just hard to push myself on. Despite completing r1 and feeling good I haven't gone on ...seem to find every excuse! I'm doing it for many reasons but after 10 years of very little exercise and sedentary lifestyle hoping I can enjoy exercise again and procrastination doesn't hijack it!! Does anyone have any advice to motivate getting started ?
How can I best the procrastination!! - Couch to 5K
How can I best the procrastination!!

Action precedes motivation. Just go out and do it and motivation will catch up with you. Motivation comes and goes. Discipline is what makes us keep going out and doing things.

Trouble with exercise is, in this day-and-age its easy to avoid. Remember that feeling you got after completing R1? Well you get to enjoy that each and every time you run.
I guess its time to ask yourself why you started this? I'm guessing that reason hasn't gone away now you've done one run. The runs themselves will be a challenge, that's the point of them, but what have you got to lose?. All you are doing is committing yourself to another run, then maybe another few runs over the next few weeks.
Go for it. And when your done, inspire others to be like you!

Rignold is right... if the motivation bug does not bite you.. just take a big breath and get out there...Only you can do this, so how badly do you want it?
So, maybe stop thinking of reasons and excuses why you can't, and start thinking of reasons why you will

Rignold uses that horrid word 'discipline' to tell it like it is.
You probably don't need to 'discipline' yourself to do a number of things such as brushing your teeth, you just get on and do them.
In my own case, I eventually come to a point where it is less burdensome to just 'get it over with' than to feel bad about not having got out.
That and my big knickers! On a run day I wear big firm control knickers and put them on first thing... so if I don't run that day, I have to wear them the next and so on. I don't particularly like wearing big knickers so eventually, I'll do the run so I can get them off.
The proof this works is that because these days I do not absolutely need to wear firm control knickers to run comfortably, having burned some of the flab into oblivion, I have been sneaking ordinary knickers on instead... with the result that I found myself with 2 weeks without a run (there were other, better reasons as well but...) This morning, the big 'uns went on... and my run is done!

Give that procrastinating devil a name - he, or she, is your gremlin. We all have one - you have to get to know him, or her, and then beat them every time. Get your shoes and your kit on to show them who's boss, then once you are out of the door you won't turn back. Getting out of the door is the hardest part of any run. Then finish the run and shut up the gremlin- a double whammy. Mine is called Gary - an obnoxious, whingy toad who always has a good reason for me not to set foot outside. He's been around since I started this programme two years ago, and he was in fine fettle yesterday explaining that I will never finish my first half marathon at the end of June, so there was no point going out for a 14k run. I showed him who was boss. You can do the same - go from "I never ran", to "I run and I'm an awesome gremlin-tamer". Now get those shoes on and gooooooo!

My motivation was, and still is, the hope that I can avoid the diseases associated with lack of activity that so many of my peers have succumbed to. Many have had major heart operations, some have diabetes and all have regretted their sedentary pasts.
Take avoiding action while you can, it is so much easier than when you face long term illness.
That was my motivation originally..........a necessary evil........Little did I realise that I would fall in love with running. Being outdoors, charging through the countryside makes me feel four decades younger than I am, and I could probably outrun the 21 year old me. Why fade away into lingering illness when it is in your own hands to do all you can to avoid that fate. No guarantees........but I wish I had discovered this when I was younger.
It makes sense. It works. Do it for yourself.
Hi, I struggle with procrastination too. I think having the coach on the C25K and my music on in the background really helps...some great tracks make you feel doubly good and more lifted when you finish so I'm hoping I'll want to do it again! Laying out my exercise stuff helps as If any item is in the wash...that's a great reason not to go right!! Knowing that I may feel low when I start but lifted when I finish is my motivation, also I'm going on holiday with my much slimmer friend in July and I don't want to look like a beached whale next to wedding and pictures looming too. I guess it's what ever motivates you and a list might help to look at the night before you plan to run? Don't give up...I'd love to say I'm a runner and I run, maybe you do too? x
You just need to really think what your "why" is. Why do you want to do this? Give it a lot of thought and it will come to you. Once you have it, keep reminding yourself of your why and you'll do it.
Mine is pretty straight forward, I had surgery last November to remove a disc from my neck that had ruptured due to wear and tear and have been left with nerve pain. Exercise manages my pain, if I don't do it my leg feels like someone has taken a blow torch to it!
Don't give up though! I'm 5 weeks in and I'm starting to love how the running makes me feel mentally as well as physically and it is a great feeling!
Yes sorry but just do it, you'll be amazed how much you'll progress over the coming weeks from knackered after one minute to a cool thirty minutes, aches and pains come and go but just keep it regular, can't say I enjoy running much but I love having done it but remember, use the force 😃