As you will be aware I am starting couch to 5k Monday. I need advice unless it is fluctuated in different people but which of the runs is hardest I can take week 1 run 1 will be a killer but the ones after that like week 2 onward. all answers will be appreciated T.I.A.
Need advice: As you will be aware I am starting... - Couch to 5K
Need advice

Just get out and go. First one is the hardest because you don't know what to expect. After that, we've all had ups and downs for various reasons, the important thing is to keep getting out there. Just keep it slow, you'll be fine. Don't think too much beyond the run you're currently doing.
I found my first run exhausting but no injuries apart from my lungs felt like a couple of 'saggy balloons',bit boy I enjoyed it.GOOD LUCK take it slowly,and most of all, enjoy it.

Actually getting out the door and getting started is probably harder than any of the runs!
Each run prepares you for the next so don't worry, just take Laura's hand and go for it😊

Stop thinking.............start running!

Absolutely! Do not worry about other runs. Just concentrate on the one in front of you 😀 It's only walking with a few slow jogs, nothing difficult! You will enjoy it.
Lidl has running duds, including shoes, from next Thursday 🙂
As long as you go very steadily you will be ok. That's what is so good about the programme. Slower the better. You avoid hurting yourself that way 🙂
There will be others here on the same week as you so you can compare notes.

Just go! Take it steadily and Laura will prepare you for the next run, don't worry Best of luck - come back and tell us how you did

The programme has been designed especially for you! Once you get going on it, you'll enjoy it. Every little achievement spurs you on. Good on you for doing it ✅

I found not thinking too much about it and doing it the best way forward, follow the programme properly, slow & steady! just go do it!!

For me the hardest was getting out of the house at the beginning, the first couple of weeks your body is still not used to the exercise, and then you go out to struggle with 90 seconds of running at a time while the 'real runners' pass in front of you like lightning.Let me tell you, after those first two weeks everything changes, you begin to feel more energized and your body will start craving the exercise. And then is when you'll realize you have become one of them! 8 weeks ago I couldn't run for 60 seconds and now I'm doing 25 minutes. Every week there is a new challenge, but if you stick to the plan you can definitely do it.

Just before I started I spent so much time focusing and worrying about weeks 5 to 9 that I almost didn't start at all. Only focus on the run you are doing that day and don't worry about anything beyond that. Enjoy it!

My advice is try not to overthink it too much... just take each run and do it. Do what Laura says, take it slow and steady too. It isnt easy but the rewards are bountiful. Good luck

Just run
Focus on the now.. not the next.
Take it slowly take it steadily... that is all you need to do.
Follow the programme take your rest days and trust the comments of those who have gone ahead
You will do this and we will be right there with you.. all the way.
" Nothing to fear, except fear itself"

I've just completed day one week one today and it was great! Once you get out there just look ahead and enjoy it. When you finish there's a feeling of an amazing sense of achievement which will keep you going to the next time.
Good luck x

Don't forget... just because its called week 1 it doesn't mean you have to complete the runs in one week. If you feel that you are still finding week one tough at the end of the week then keep doing the week 1 runs until you feel comfortable moving onto week 2.
There is no rush to complete the program and going too quickly (through the progam) could just make you feel despondent.