Running again at 60. Should be putting feet up... - Couch to 5K

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Running again at 60. Should be putting feet up at my age surely ??

14 Replies

Had health check after being semi retiring at 60. Was borderline diabetic . Doctor regularly told me need to lose 1 or 2 stone. Despite cycling 3 miles and back to work 2 or 3 days a week my weight never come off. Im no Chris Froome (who regularly gets snogged by French ladies after finishing stage. Lucky man . Best part of tour of France !) Hit 60 not long ago, gave up drinking completely (though only ever would have 1 or 2 at weddings etc) . Now on 2nd run of week 7, 25 mins running. surprised myself how good this plan is. just half stone off being top end of normal on BMI now and feel good. At school many years ago played in Footie teams and Cross country. Had nightmare of my old PE teacher chasing me with big slipper saying "Get in top 10 of cross country or your not in the football team" !! Actually wouldn't mind joining an "Old Gits" local football team now !

14 Replies
misswobble profile image

Nah! You need to be getting out there on your running legs and bike 😊 Walking too! I try and walk everywhere these days and it don't half burn off some calories ☺ C5k is brilliant. Take care with it, slow but sure is good ☺

poppypug profile image

Welcome aboard Joe !

Yep C25k is definitely where its at , down with the cool kids :-)

Lots of us on here ,all ages , abilities, and most of us all started off from the same point having not run since the " dreaded P.E "

Age doesn't matter .... unless youre a wine, a cheese or a whiskey !

Well done for reaching this far, and Good Luck for the rest of the programme ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Feet up.. you must be joking... this is where it all starts!

Hi there and welcome; this is the best thing ever and Graduation is just the beginning !

Well done you... :)

But.. less of the Old Gits the lovely poppypug says.. age does not matter unless you are a wine or a cheese.. and some of us are just like the finest old wines, we get better with every passing year :)

Ullyrunner profile image

Welcome to the over sixties club - and for some of us running only began at 60. No intention of retiring those running shoes for some years yet!

Thanks for all your comments. Glad to know I am not the only "Old git" staggering around the country ! Did my 25 minutes running today and definitely gives a sense of achievement. Find that knowing roughly how far I have to run helps. Takes me about 6 minutes to run round the little lake by me so I can tell myself only 1 lap or one lap and a bit to go. Cycle to my part time job which is about 5 K so I will run it occasionally when done my 9 weeks. Apart from losing weight need to have a purpose to keep it up. I might try and find an old gits football or some sort of sports club to keep me motivated.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Check out parkrun, Mr Public. There is probably one near you and it really is the epitome of people power, catering for all ages and abilities and totally free. It is as competitive as you want it to be but totally supportive and inspirational.

Thanks Iannoda I'll check parkrun out.

NIGHTINGALE1 profile image

I will be 63 this weekend by which time I will have completed week 7. Gave up playing weekly footie at 58. Now thinking of taking up walking footie as I miss the craic.

Bazza1234 profile image

IF - you really want to lose weight, you are going to have to look very closely at what you are putting into your mouth!! :) It is often said elsewhere - you don't lose weight out on the road - you lose most of it in the kitchen. 1 mile of walking/jogging/running will cost you around only 100 calories. 100 calories equals about 2 plain biscuits!! :(

However, exercise in the form of running/jogging/walking has other even more important benefits - combine these with the benefits gained by losing excess body fat and it is all very worth while.

Thanks Bazza and Nightingale. Right diet also. Think despite cycling , when at work full someone always bringing cakes and biscuits in addition to usual birthdays and excuses for a binge. Walking Footie sounds great.

melly4012 profile image

Well done, running for 25 minutes is a huge achievement. This programme really is amazing!

week 8 start tomorrow ! 3rd run of week 7 went OK. I find that now after running regularly I go into almost a "Trance". Don't know if that is the right word for it. Perhaps it's the music on the podcsast ?? Anyone else feel the same ? Muscles ache near end of run but always almost completely recover for next run after days rest. Can't believe it seems to be getting easier ! I Cycle to work 5 days a week and on my 2 days off. I'm cycling faster and get urge to push on faster. Perhaps I'm getting addicted ? Is that good or bad ??

poppypug profile image

Its all good Joe , all good .

This programme just opens up so many avenues and possibilities . We are capable of so much more than we ever give ourselves credit for .

Keep going, youre doing great ! :-) xxx

Did week 8 second 28 minute run. going well at moment. did just over 5 laps of roughly 800 to 850 metre circumference lake. Not quite 5K yet but near enough. Think one done 30 minutes runs next week perhaps work on a bit more speed. Surprised myself how good this plan is. My cycling is getting faster too !! my legs do ache and definitely need the days rest. Perhaps in future do running every day as I do cycling without too much effort.

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