Post Graduation Update & ...What Are You Doing? - Couch to 5K

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Post Graduation Update & ...What Are You Doing?

Sofargoner profile image
15 Replies

It's weird running without Laura.

I miss her.

Although it's kinda nice having some freedom to keep going for longer, drop to a walk when you are totally peched, start running again and not feel guilty cos you put a little interval in when on W9 you wouldn't have felt you could do that!

Today I went to a massive, massive wind farm and ran around one of the tracks for 38 mins, and I noticed from my tracker that I have now, 3 weeks after graduation, dropped one minute off my time to do 1km!! Still pathetically slow, but less so than last month!

I'm trying to work up to running 5K but that still feels like a long way off. I am now aiming to improve on 35 mins continuous to 40 mins .....sort of setting my own programme slightly.

I'd love to hear what other people are doing post-graduation. I have downloaded Speed, Stamina and Sangria*** (forgotten the name of the third one) but the Speed one was so fast I nearly passed out so I have shelved that idea for the time being.....

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Sofargoner profile image
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15 Replies
ench0 profile image

After the graduation my only goal was to keep doing it. So I did and as a side effect I've dropped from 38 mins 5K to 31 mins. Getting fitter and faster without even aiming for that. But I had to travel for three weeks and due to extreme weather conditions (icy, snowy, 25 degrees below zero) I've done no running at all while away. Now since I've come back, had 2 very slow runs (don't want to risk an injury plus I do feel the break had negative effect).

Long term plans: none; will try to maintain my fitness and enjoy the side effects. 😀 Might increase the distance once I get bored.

Shazjj67 profile image

My plan post graduation initially was to run 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes, longer at the weekend if I'm up to it. I've done a couple of parkruns but think I prefer solo running just listening to my music. I graduated in November and am currently running at least 5k 3 times a week, and have started to increase my weekend runs very gradually each week - aiming for 7k this Sunday! Aiming to run the Worthing 10K later in the year but just taking it slowly and steadily and (mostly) loving it!

mooning profile image

Running in different locations is my goal, and trying out trail running. I have a 10k planned in a few months that I'm following a programme for, but largely my aim is to just keep enjoying it. I've found that structured running helps me to do that.

GoogleMe profile image

I graduated pre-C25K+ podcasts (oh how I remember our excitement when they came out and how impatiently we waited, badgering Laura herself) but worked up to 5k. I recall my first one took an hour and 10 minutes!

I think you are approaching it all the right ways.

Sofargoner profile image
SofargonerGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

I am very encouraged by your initial time, as if I could keep going I think I would be over the hour. I think I may return to intervals of walking and jogging to see just how long 5K will take me!

Razouski profile image

I think I was lucky that by my graduation I could run 5k in just about 30 minutes, although I was previously going to the gym 2 or three times a week, and I also did the programme up to week 8 before having surgery and so started the programme from the beginning again, so I guess I had built up some stamina.

I love the idea of a podcast called Sangria! Maybe that would be an incentive to run a bit further if there was a Sangria waiting for you at the end. :-)

After graduating in December I wanted to do a Parkrun and be able to run the whole course, and to be able to consolidate my running, keeping at it three times a week.

My new year goals are to run a few more Parkruns, to improve my time and to increase my distance. However a dodgy Achilles tendon had me on the injury couch for a week. I'm hoping to do Parkrun tomorrow though as had two good runs this week. I think it'll just be good if I can maintain the running habit, to be honest. Your plan sounds good. Good luck with that.

Gump73 profile image

I graduated beginning of December and managed 5k on New Years day. For some reason I have struggled to keep running for 30mins since so nowhere near 5k. I have decided that for tonights run I'm bringing Laura with me again. I had hoped to be working towards 6k by now but I think I'm a bit lost without structure. Good luck and hope we all find our way!

Sofargoner profile image
SofargonerGraduate in reply to Gump73

thats interesting, my distances went down too after graduation, also just after New Year. I put a few lbs on, generally felt sluggish, tired etc. I was out of my wake/sleep/work routine and wondered if that affected me?

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Ha, I know a run with Laura is so comforting. The other one is Stepping stones, which is my favourite and quite a slow pace. You do short light steps and Laura counts for you but you don't take long strides so it is controlled and doable I found. Its a 30 min run.

I did this run quite a bit after graduation, but found no matter how much I tried, I couldn't add any further minutes on. So I started following the B210k podcasts with Sammi Murphy. This is similar to the c25k plan as it has running sections with 60 sec walk breaks. I had been running for 6 months after graduating before I started this, but have never really enjoyed just running to my own music with no target, until I found that walk breaks were possible! Now really enjoying the B210k runs and as these can be long I do wk9 of c25k with Laura or stepping stones for a shorter run and a change.

Your plan sounds great, good luck.You could always use any of the Laura runs and make them longer by doing your warm up walk before starting the podcast then running right through the podcast and doing your own warm down..

Keep posting your progress Sofargoner and Happy Running.😊

Sinouche profile image

Exactly in the same situation here. I have graduated in December and have ran since 2 to 3 times a week, 4.5K to 6K depending on the time I had. My goal is to keep on running for at least 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a week (ideally 3 but I've been unwell recently).

Not going fast by any means but hoping to keep a general level of fitness! But I miss Laura too :)

Happy running!

Millsie-J profile image

I am training towards a 10k but still use Laura sometimes. Yesterday I used C25k week 3 for speed interval work for example, running fast in run parts, jogging/walk in slower parts.

I would increase either time running or distance each week until you get to 5k. Then try to run 5 k regularly at least once a week but twice if you can. When you know you have consolidated the 5k, next steps are down to you, run and enjoy🏃🏼‍♀️😃

melly4012 profile image

Speed, Stamina and Sangria - now there's an exercise regime I could get behind! :)

Sounds like you're doing well. Just carry on going slow and steady and don't try too much too soon. Listen to your body as it will tell you if you're upping it too much. Your idea seems to be working though so the most important thing is just make sure you're enjoying the running. :)

Sofargoner profile image
SofargonerGraduate in reply to melly4012

I am. Its SO weird, sometimes when I am out I feel sore and tired and have to keep willing myself to get to the end but when I haven't been out for a few days I miss it and am working out avidly how I can fit a run in so theres no more than two days between. Whats happened to me? Is it like an addiction?

curlyann profile image

Hi. After graduation my aim was to keep running 3 times a week and build up to 5k within 30 minutes. I found it very strange without Laura and had to work harder to motivate myself, but I kept going and it began to settle. However, hit a blip when my Mum was poorly, then I went to America for 2 weeks and then it was Christmas. I struggled to get back even tho I wanted to and hated not running. I am happy to say now that I did get back out a couple of weeks ago and am starting to build up again. I started with Laura on W6 and am now back to running for 25 minutes and making 4k. So I am making sure I do 3 runs a week by booking them onto my diary like appts. I like the sound of the Bridge to 10k because as someone mentioned I like having a target rather than just running :-). Glad to see the familiar names on this thread and that we're still going. Happy running :-) x

Jess93 profile image

Apart from now having 2 parkruns under my proverbial belt, I'm doing all the runs on a borrowed treadmill (gradient set at 2) so this might be a bit harder to replicate on genuine roads, but here's what I'm up to.

I graduated Christmas Eve, and my final run was completed at about 9 km/h. In order to do 5km in 30 minutes, you need to average 10 km/h, so I'm repeating the week 9 podcast, each time increasing the treadmill speed by 0.1km/h, until I can manage to do the 5k in 30 minutes. I tend to only manage to do this once or twice a week (plus parkrun) but I'm gradually getting there! I haven't tried the c25k+ podcasts yet, nor am I brave enough to venture outside other than for parkrun, but maybe someday!

After that, my vague plan is to try and find a set of b210k podcasts and build up from there, but I want to properly consolidate the 5ks first. For me, it's a case of needing the structure of a plan and the podcasts mean that I don't have to concentrate much!

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